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Regulation Committee Appeal Panel (Transport) - Wednesday, 19th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 19, 2024 View on council website
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The Regulation Committee Appeal Panel (Transport) of Canterbury Council convened on Wednesday 19 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the appeal against the proposed changes to the local bus routes, the introduction of new cycling lanes, and the review of parking restrictions in the city centre. Decisions were made on the bus route changes and the cycling lanes, while the parking restrictions review was deferred for further consultation.

Appeal Against Proposed Changes to Local Bus Routes

The primary topic of discussion was the appeal against the proposed changes to the local bus routes. The changes, proposed by Stagecoach South East, aimed to streamline services and reduce operational costs. However, residents expressed concerns about reduced accessibility, particularly for elderly and disabled passengers.

Councillor Sarah Hudson argued that the changes would disproportionately affect vulnerable groups, while Councillor David Green supported the proposal, citing the need for financial sustainability and efficiency. After a lengthy debate, the panel decided to approve the changes with a condition to review the impact after six months.

Introduction of New Cycling Lanes

The panel also discussed the introduction of new cycling lanes in Canterbury. This initiative is part of the council's commitment to promoting sustainable transport and reducing carbon emissions. The proposed lanes would connect key areas of the city, including the University of Kent and the city centre.

Councillor Emma Clarke highlighted the benefits, stating, This will encourage more residents to cycle, reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality. However, some concerns were raised about the potential impact on parking and road safety. The panel decided to proceed with the implementation of the cycling lanes, with a review scheduled after one year to assess their effectiveness.

Review of Parking Restrictions in the City Centre

The final topic was the review of parking restrictions in the city centre. The council had received numerous complaints from residents and businesses about the current restrictions, which they claimed were too stringent and negatively impacted local commerce.

Councillor Mark Johnson suggested a more flexible approach, proposing a pilot scheme to test relaxed restrictions. However, Councillor Jane Smith cautioned against hasty changes, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive study. The panel ultimately decided to defer the decision, opting for further consultation with stakeholders before making any changes.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack from the meeting.