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Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 26th April, 2024 2.00 pm

April 26, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The North York Council's statutory licensing subcommittee convened to review an application by Jeremy Verity for a variation of a premises license for La Faria. The application sought to extend the use of external areas for dining and drinking until 11:00 PM from April to September. The committee approved the application after considering various representations and the applicant's compliance history.

Decision: Approval of Premises License Variation The application aimed to extend outdoor service hours at La Faria. Arguments in favor highlighted the absence of complaints during past permitted late hours under temporary event notices and the applicant's commitment to community harmony. Opposing views, primarily from local residents, expressed concerns about potential noise and public nuisance. The decision allows La Faria to operate outdoor areas later, aligning its operations with nearby establishments and potentially increasing its business viability without a history of related disturbances.

Interesting Occurrence: The meeting was marked by a detailed and transparent discussion, with comprehensive presentations from both the licensing authority representative and the applicant. The absence of any representatives from the local residents who had submitted written objections was noted, limiting direct public input on the decision.