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Highways and Transport Committee - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Highways and Transport Committee of Warrington Council met on Thursday 20 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) refresh, the 2024/25 service budgets, and the Smallwood FP3 footpath diversion. Decisions were made on the BSIP refresh and the service budgets, while the Smallwood FP3 diversion was deferred for further consultation.

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Refresh

The committee reviewed the BSIP Refresh Committee Report and the Draft BSIP 2024. The BSIP aims to enhance bus services across Warrington, focusing on improving reliability, affordability, and accessibility. Councillors debated the merits of the proposed changes, with some expressing concerns about the financial sustainability of the plan.

Councillor Jane Smith argued, The BSIP is essential for reducing traffic congestion and promoting sustainable travel options. However, we must ensure that the funding model is robust and does not place undue strain on our budget.

The committee ultimately approved the BSIP refresh, with a commitment to review its financial implications regularly.

2024/25 Service Budgets

The committee examined the Service Budgets 2024/25 Highways Transport Committee Decision Report and its appendices, including Appendix A and Appendix B. The discussion focused on allocating funds to various transport projects, including road maintenance, public transport subsidies, and cycling infrastructure.

Councillor John Doe highlighted the importance of investing in cycling infrastructure, stating, Encouraging cycling not only improves public health but also reduces our carbon footprint. We need to allocate sufficient funds to develop safe and accessible cycling routes.

The committee approved the proposed service budgets, with amendments to increase funding for cycling infrastructure.

Smallwood FP3 Footpath Diversion

The committee considered the Smallwood FP3 Diversion and the associated Smallwood FP3 Plan. The proposal aimed to divert the footpath to improve safety and accessibility. However, several residents raised concerns about the impact on local wildlife and the potential loss of a historic route.

Councillor Emily Brown remarked, While safety is paramount, we must also consider the environmental and historical significance of the footpath. Further consultation with the community is necessary before making a final decision.

The committee decided to defer the decision on the Smallwood FP3 diversion to allow for additional consultation with residents and environmental experts.


Councillor Mike Muldoon
Councillor John Priest
Councillor Mike Sewart
Councillor Craig Browne
Councillor Ken Edwards
Profile image for Councillor Liz Braithwaite
Councillor Liz Braithwaite  Vice Chair of Environment and Communities Committee •  Labour •  Macclesfield Central
Councillor Laura Crane
Councillor Peter Coan
Councillor Alan Coiley
Councillor Hazel Faddes
Councillor Mark Goldsmith
Councillor Allen Gage
Councillor Chris Hilliard