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Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 19 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee of Warwickshire Council convened on Wednesday 19 June 2024. Key topics discussed included the management of blocked drains and grass cutting, updates on economic development and skills initiatives, the progress of various infrastructure projects, and the implementation of 20 mph speed zones.

Blocked Drains and Grass Cutting

Councillor Fragely raised concerns about blocked drains and standing water due to recent heavy rains and grass cutting. Scott Tompkins confirmed that there is a robust programme for emptying drains and that the council has been reactive to residents' reports. He noted that the county had underspent on winter maintenance but overspent on jetting and cleaning gullies due to the exceptional rainfall. Tompkins also mentioned the use of the Carbon Tech system to track the cleanliness of gullies and adjust cleaning frequencies accordingly.

Economic Development and Skills Initiatives

Isabella Moore provided an update on economic development, highlighting the adoption of the Warwickshire Economic Growth Strategy. She reported a decrease in unemployment from 3.3% to 2.4%, and detailed various business support initiatives, including the Warwickshire Investment Fund and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Moore also discussed new employment programmes like Work Well and Universal Support, aimed at supporting residents with mental health issues and providing targeted employment support.

Infrastructure Projects

Tristan Smith presented the EDS Dashboard, detailing the progress of several infrastructure projects. Completed projects included the Bermuda Connectivity Project and the Gallows Hill roundabout. Ongoing projects include the Fords Foundry roundabout and Queensway roundabout works. Smith also mentioned the upcoming Ava Mill project, which is being refined in collaboration with the Environment Agency to ensure it does not exacerbate flood risks.

20 mph Speed Zones

Scott Tompkins provided an update on the implementation of 20 mph speed zones, as detailed in the Communities OS 20mph update. Six zones have been delivered since February 2023, with several more in design or consultation stages. Councillor Sinclair suggested conducting post-implementation studies to assess the effectiveness of these zones, focusing on speed data and residents' perceptions of safety.

Year-End Integrated Performance Report

Steve Smith presented the Year-End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24, highlighting that 86% of performance measures were on track or met. Key areas of strong performance included waste management and carbon emissions reduction. However, challenges remain in managing increasing demands and costs in social care and home-to-school transport.

Work Programme and Future Meetings

The committee discussed the work programme for the upcoming year, including inviting representatives from careers services, bus companies, and Seven Trent to future meetings. The need to cover both the north and south of the county was emphasized.

The meeting concluded with no urgent items raised.