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Scrutiny of Health Committee - Friday, 14th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 14, 2024 View on council website
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The Scrutiny of Health Committee of East Riding of Yorkshire Council met on Friday, 14 June 2024, to discuss various health-related issues, including updates on the Airedale New Hospital project, neonatal services, and the Autism Strategy. Key decisions were made regarding the support for changes in neonatal services and the confidence in the Autism Strategy consultation process.

Airedale New Hospital Update

Eleanor Rossiter from Airedale NHS Foundation Trust provided an update on the new hospital project. The current hospital will be replaced by 2030, with the project currently in Phase 1, focusing on planning and preparation. The phased construction plan includes:

  • Phase 1: Planning and preparation (2023-24)
  • Phase 2: Site preparation (2024-25)
  • Phase 3: Hospital design (2025-26)
  • Phase 4: Planning consent (2026)
  • Phase 5: Construction (2026-30)

The RAAC programme is ongoing to ensure structural safety. Members raised questions about the project's timeline, integrated care services, and staff parking. Rossiter assured that the project is on target and emphasized the importance of public transport and potential feasibility studies for a railway station.

Neonatal Services at Airedale

Matthew Babirecki, Consultant Paediatrician at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, and Sarah Halstead, Head of Specialised Commissioning for Yorkshire and Humber at NHS England, presented on the neonatal services. The presentation highlighted the need for changes based on the Neonatal Critical Care Transformation Review, which recommends higher activity levels for better outcomes. Airedale's current activity levels do not meet these recommendations, and the proposed changes aim to ensure the highest quality of care for premature babies. The Committee supported the changes and requested a future update.

Autism Strategy Update

Roger Tuckett raised concerns about the Autism Strategy, particularly the lack of an up-to-date Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for autistic adults without learning disabilities. Naomi Smith, Head of Health and Adult Services Planning at North Yorkshire Council, and Kirsty Kitching, Assistant Director for the North Yorkshire Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, and Autism Partnership, provided an overview of the draft strategy. The strategy focuses on enabling autistic people and their families to enjoy full, happy, and healthy lives, with eight key priority areas aligned to the national strategy.

Members discussed the strategy's consultation process, participation rates, and the importance of community involvement. The Committee expressed confidence in the strategy and the consultation process, despite acknowledging some data gaps. They emphasized the need for ongoing engagement and learning.

Director of Public Health's Annual Report

The Committee noted the Director of Public Health's Annual Report and resolved to discuss it in more detail at the next meeting on 14 June 2024, where Director Louise Wallace will be present to answer questions.

Committee Work Programme

The Committee reviewed and updated its work programme for the upcoming year, including:

  • Maternity services updates
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service update
  • Waiting list data from NHS trusts
  • Health inequalities in primary and secondary care
  • Post-implementation overview of electronic records

The work programme documents can be accessed here and here.

Other Business

A motion from Councillor Andy Brown regarding the reduction of the budget for mowing and spraying and the cessation of purchases of herbicides containing glyphosate or neonicotinoids was referred to the Committee. This will be discussed at the next meeting in June, where Councillor Brown will present his motion.

The meeting concluded at 12.20 pm.