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Housing Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 7.30 pm

June 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Housing Committee of Tandridge Council convened on Tuesday 18 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the Sea Cadets planning application, Quarter 4 Key Performance Indicators, and the budget outturn for the 2023/24 financial year. The committee approved an increase in the budget for the Sea Cadets site planning application and noted the performance and budget reports for the past year.

Sea Cadets Planning Application

Carol Snowden provided an update on the Sea Cadets planning application for the site in Caterham. The committee had previously approved a budget of £50,000 in March 2023 for consultants to prepare a planning proposal. Since then, various consultants, including an ecologist, highways and energy consultants, and an arboriculturalist, have been appointed. A pre-application advice meeting is scheduled for early July, with a public consultation planned for late July.

Snowden reported that the initial budget has nearly been exhausted, necessitating an increase to cover additional consultants and planning application fees. A bid for £250,000 from the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF) was submitted in February to cover site remediation and demolition costs. The committee will learn the outcome of this bid by late summer or early autumn. If successful, the council must contract the funded works by March 2025. The committee agreed to bring a full budget approval in autumn after the BLRF bid results are known.

Quarter 4 Key Performance Indicators

Mr Devon Shear presented the Quarter 4 2023/24 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) report. Four KPIs were not met, as detailed in Appendix A of the report. The committee also reviewed the risk register and updates on the council house building programme, as well as the performance indicators for 2024/25.

Councillors raised questions about the number of households in temporary accommodation and the number of affordable homes being negotiated with developers. Specific figures on the number of people in temporary accommodation will be circulated later. The committee noted an error in the report regarding the Hilbury Road site in Warlingham, which should state 45% affordable units instead of 45 units.

Budget Outturn 2023/24

Rona presented the 2023/24 budget outturn for the Housing General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The Housing General Fund had a small underspend of £45,000, while the HRA reported a significant underspend of £1.8 million, primarily due to lower-than-expected depreciation costs. The underspend will be recycled back into the HRA fund for future housing projects.

Councillors discussed the implications of energy cost savings and the volatility of energy prices. The council's energy procurement strategy, which involves bulk buying through a broker, contributed to the underspend.

Temporary Accommodation and Hostels

Councillor Klein inquired about plans for additional temporary accommodation and hostels in Tandridge. Officers confirmed that the council is considering options for more temporary accommodation through the Local Authority Housing Fund, which will reduce the need for hostel and bed-and-breakfast accommodations. The council is also exploring the use of government funding for Afghan refugees to purchase larger houses for temporary accommodation.

Grounds Maintenance

The committee discussed the status of the grounds maintenance service, which had moved to a cut and drop model approved in March. Despite some issues with weather and equipment breakdowns, the service is catching up with the help of contractors and new machinery.

Other Business

The committee also addressed minor points raised by Councillor Gaffney regarding the risk register and operational updates. The recommendations for the Sea Cadets planning application and the budget outturn were approved without opposition.

For more details, you can refer to the public reports pack and the minutes of the previous meeting.