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Cared For Children and Care Leavers Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Cared For Children and Care Leaver Committee of Warrington Council met on Tuesday 18 June 2024 to discuss various issues affecting cared for children and care leavers. Key topics included updates from the Shadow Committee, the Ofsted inspection findings, the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Children in Care Annual Report, the Fostering Service Annual Report, and the Virtual School Headteacher Annual Report. The committee also reviewed the terms of reference and the Q3 scorecard.

Ofsted Inspection Findings

The committee discussed the Ofsted inspection findings report, which highlighted significant areas for improvement, particularly in services for care leavers. The report noted that while some areas showed good practice, these were not consistent across the board. The committee acknowledged the need for a robust improvement plan and discussed the importance of timely and accurate data to monitor progress.

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Children in Care Annual Report

Rebecca Jones presented the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Children in Care Annual Report 2022-23. The report highlighted challenges such as the timeliness of initial and review health assessments and access to dental care. The committee expressed concerns about the outdated data and stressed the need for more regular updates and better coordination with health partners.

Fostering Service Annual Report

Shamina Sadiq presented the Fostering Service Annual Report 2022-2023, noting a significant drop in the number of new foster carers. The committee discussed strategies to improve recruitment and retention, including the potential introduction of salaried foster carers. The report also highlighted the importance of supporting family and connected carers.

Virtual School Headteacher Annual Report

Laura presented the Virtual School Headteacher Annual Report 2022-2023, which detailed the educational outcomes for cared for children. While attendance rates were stable, the committee noted the need to address the gap in educational attainment compared to all children. The report also celebrated the achievements of care leavers, including those who had graduated from university.

Review of the Terms of Reference

The committee reviewed the terms of reference and discussed the need for updates to reflect the current focus and priorities. It was agreed that further work was needed to align the terms of reference with the committee's goals and responsibilities.

Q3 Scorecard

The committee reviewed the Q3 scorecard and the accompanying covering report. Members expressed concerns about the timeliness of the data and the need for more qualitative information to complement the quantitative metrics. The committee emphasized the importance of using data to drive improvements and ensure accountability.

Overall, the meeting highlighted the committee's commitment to improving services for cared for children and care leavers, with a focus on better data, stronger partnerships, and more effective support mechanisms.


Profile image for Councillor Jos Saunders
Councillor Jos Saunders  Conservative •  Poynton East and Pott Shrigley
Profile image for Councillor Emma Gilman
Councillor Emma Gilman  Vice Chair of Children and Families Committee •  Independent •  Macclesfield Tytherington
Councillor Sally Holland
Councillor Dawn Clark
Councillor George Hayes
Profile image for Councillor Becky Posnett
Councillor Becky Posnett  Conservative •  Bunbury
Councillor Carol Bulman
Councillor Nicola Cook
Councillor John Bird
