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Planning Committee - Wednesday, 19th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 19, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Thanet Council Planning Committee meeting on 19 June 2024 addressed several significant planning applications, including updates on previous deferrals and new proposals. Key decisions were made on applications concerning land ownership issues, retrospective permissions, and the impact of proposed developments on local character and amenities.

Land to the North of Fairland Road and West of Northwood Road, Broadstairs

The committee discussed the application for the land to the north of Fairland Road and west of Northwood Road in Broadstairs. Due to a change in ownership and the need for further legal advice to ensure the Section 106 agreement safeguards planning obligations, the recommendation was changed from approval to deferral. The application was deferred and delegated for approval subject to safeguarding conditions following confirmation of the acceptability of the signed Section 106 agreement within six months.

61 Ashburnham Road, Ramsgate

The committee revisited the retrospective application for a single-storey rear extension at 61 Ashburnham Road, Ramsgate, following a site visit. The extension, which is 4.2 metres deep and 3 metres high, exceeded the permitted development depth by 1.2 metres. The officers recommended refusal due to the unacceptable loss of outlook and light, creating a sense of enclosure for the neighbouring property. However, after discussion, the committee voted against the recommendation and approved the application, subject to the condition that the extension be finished to match the existing property.

The Royal, 51 Harbour Parade

The application for the change of use of the ground floor pub to a commercial unit and the erection of a five-storey side extension and a three-storey building to the rear was discussed. Due to issues with land ownership and the need for a unilateral undertaking to secure the SAMS contribution, the committee imposed a negatively worded condition. The application was approved, subject to the condition that no work should commence until all parties with an interest in the site have entered into a Section 106 agreement or such interests have come to an end.

31 Crowhill, Broadstairs

The application for a first-floor extension and a two-storey side extension at 31 Crowhill, Broadstairs, was recommended for refusal due to its impact on the character of the area. The proposed development was considered to result in a cramped and congested form of development, reducing the spacious setting around the property and creating a large, dominant property among smaller, modest bungalows. The committee agreed with the officers' recommendation and refused the application.

Other Applications

Several other applications were discussed, including:

  • New Wington Community Centre, Princess Margaret Avenue, Ramsgate: Approved.
  • Canterbury Christchurch University Compass, Northwood Road, Broadstairs: Approved.
  • Unit 29, North of Spitfire Way and East of Columbus Avenue, Ramsgate: Approved.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Minutes Public Pack 22052024 Planning Committee.