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Kent Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 25th April, 2024 2.00 pm

April 25, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on public health initiatives and strategies, particularly addressing complex health issues and legislative changes. The discussions included presentations on public health improvements, the launch of mental health support lines, and support for anti-smoking legislation.

  1. Approval of the Integrated Care Strategy: The strategy, aimed at improving health outcomes and tackling health inequalities, was approved. It emphasizes collaborative efforts across various sectors. The decision underscores a commitment to a unified approach in health services delivery, promising a more efficient public health system.

  2. Development of a Shared Delivery Plan: The plan, which details the implementation of the Integrated Care Strategy, was discussed. It aims to align actions across different agencies and ensure measurable outcomes. The discussion highlighted the need for clear metrics and accountability mechanisms to track progress and effectiveness.

  3. Endorsement of the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report: The report was endorsed, which highlighted ongoing efforts and training initiatives to protect vulnerable adults. The decision reinforces the council's commitment to safeguarding adults, emphasizing the importance of continued awareness and training.

An interesting point in the meeting was the emphasis on local and hyper-local initiatives, suggesting a strategic focus on tailored community-based interventions to address specific health and social care challenges.