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Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting primarily focused on performance metrics for the 2023-24 financial year, the Kent Estates Partnership, and various lease agreements. The committee also discussed the implementation of an independent construction consultancy services framework and emergency response capabilities for marine pollution incidents.

The most significant topic was the performance dashboard for the 2023-24 financial year. Mr. Wagner presented the final performance dashboard, highlighting that 20 out of 27 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were rated green, two were amber, and five were red. The red indicators included the number of invoices received by accounts payable within 15 days, freedom of information requests completed within 20 days, subject access requests released within statutory timescales, complete response to marketing and resident experience within timescale, and rent due to KCC outstanding over 60 days. Mr. Coop expressed concerns about the declining performance in freedom of information requests and subject access requests, urging for solutions rather than just identifying problems. Mr. Jeffrey explained that the increase in FOI and subject access requests, particularly complex ones related to children's care, was a significant factor. He also mentioned staffing issues but assured that the service is now fully staffed and operational. Mr. Dawkins raised concerns about the increasing number of FOIs due to more difficult decisions in local government and questioned if there would be an increase in resources to handle these requests. Mr. Jeffrey acknowledged the issue and mentioned that they are looking at sharpening processes and accountability.

The committee also discussed the Kent Estates Partnership and Kent Connects Partnership. Mrs. Spore provided an update on the activities since the last committee meeting. The committee noted the progress and agreed to the recommendations.

Another significant topic was the implementation of an independent construction consultancy services framework. Mrs. Spore explained that the framework would support major construction projects and minor works. Dr. Sullivan raised concerns about the complexity of the process and the potential for disputes between different lots. Mrs. Spore assured that robust processes and contracting procedures are in place to handle such issues. The committee agreed to the recommendations.

The committee also discussed the emergency response capabilities for marine pollution incidents. Mr. Jeffrey explained that KCC has no statutory responsibility for responding to tier two events but has a contract with Halderin Allen for such incidents. Dr. Sullivan raised concerns about the potential increase in incidents due to wastewater and sewage discharges. Mr. Jeffrey assured that the principle of polluter pays would apply, and costs would be recovered from the responsible parties.

The committee approved a lease agreement with UK Power Networks for a new substation at a school ground. The substation's relocation would allow for the extension or demolition of an existing building, providing direct educational and health and safety benefits to the school.

Lastly, the committee approved a long lease agreement with Shelldwich Primary School for the development of a new education building. Local members Mr. Human and Mr. Baldock expressed strong support for the project, highlighting the benefits of creating new early years places.

The meeting concluded with a brief discussion on the work program for 2024, with Dr. Sullivan suggesting a review of policies to ensure they are up-to-date and aligned with future strategies.