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Annual Meeting, County Council - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 10.00 am

May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with the usual housekeeping announcements and apologies for absences from several members. The primary focus was on the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Kent County Council. Brian Sweetland was elected as Chairman, and Alan Ridges as Vice Chairman. Both elections were accompanied by speeches highlighting the candidates' qualifications and contributions.

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

  • Brian Sweetland was elected as Chairman of the Kent County Council. His nomination was proposed by Mr. Kight and seconded by Mr. Kennedy. Both speakers praised Sweetland's dedication to the community and his ability to balance seriousness with empathy.
  • Alan Ridges was elected as Vice Chairman. His nomination was proposed by Jordan and seconded by Sir Paul Carter. Both highlighted Ridges' extensive community service and his ability to bring people together.

Chairman's Announcements

  • Gary Cook was praised for his previous term as Chairman, particularly for his focus on children and community events.
  • Charities for the Year: The Chairman announced two Kent-based charities, We Are Beams and the Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund, as his chosen charities for the year. Representatives from both charities spoke about their work.
  • Tributes: The Chairman paid tribute to James Williams, Medway Council's Director of Public Health, who recently passed away. He also acknowledged the bravery of Craig McKinley MP, who had recently returned to the Commons after a health scare.

Questions and Answers

  • Pothole Blitz: Mr. Baker provided an update on the pothole blitz, stating that significant investment was being made to repair potholes across the county.
  • Southern Water: Concerns were raised about Southern Water's performance in reducing sewage discharges. The Council is working with Southern Water on pilot programs to reduce surface water runoff entering foul and combined sewers.
  • School Transport: Questions were raised about the number of children receiving subsidized transport and personal transport budgets. Mr. Love provided detailed figures and emphasized the value of the personal transport budget scheme.
  • SEND Services: The Council discussed the need for better scrutiny and improvement of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) services. A motion for a short-focused inquiry into SEND services was debated but ultimately failed to pass.

Other Business

  • Pay Strategy: The Council approved a new pay strategy to improve the pay structure for Council staff, ensuring a more transparent and consistent approach.
  • Local Transport Plan Update: An update on the Local Transport Plan was provided, focusing on improving transport infrastructure and securing future funding.
  • Standards Update: The Council approved updates to the standards code, including separate definitions for bullying and harassment.
  • Petition Scheme: The Council approved changes to the petition scheme, lowering the threshold for the number of signatures required for a petition to be debated.

The meeting concluded with a formal closing by the Chairman.