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Cabinet - Tuesday, 4 June 2024 6.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on the approval of the minutes from the last meeting, the Mayor's announcements, the introduction of the new Youth Mayor, and the election of the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the upcoming year. The Mayor also gave a detailed speech reflecting on her past year in office and the achievements made.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the meeting held on March 6, 2024, were approved. The motion was proposed and seconded, and there were no objections or abstentions.

Mayor's Announcements

The Mayor presented a slideshow of events attended over the past year. She announced the new Broxtowe Youth Mayor for 2024-25, Libby Bales, a student from Kimberley School. Libby is involved in the Girl Guides and the Methodist youth group and plans to study law. Councillors Chris Carr and Stockwell praised the role of Youth Mayor and its importance in representing young voices.

Election of New Mayor

Councillor Sue Paterson was elected as the new Mayor of Broxtowe for the upcoming year. Sue has a background in community service and plans to support the Helpful Bureau and raise awareness for Dystonia UK. Her husband Harry will serve as her consort. Sue expressed her commitment to working for the betterment of the borough and thanked her family and colleagues for their support.

Election of Deputy Mayor

Councillor Robert Bullock was elected as the Deputy Mayor. Robert has a long history of community involvement, including roles in the Eastwood Volunteer Bureau and Eastwood and District Neighbourhood Watch. He expressed his gratitude for the support and looks forward to working with the new Mayor.

Recognition of Political Leaders

The leaders and deputy leaders of the main political groups were noted. Councillor Don Pringle was re-elected as the Deputy Leader of the opposition, and Councillor Liz Williamson was named Deputy Leader of the Broxtowe Independent Group. Councillor Land continues as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Appointments to Committees

The appointments to various committees were confirmed. The list was distributed to all members, and the motion was moved and seconded without objections.

Representation on Outside Bodies

The updated list of representatives on outside bodies was approved. The list was revised to reflect current positions and remove obsolete ones.

Scheme of Delegation

The revised scheme of delegation was adopted. This includes the responsibilities for complaint handling being added to the portfolio holder for resources and personnel policy.

Amendments to Liberty Leisure Board of Directors

The removal of Chris Laksdon-Cain and the appointment of Daniel Gammens to the Liberty Leisure Board of Directors were approved.

Amendments to the Constitution

The terms of reference for the portfolio holder for resources and personnel policy were amended to include responsibilities for complaint handling. The motion was moved and seconded without objections.

Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan

The Toton and Chilwell Neighbourhood Plan was approved. The plan received overwhelming support in a recent vote, with 84% in favor. Councillors praised the hard work and dedication of the neighbourhood forum in developing the plan. Concerns about potential future developments, such as a football stadium, were raised but not confirmed.

The meeting concluded with thanks to all participants and a reminder of the importance of community involvement and support.