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Joint Staff Consultative Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 12, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Joint Staff Consultative Committee of North Hertfordshire Council discussed several key topics, including staff consultation forum updates, HR updates, and recruitment strategies. Key decisions were made regarding the approval of the minutes from previous meetings and the noting of various reports.

Staff Consultation Forum

Ian Cooper provided an overview of the Staff Consultation Forum, explaining its role in discussing key issues such as council strategy, HR matters, staff wellbeing, and green issues. Two significant restructures were highlighted:

  • Green Spaces Restructure: This aims to reflect changes in working practices and responsibilities since 2004. The restructure includes transforming an Area & Monitoring Officer post into an Environment and Tree Officer post, which will report to a Senior Tree Officer. The restructure is cost-neutral and will facilitate reduced working hours for a team member.
  • Catering Team Restructure: Following a review of operations, changes include operating the Bancroft Gardens café kiosk only on weekends and school holidays, and managing the Howard Park Kiosk in-house for a year. Three new Seasonal Kiosk Assistant roles will be created, and one vacant Catering Supervisor post will be removed.

HR Update

Rebecca Webb presented the HR Information Note, highlighting key points:

  • Recruitment Data: There has been an increase in applicants despite a reduction in job advertisements. Hard-to-fill posts include the estate surveyor and senior environmental health officer.
  • Staff Survey: Received 228 responses, with 90% of staff recommending the council as an employer. Areas for improvement were identified, and updates will be provided to staff.
  • National Pay Bargaining: The 2024 pay claim from unions includes a £3,000 or 10% increase. The national employers' offer has been met with disappointment from unions, and ballots are ongoing.
  • Apprenticeships: Seven apprentices are currently in post, with ongoing recruitment efforts. The council attended an apprenticeship fair in March to highlight career opportunities.
  • Inclusion Group: The group discussed neurodiversity in the workplace, with recommendations for further improvements to support neurodivergent employees.
  • Absence: Short-term absences have fallen, while long-term absences related to mental health continue at a similar rate. The HR team provides ongoing support.

Recruitment Update

Rebecca Webb also presented the Discussion Paper on Recruitment, detailing efforts to improve recruitment and retention:

  • Social Media and Web Pages: Recruitment adverts have been updated with more engaging content, and the council's web pages now include video content and employee testimonials.
  • Flexible Working: Emphasis on flexible and hybrid working arrangements to attract candidates.
  • Transparent Interviews: A trial of providing interview questions in advance to candidates is ongoing, with positive feedback so far.
  • Local Government Recruitment Campaign: Engagement with a national campaign to highlight local government as a good employer.

Future Discussion Topics

The committee agreed to discuss coaching and mentoring at the next meeting, along with feedback from the staff consultation forum. The topic of succession planning will be considered after the peer review.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.


Caroline Jenkins
Profile image for Councillor Daniel Allen
Councillor Daniel Allen  Leader of the Council, Leader of the Labour and Co-operative Group, Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport •  Labour and Co-operative •  Letchworth Norton
Profile image for Councillor Ruth Brown
Councillor Ruth Brown  Leader of the Liberal Democrats Group, Chair of the Royston Community Forum •  Liberal Democrats •  Royston Heath
Profile image for Councillor Val Bryant
Councillor Val Bryant  Deputy Leader of the Council, Executive Member for Community / Partnership •  Labour and Co-operative •  Hitchin Bearton
Profile image for Councillor Claire Strong
Councillor Claire Strong  Conservative •  Offa
Profile image for Councillor Rhona Cameron
Councillor Rhona Cameron  Labour and Co-operative •  Baldock East
Debbie Ealand
Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews
Dee Levett
Andrew Betts
Claire Bernard
Christina Corr
Louis Franklin
Tiranan Straughan
James Lovegrove
Melanie Stimpson
Rebecca Webb
Ian Couper
Sjanel Wickenden