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Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 13, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee discussed several key issues, including updates from Keir Mather MP, the proposed GO WILD SELBY – SUMMER PLAYSCHEME 2024
by Groundwork Yorkshire, air quality in the constituency, educational achievement and finance, and the allocation of a £50k seed funding pot for economic development. Decisions were made on forming a task group to prioritise economic development projects and on providing feedback for the North Yorkshire Council Air Quality Action Plan.
Constituency MP Keir Mather
Keir Mather, MP for Selby and Ainsty, addressed the committee, discussing the forthcoming mayoral election for North Yorkshire and York, and the benefits of having a single voice for the region. He highlighted ongoing issues such as flooding, public transport, and the lack of pest control services in Selby compared to other areas. Mather also mentioned the need for better coordination with South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire Mayoral Authorities and discussed boundary changes affecting the constituency. He updated the committee on his activities, including a Cost of Living support event, ministerial visits, and his upcoming visit to Selby Hospital. Mather has processed over 5,000 pieces of casework since his election, focusing on issues like housing. He also mentioned his Selby Shoutout
competition to highlight local businesses.
Councillors raised questions about affordable housing and social housing provision, to which Mather responded by acknowledging the urgent need for affordable housing in Selby. The committee thanked Mather for his updates and responses.
Groundwork North Yorkshire
Amanda G Scrimgeour and Tracey Sugden from Groundwork Yorkshire presented the proposed GO WILD SELBY – SUMMER PLAYSCHEME 2024
. The scheme aims to provide summer activities for 30 children aged 7-11 in Selby Park, with a focus on the environment, health, and well-being. The total cost of the programme is £27,000, with some funding already secured. However, there is a shortfall of £22,085. The committee discussed potential funding sources but noted that the ACC did not have a specific budget for this scheme. They suggested exploring other funding avenues, such as the Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) funding.
Air Quality in the Constituency Area
Vikki Flowers and Dr Kevin Carr presented the draft North Yorkshire Council Air Quality Action Plan (2024-2029). The plan aims to update and combine the Air Quality Action Plans (AQAPs) from former borough and district councils. Dr Carr highlighted local air quality management, pollutants of concern, and the progress of measures to address air quality. The committee discussed potential locations for pollutant monitoring tubes in Selby and the importance of working with public health colleagues. The committee's comments and views on the draft plan were noted.
Schools, Educational Achievement and Finance
The committee reviewed a report on the local educational landscape, achievement, and financial challenges affecting schools in the Selby and Ainsty area. John S Lee, Strategic Planning Officer, responded to questions about early years development, NEET funding, and the impact of COVID-19 on education. The committee raised concerns about the financial difficulties faced by some schools and the need for additional support. They also discussed the criteria for new school buildings and the importance of integrating education input into the local plan process.
Economic Development Seed Funding
Duncan Ferguson provided an update on the £50k seed funding pot for economic development. The committee had previously identified three key themes: heritage and the arts, public transport, and social enterprise. Ferguson suggested forming a short-term task and finish group to identify and prioritise projects. The committee agreed and invited volunteers to join the group, aiming to present a priority list of projects at the next meeting.
Public Transport
The committee received updates on bus and rail matters. Minor changes to the Coastliner 840/843 timetable were noted, along with proposals to cap bus fares for under-19s at £1 and improve timetables for several routes. The committee also discussed station usage and the impact of reduced train services.
New Free SEND School, Selby
A report on the progress of the new SEND school in Selby was circulated. The planning application had been discussed, and the committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to conditions. Discussions on the colour of the proposed cladding and updated conditions were ongoing.
North Yorkshire Council's Role in Emergencies
Matthew Robinson presented on North Yorkshire Council's role in responding to and recovering from emergencies. He highlighted the responsibilities of multi-agency partners, the council, and elected members. The committee discussed the importance of regular updates, communication with stakeholders, and community resilience. An annual report on emergency work in the area was welcomed.
Work Programme
The committee reviewed the work programme, considering future reports from the York and North Yorkshire Mayor's Office and updates on water quality and enforcement matters. They also noted an upcoming meeting with the Minister for State for Rail and updates on flooding issues.
For more details, you can refer to the Minutes 26 April 2024 - Final and the Public reports pack 13th-Jun-2024 10.00 Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee.

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