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Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee - Thursday, 16th May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 16, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with a few administrative announcements and apologies from members who could not attend. The main topics discussed were the primary school offer day, school attendance statistics, the success of the SCND information roadshows, the launch of the Send Inquiry Hub, and developments in secondary school proposals on the Isle of Sheppy.

The primary school offer day on April 16th saw nearly 99% of over 16,500 Kent applicants receiving one of their three named schools, with over 91% offered their first preference. The admissions team is currently reallocating places from school waiting lists and will send out a second round of offers on May 23rd.

School attendance levels, while still below pre-COVID levels, have shown improvements in Kent. Primary and secondary combined overall absence decreased by 1.1% in autumn 2023, and persistent absence fell by 5.1%. Special schools saw a 5.4% decrease in overall absence and a 3.8% decrease in persistent absence.

The SCND information roadshows have been fully booked, with 180 families attending so far. Due to their popularity, the SCND service is exploring digitizing the content to reach a wider audience. Further roadshows are planned, and details will be available in the Kent SCND newsletter.

The Send Inquiry Hub, launched in April 2023, supported 11,554 families with their queries, with 99.8% resolved within five working days. The service is now working on enhancing database accuracy to further improve the hub's capability.

Significant developments have occurred regarding secondary school proposals on the Isle of Sheppy. The DFE issued a formal closure letter for OASIS Academy Isle of Sheppy, allowing Lee Academy's Trust and EKC's Schools Trust to establish two new academies on the Isle for this September. Parents and families affected by this change were contacted to begin the process of identifying a place at one of the new academies.

A question was raised about the number of children missing education in the Dartford area, with an increase from 100 in December 2022 to 186 in December 2023. The cabinet member did not have the answer at the time but promised to follow up.

The meeting also included a presentation on post-16 education, discussing pathways for all, qualification reform, and the statutory duties around post-16 education. The presentation highlighted the need for collaborative planning, improved access to provision, and support for learners' mental health.

Concerns were raised about the impact of qualification reform, particularly the phasing out of applied general qualifications and the introduction of T-levels. The importance of improving strategic leadership at post-16 and addressing gaps in provision was emphasized.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on the challenges faced by small employers in providing apprenticeships and the need for better support and coordination to improve retention and completion rates for apprenticeships.

