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Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 2.15 pm
June 27, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee of Somerset Council met on Thursday, 27 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the review of the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), the adoption of the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan, and the review of the Nexus Local Development Order (LDO). Decisions were made to approve the BSIP with minor amendments, adopt the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan, and retain the LDO with a revised review schedule.
Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Review 2024
The Service Manager for Transport Commissioning, Natasha Bates, presented the review of the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), which is due for re-submission to the Department for Transport (DfT) by 12 June 2024. The Sub-Committee discussed the need to highlight Somerset's rurality and the challenges faced by the public transport network. Councillors noted that Somerset has double the national average of young people not in education, employment, or training (NEETS) and several households without vehicles relying on bus routes.
Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Richard Wilkins. The Sub-Committee resolved to approve the draft BSIP and delegate authority to the Head of Transportation to make minor amendments and finalise the content for submission to the DfT.
Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan to be Made
Senior Policy Planning Officer Ann Rhodes introduced the report on the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Plan, which requires formal adoption following a positive referendum result. The Sub-Committee expressed satisfaction with the proposed cycling routes to North Petherton.
Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Richard Wilkins. Councillor Dixie Darch abstained from voting due to a declared interest. The Sub-Committee resolved to adopt the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Development Plan as part of the statutory Development Plan, to be used in determining planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area.
Nexus Local Development Order
Principal Planning Policy Officer James Holbrook presented the report on the Nexus Local Development Order (LDO), requesting a review to ensure compliance with Condition 1 and proposing amendments to address typographical errors and insert an additional review period. The Sub-Committee agreed that the report provided a sensible approach to ensure compliance and acknowledged the importance of noting the review in five years.
Councillor Richard Wilkins proposed the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Dixie Darch. The Sub-Committee resolved to retain the LDO as it stood, with the additional text specifying the review schedule and conditions for retaining, revising, or revoking the LDO.
Forward Plan
Head of Planning Alison Blom-Cooper introduced the forward plan, noting items due to be reported at the next meeting, including the Local Transport Plan draft for consultation, the outcome of the review on the Minerals Plan, the Puriton Neighbourhood Plan, and the Mendip Local Plan Part II Site Allocations Review1.
The Mendip Local Plan Part II Limited Update Publication and Submission involves site allocations and policy updates to guide development in the Mendip area. ↩
- Agenda frontsheet 27th-Jun-2024 14.15 Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee agenda
- Mendip Local Plan Part II Limited Update Publication and Submission
- Public reports pack 27th-Jun-2024 14.15 Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee reports pack
- Appendix 1 LPR19-02 Draft Consultation Statement - 14june24
- Public Guidance Notes
- Appendix 5 LPR19-12 SA Findings - Villages
- click here to join the online meeting
- Minutes Public Pack 23052024 Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee minutes
- Appendix 2-LPR19-03 Submission Policies
- Appendix 3 LPR19-10 SA Main Report 14jun24
- Appendix 4 LPR19-11 SA Findings - Towns
- Supplement 2 - Agenda Item 4 - Public Question Time. 27th-Jun-2024 14.15 Planning and Transport Po agenda
- PQ for PTP 27.06.24
- Decisions 27th-Jun-2024 14.15 Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee
- Planning Policy and Transport Sub Committee Foward Plan
- Supplement 1 - Agenda Item 6 - Foward Plan 27th-Jun-2024 14.15 Planning and Transport Policy Sub-C agenda