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Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with a brief overview of safety protocols and attendance. The main topics discussed included a tribute to the late James Williams, updates on public health initiatives, and the approval of various public health contracts and strategies.

  1. Tribute to James Williams: The meeting started with a somber note, acknowledging the passing of James Williams, Director of Public Health for Medway. Dr. Ghosh, Mr. Watkins, and Mrs. Cole shared heartfelt tributes, highlighting his contributions to public health and his personal qualities. The committee agreed to officially record their condolences to his family.

  2. Public Health Updates: Mr. Watkins provided updates on several public health initiatives:

    • Kent's Public Health Champions: Celebrating 130 individuals working in schools and charities to promote health and well-being. These champions organize community activities and events, and 40 champions qualify each year with Royal Society for Public Health qualifications.
    • National Walking Month: Encouraging the public to participate in walking activities to boost fitness and well-being. Mr. Watkins mentioned his participation in the Active Kent and Medway's Travel Your Way Challenge.
    • MMR Vaccine Clinics: Additional catch-up clinics for under-19s to receive MMR vaccines, run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, in response to a national rise in measles cases.
  3. Health Concerns: Dr. Ghosh discussed rising cases of measles and whooping cough, emphasizing the importance of vaccinations. He also mentioned the Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Fund, which received 98 applications, and the award-winning Kent and Medway suicide prevention program.

  4. Public Health Transformation Program: The committee discussed extending contracts with Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust by one year to March 2026. This extension is to allow more time for the Public Health Transformation Program, which aims to review and improve services. The decision was made to ensure strategic coherence and minimize workforce disruption.

  5. Performance Management: The committee reviewed the approach to selecting and setting targets for key performance indicators (KPIs) for public health services. The new KPIs will include benchmarking data and strategic indicators from the Kent Public Health Observatory.

  6. Integrated Care Strategy: The draft Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan was discussed. This comprehensive plan aims to consolidate activities across Kent and Medway, focusing on six shared outcomes. The committee noted the progress and supported the continued development of the plan.

  7. Work Program: The committee reviewed and agreed on the work program for the next five meetings, noting that the July meeting is already heavily populated.

The meeting concluded with a note of thanks to all participants.