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Appointments Committee - Monday, 29th April, 2024 10.00 am

April 29, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on the recruitment of interim and permanent executive directors and directors of services. The discussion centered on the process and the involvement of various council members in decision-making, reflecting a commitment to transparency and cross-party involvement.

  1. Amendment to Recruitment Authority: The committee agreed to delegate the chief executive the authority to recruit an interim executive director. The decision was amended to include consultation with the chair of the appointments committee, the leader and deputy leader of the council, and a member of the main opposition group. This amendment aimed to ensure broader representation and oversight in the recruitment process. The implication is a more inclusive approach, potentially leading to a more widely acceptable outcome.

  2. Recruitment Timetable: The committee discussed the timetable for recruitment, initially proposed as fixed. An amendment was made to change the wording to indicative timetable, allowing flexibility to speed up the process if possible. This decision was influenced by the urgency expressed by members to fill the positions promptly, which could help in faster organizational decision-making and implementation of projects.

  3. Approval of Recommendations: The committee unanimously approved recommendations concerning the recruitment process, including the structure of consultation and the roles involved. This consensus highlights a cooperative spirit within the committee, aiming for efficiency and thoroughness in filling critical organizational roles.

Interestingly, the meeting displayed a proactive approach to include opposition and leadership voices in the recruitment process, which is not always common in council decisions. This could set a precedent for future council operations, promoting a more collaborative environment.


Councillor Craig Browne
Profile image for Councillor Michael Gorman
Councillor Michael Gorman  Deputy Leader of the Council; Leader of Independent Group; Chair of Economy and Growth Committee; Vice Chair of Corporate Policy Committee; Vice Chair of Appointments Committee •  Independent •  Wilmslow West and Chorley
Councillor Margaret Simon
Profile image for Councillor Fiona Wilson
Councillor Fiona Wilson  Chair of Appointments Committee; Vice Chair of Economy and Growth Committee; Vice Chair of Northern Planning Committee •  Labour •  Macclesfield South
Councillor Janet Clowes
Councillor Sam Corcoran
Councillor Carol Bulman
Councillor Chris O'Leary
Councillor Rod Fletcher
