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Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel - Thursday 20 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel meeting on Thursday 20 June 2024 focused on several key issues, including the re-election of the chair, public concerns about the Warwickshire Hunt, and updates on various police and crime initiatives.

Public Concerns about the Warwickshire Hunt

Dr. Denise Taylor addressed the panel, raising concerns about the persistent offending by the Warwickshire Hunt and the lack of convictions despite overwhelming evidence. She questioned the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) on the actions to be taken to hold the Chief Constable accountable for the lack of enforcement. The PCC refuted claims of a pro-hunt bias and emphasized that all groups must conform to the law. He also announced an independent review of the policing of the Warwickshire Hunt, which will be finalized and announced after the general election.

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Report

The PCC presented two reports: the quarterly update and the annual report for 2023-24. The quarterly report highlighted the main priorities for the next four years, including rebuilding trust and confidence in the police force. The annual report detailed the progress made in transforming Warwickshire Police through the Empower program, focusing on people, place, and technology. The PCC emphasized the importance of continuous evaluation and adaptation to ensure the force remains effective and resilient.

Community Safety Partnerships

The Community Safety Partnerships Report was discussed, with the PCC expressing strong support for these partnerships. He encouraged more active participation from housing associations, health services, and mental health trusts to enhance community safety efforts.

Planning and Performance Working Group

The Planning and Performance Working Group reported on its activities, focusing on evidence-based performance measures. The group is set to concentrate on four key areas, including domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, in its upcoming meetings.

Police and Crime Panel Annual Report

The Police and Crime Panel Annual Report was reviewed, highlighting the panel’s activities over the past year and outlining priorities for the future. These include supporting the development of the next police and crime plan, monitoring the impact of the Empower program, and enhancing engagement and transparency.

Upcoming Meetings and Work Programme

The PCP Work Programme for 2024-25 was confirmed, with key dates set for future meetings. The panel also discussed the reconstitution of the budget working group to better understand the complexities of the annual budget.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the public reports pack and other related documents.


Andy Davis Independent Member
Councillor Derek Poole Rugby Borough Council
Profile image for Councillor Barbara Brown
Councillor Barbara Brown  Labour
Andrew Davies Independent Member
Profile image for Councillor Jenny Fradgley
Councillor Jenny Fradgley  Liberal Democrats
Councillor Natalie Gist Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Profile image for Councillor Dave Humphreys
Councillor Dave Humphreys  Conservative
Councillor Ray Jarvis North Warwickshire Borough Council
Councillor Jim Sinnott Warwick District Council
Caroline Gutteridge
Andrew Harper
Councillor Tim Jenkins Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council
Lucy Adams