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Cabinet - Tuesday, 23 April 2024 2.00 pm

April 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Surrey County Council cabinet meeting focused on approving significant community projects and reviewing the financial status of the council. Key decisions included funding for community facilities and updates on the council's financial health.

  1. Calima Gypsy Roma Traveller Camp: The council approved funding for the renewal of utility blocks at the Calima camp. The decision aims to improve living conditions for the camp's residents, addressing health and well-being concerns. There was no opposition noted, and the decision underscores the council's commitment to supporting marginalized communities.

  2. Your Funds Surrey Applications: Three major projects received funding: Asheville Community Wellbeing Meeting Place, Epsom Sports Club, and the Link Community Hub in Hazlemere. Each project aims to enhance community facilities, supporting a range of activities from sports to mental health services. The funding was well-supported by council members and local representatives, highlighting a strong community backing and the anticipated positive impacts on local engagement and well-being.

  3. Financial Update: The council reviewed its financial status, noting a slight improvement in the forecasted overspend, which was a significant focus. The discussion highlighted ongoing financial pressures, particularly in adult social care and children's services, but also acknowledged effective management keeping the overspend minimal relative to the total budget. This reflects the council's robust financial handling amidst challenging economic conditions.

Interestingly, the meeting also touched on a housing strategy initiative, showcasing a proactive approach to addressing local housing crises through partnerships, although detailed discussions were reserved for a closed session. This initiative aligns with broader social improvement goals discussed throughout the meeting.