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Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 24th April, 2024 10.00 am

April 24, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on the scrutiny of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) subcommittee's effectiveness and future. Discussions centered on whether the subcommittee had met its objectives and if it should continue or be reintegrated into the main scrutiny committee.

  1. Decision on SEND Subcommittee's Future: The council debated the effectiveness of the SEND subcommittee, with some members expressing dissatisfaction regarding the subcommittee's progress and transparency. Arguments for disbanding emphasized its perceived inefficiency and lack of detailed outcomes. Arguments against highlighted the need for a focused group to continue addressing SEND issues. The decision was made to reintegrate SEND matters into the main scrutiny committee, aiming to maintain oversight while potentially increasing efficiency.

  2. Review of SEND Subcommittee's Work: Members reviewed the work and impact of the SEND subcommittee, discussing its achievements and shortcomings. Concerns were raised about the subcommittee not fully addressing critical issues like EHCP processes and SEND transportation. The discussion underscored the need for clearer objectives and better response mechanisms to queries.

  3. Future Meeting Dates and Work Program: The council confirmed future meeting dates and briefly touched on the work program. A member requested a review of the Homeless Connect decision's impact on adult social services, highlighting ongoing concerns about council decisions affecting broader service areas.

Interesting Note: The meeting revealed a significant divide in perceptions of the subcommittee's success, with some members advocating for its necessity due to ongoing SEND challenges, while others criticized its lack of concrete results and accountability. This division underscores the complexities and sensitivities involved in managing SEND issues at the council level.