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Southern Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 5, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Southern Planning Committee of Cannock Chase held a meeting where they discussed two main planning applications. The first was for land at the rear of 203 and 205 Middlewich Street, and the second was for Yew Tree Farm, Clay Lane, Haslington. Both applications were approved with conditions.

Land at the Rear of 203 and 205 Middlewich Street

The committee revisited an application for residential development on land at the rear of 203 and 205 Middlewich Street. This application had been deferred from a previous meeting to address drainage issues. Principal Planning Officer Richard Taylor presented the updated plans, which included a detailed drainage design to mitigate flood risks.

  • Drainage Concerns: The site had poor ground conditions, making soakaways ineffective. A storage tank was proposed to manage surface water, discharging at a controlled rate of 2 litres per second. The flood risk officer deemed this solution acceptable.
  • Public Speaker: Sarah Foster, the agent for the applicant, emphasized that extensive investigations had been conducted to ensure no increased flood risk. She noted that the application had been under consideration for 12 months and urged approval.
  • Committee Discussion: Councillor Cocker raised concerns about the site's waterlogged condition and the tank's capacity. Richard Taylor assured that the tank was designed to handle extreme conditions and would not cause issues downstream.
  • Decision: The committee approved the application with the revised drainage condition. Councillor Gage and Councillor Blackhouse supported the motion, emphasizing the thoroughness of the flood risk assessment.

Yew Tree Farm, Clay Lane, Haslington

The second application was a retrospective one for a B8 storage and distribution use at Yew Tree Farm, Clay Lane, Haslington. The site is in open countryside, and the new warehouse was constructed in 2023.

  • Site Context: The site includes existing forestry buildings and is accessed via Clay Lane. The new warehouse supports the expansion of the applicant's business, providing secure storage.
  • Visual Impact: The building is surrounded by mature hedgerows and trees, minimizing its visual impact. The landscape officer suggested painting the building green to blend in better, but this was debated.
  • Flood Risk: The flood risk officer recommended conditions for drainage, which were included in the approval.
  • Committee Discussion: Councillor Edgar raised concerns about the practicality of changing the building's color. Councillor Gage proposed painting only the sides and ends, not the roof. Councillor Crane and Councillor Colker supported the application, emphasizing its compliance with policy PD6.
  • Decision: The committee approved the application without the condition to change the building's color, considering it impractical.

The meeting concluded with the approval of both applications, allowing the developments to proceed with specified conditions.