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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 19th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Guildford Council Planning Committee meeting on 19 June 2024 covered several significant planning applications and decisions. The committee discussed and made decisions on various applications, including the erection of Padel courts in Milford, the redevelopment of Howard of Effingham School, the revised plans for the Weyside Urban Village, and a retrospective application for a canopy at a café on Stoke Road.

Padel Courts in Milford

Two applications were discussed regarding the erection of Padel courts at Land to the North of Meadow Barn Cottage, Eashing Lane, Milford. The first application (23P02127) proposed four uncovered Padel courts, a reception building, two porter cabins for toilets, and associated landscaping and lighting. The second application (23P02128) included two covered and two uncovered Padel courts. Both applications were refused due to concerns about the impact on the greenbelt, noise pollution, light pollution, and the effect on local wildlife and the character of the area.

Howard of Effingham School Redevelopment

The committee approved the reserved matters application (23P01088) for 99 dwellings at the existing Howard of Effingham School site on Lower Road, Effingham. The application is part of a larger redevelopment plan that includes the construction of a new school and additional housing. The committee agreed to amend the conditions to ensure that the cycleway is constructed and made available for use before the houses are built, addressing safety concerns for children traveling to the new school.

Weyside Urban Village

The committee discussed a revised reserved matters application (24P00331) for the Weyside Urban Village, part of the Slyfield Regeneration Programme. The revised plans include a reduction in the scale of the multi-storey car park and changes to the depot building's internal layout. The application was approved, with conditions to ensure appropriate materials are used to soften the appearance of the built form in the landscape.

Canopy at 96 Stoke Road

A retrospective application (24P00639) for the erection of a fixed and retractable canopy at the rear of 96 Stoke Road was approved. The committee imposed conditions to restrict the use of the area under the canopies to daytime hours to prevent undue noise disturbance to neighboring properties.


The committee reviewed the appeal decisions related to previous planning applications. Notably, the appeal for the Whistley Airfield Hatch Lane development was allowed, with costs awarded to both parties due to unreasonable behavior.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.


Profile image for Councillor The Deputy Mayor, Howard Smith
Councillor The Deputy Mayor, Howard Smith  The Deputy Mayor 2024-25 •  Labour •  Westborough
Councillor Bilal Akhtar
Councillor James Jones
Profile image for Councillor Dominique Williams
Councillor Dominique Williams  Liberal Democrats •  Shalford
Councillor Stephen Hives
Councillor Maddy Redpath
Councillor Joanne Shaw
Councillor David Bilbe
Councillor Cait Taylor
Councillor Patrick Oven
Councillor Vanessa King
Councillor Joss Bigmore