Good morning to you all and welcome to the multi-location
meeting of the cabinet this morning. There is no fire alarm
planned for today so if the alarm will sound it won't be a
test and you should follow the appropriate fire exit signs.
Also, I just want to remind everybody present that the
proceedings of today's meeting are being filmed live and may be
kept on the council's internet site and the images and sound
recording may also be used for training purposes within the
council. So we'll move on to the first item, apologies for
absence. We have received apologies this morning from
Councillor Glenoch Davis, Linda Evans and Anne Davis. We'll
now move on to the second item, declarations of personal
interest. As you know you will have the responsibility under
the code of conduct to verbally declare any personal interest
that you may have in relation to any item appearing on the
agenda today. Please make sure you clearly indicate which
agenda item you have a personal interest in and also the
specific nature of that interest. You'll also need to
repeat your declaration of personal interest at the start
of the relevant agenda item. So can I ask members, please, if
you have any declarations to raise your hand. If not, we will
move on to item 3, which is to sign as a correct record the
minutes of the meeting that was held on the 13th of May. The
minutes start on page 5 of the pack. I understand that
Councillor Jane Tremlitt is happy to move these minutes.
Thank you. Confirm happy to move the minutes. Thank you.
Thank you, Jane. Edward Thomas, I understand you're
happy to second. Thank you, chair. Yes, I'm happy to
second. Thank you. Can I therefore ask members to show by
raising your hands if you are happy to receive the minutes.
All in favour? Thank you. Nobody against and no
abstentions. That has been approved. We'll now move on to
item 4, which is questions on notice by members. I can
confirm that no questions have been received. So we'll move
on to item 5, public questions on notice. Once again, I can
confirm that no questions have been received. We'll now move
on to item 6 on the agenda, which is the commercialization
strategy. This report starts on page 13 of the pack. And the
commercialization strategy is noted, which provides a more
strategic approach to the development and implementation
of income generation across the council. Councillors Alan
Lenny and Phil Hughes are jointly responsible for this
report. But Councillor Phil Hughes will be moving the report
formally. So over to you, Phil. Thank you.
Commercialization is not a new concept for local
government. And the council already operates in the
commercial market in a range of diverse services, namely
leisure services, theatres, car parks, garden waste and ground
maintenance. However, more and more councils are seeking to
become more innovative and ambitious in their approach to
commercialization in search of new ways of generating income,
given the challenging financial climate that we operate in. As
an authority, we need to maximize any opportunity to
generate income so that the service cuts that our trade
union colleagues refer to are minimized and thereby safeguard
jobs. An increasing number of local authorities in the UK are
seeking to adopt a more commercial approach to the
delivery of council services as a way of providing for more
sustainable approaching to deal with the ongoing challenges of
shrinking budgets and increasing demands. The audit study on
commercialization in local government in 2020 identified
that local councils are looking at different ways of making
savings, safeguarding services and generating income.
Commercialization is consequently becoming more
important for councils. John and the team have done some great
work in relation to integrating commercialization into the
culture of the organization for reasons that I believe are
self-evident. We have also been working with our current
cohort of future leaders, and this area of work has been the
basis for a future leader project led by Ben Catherines as
part of the Council's Future Leaders Program. On a personal
level, it is an incredibly exciting and innovative strategy
that will underpin the delivery of agreed actions and
commitments contained in the transformation strategy, our
digital strategy and our workforce strategy. Our approach
to commercialization is forward thinking, and to quote the
Chief Executive Wendy, we need transformation on steroids if
we are going to robustly respond to the challenging
financial climate ahead of us. Commercialization is an
integral to the transformation. Finally, since I presented
this report to the pre-Cabinet, I can confirm that this has
been recently presented to the corporate performance and
resources committee, with members I unanimously supported.
It has also been presented to the Shadow Cabinet, and again,
it was fully supported. So with those few words, Chair, I have
the pleasure of fully endorsing the strategy.
Thank you, Phil. Alan, you are happy to second?
Thank you, leader. Yes, I am happy to second the
strategy. Thank you, Alan, for that. And as Phil said, this is
something really important for us as a Council in the next few
years as we look at the challenges that are facing us
financially and creating income is going to be extremely
important. So thank you very much, Phil. And to the Office
officers who have put this strategy together over the last
few months, so very grateful for that. Are there any questions
or further comments from members, please? If not, can I
ask you to please raise your hand to show that you are happy
to receive the recommendation. All in favor, thank you. Nobody
against, and no abstentions. That has been approved. Thank
you again to everybody who has worked on this strategy over the
last few weeks. So with that, we'll move on to Item 7 on the
agenda, which is the Camarthenshire local area energy
plan. It starts on page 29 of the pack and sets out the final
version of the scheme which has been developed over the last
period. I therefore ask Councillor Alan Vaughan-Owen as
the cabinet member to introduce the report formally, please.
Thank you, Aled. Thank you, Chair. It's a privilege to
present the Camarthenshire local area energy plan. This scheme
is funded by Welsh Government to ensure that all local
authorities in Wales complete the work of creating a scheme
by mid-2024. This follows the first phase where one or two
local authorities were pilot locations, for example,
Pembrokeshire, which produced their scheme in 2022 as a
funding condition for the Milford Haven Energy Kingdom
project. Other plans across the South West Wales region are
being delivered by City Science for Swansea, Neath Potalbot
and us here in Camarthenshire. Local area energy planning is
a detailed and comprehensive process which has been designed
to identify the most effective route or routes to decarbonize
the local energy system by 2050. Along with City Science, we
in Camarthenshire have led the process, but the plan was
developed jointly with a large number of other stakeholders
across the county and beyond. While each energy scheme across
the region is separately produced and has been tailored to
the local landscape, the three schemes will be designed in a
way to ensure consistency. As you can see, this plan is
comprehensive and detailed. Earlier chapters summarize the
findings of the process, giving a comprehensive overview of the
current energy system in Camarthenshire. The later
chapters consider potential future energy scenarios and the
nature of the potential changes which will be required to the
energy system, ultimately providing possible course of
actions with the main aim of achieving net zero by 2050. The
aim of this report is to be a dynamic report that gives local
and regional options and ultimately a national plan to
transform energy systems to address climate challenges,
energy efficiencies and the future security of energy
supply. So with those few words, I'm very happy to propose
this report formally. Thank you very much, Aled, for proposing
that formally. And can I ask Councillor Hazel Evans to second
if you're happy to do so. Thank you, leader. I am happy to
second the proposal. Thank you. That has been proposed and
seconded. Are there any further questions or comments, please?
No. As Aled said, this is a flexible scheme which will
develop over the coming years and I'm sure that we are all
looking forward to feeding into that work as it develops. If
you're happy, can I ask you, therefore, to please raise your
hand if you support the recommendation as is outlined in
the report. Thank you. Everyone is in favour. Nobody against
and no abstentions. So that has been approved. With that, we
will move on to Item 8, which is urgent items. And I can
confirm that no urgent items have come before us this
morning. And as there are no other items on the agenda, I,
therefore, declare this meeting is closed. Thank you for your
attendance today and for your presentations.