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Executive - Tuesday 4th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting on the 4th of June covered several administrative items and two main topics: the Hertfordshire Development Quality Charter and the Walken Neighbourhood Plan first revision.

Hertfordshire Development Quality Charter

The Hertfordshire Development Quality Charter was launched by the Hertfordshire Growth Board in 2023. It aims to raise construction standards in Hertfordshire with seven pledges focused on design and sustainability. Seven local authorities and two developers have endorsed the charter or agreed to consider it in development decisions. The charter is voluntary and not mandatory, but it encourages developers to aim for higher standards in design and sustainability.

Councillor Vicki Glover-Ward proposed that the council recommend the charter as a material consideration for development management. Questions were raised about the voluntary nature of the charter and its enforceability. It was clarified that while the charter is not enforceable, it sets a benchmark for high-quality development. The council is also working on a district design code, which will be mandatory.

Councillor Carolyn presented a detailed statement from the Labour group, highlighting flaws in the charter, such as the lack of reference to local planning authorities and the National Design Guide. The response acknowledged these points but emphasized that the charter covers all of Hertfordshire and is not meant to be a detailed design document. The council's district plan review and design code will address these issues.

The recommendation to adopt the charter as a material consideration was passed.

Walken Neighbourhood Plan First Revision

The Walken Neighbourhood Plan, first adopted in 2018, has been revised to align with the district plan and account for growth east of Stevenage. The revisions focus on protecting the village's character and natural environment, including new local green spaces and a tree charter. The plan does not allocate new development sites as the housing requirement has already been met.

The examiner praised the plan for its positive impact on the environment and local heritage. The recommendation was to adopt the revised plan without a referendum, subject to minor modifications. Councillor Vicki Glover-Ward proposed the adoption, and it was seconded and passed without opposition.

Administrative Items

  • Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Darr and Councillor Britton.
  • The minutes of the previous meeting on 26th March were approved.
  • No declarations of interest were made.
  • There was no urgent business.

The meeting concluded at 19:20.


Katie Mogan
Profile image for Councillor Tim Hoskin
Councillor Tim Hoskin  Executive Member for Environmental Sustainability •  Green Party •  Hertford Heath and Brickendon
Profile image for Councillor Ben Crystall
Councillor Ben Crystall  Leader of the Council •  Green Party •  Hertford Bengeo
Profile image for Councillor Vicky Glover-Ward
Councillor Vicky Glover-Ward  Executive Member for Planning and Growth •  Green Party •  Hertford Kingsmead
Profile image for Councillor Carl Brittain
Councillor Carl Brittain  Executive Member for Financial Sustainability •  Green Party •  Hertford Kingsmead
Profile image for Councillor Joseph Dumont
Councillor Joseph Dumont  Executive Member for Corporate Services •  Liberal Democrats •  Great Amwell and Stansteads
Profile image for Councillor Alex Daar
Councillor Alex Daar  Executive Member for Communities •  Green Party •  Hertford Bengeo
Profile image for Councillor Sarah Hopewell
Councillor Sarah Hopewell  Executive Member for Wellbeing •  Green Party •  Hertford Castle
Profile image for Councillor Chris Wilson
Councillor Chris Wilson  Executive Member for Resident Engagement •  Liberal Democrats •  Bishop's Stortford All Saints
Profile image for Councillor Mione H Goldspink
Councillor Mione H Goldspink  Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Neighbourhoods •  Liberal Democrats •  Bishop's Stortford North