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Licensing Sub-Committee A - Tuesday, 30th April, 2024 10.00 am
April 30, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
For an attendance today, our Councillor Ken Hawell and Peter Cooper, and in attendance
as an observer is Councillor Tussle Evans.
There is no fire alarm today, but if the alarm should sound, it won't be a test, and members
attending physically should follow the appropriate fire exit signs.
Before proceeding today, I have to remind everybody that the proceedings of today's meeting
are being filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site, and also
in the archive record of the meeting.
Also the images and sound recording may also be used for training purposes within the Council.
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If any remote attendees lose connection during the live meeting, please make every effort
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However, the meeting will continue as long as we remain core it.
Finally, can I please ask the officers and members present in the meeting today to please
introduce yourselves before you speak.
We will now move on to the agenda before us today.
Item one.
Creation of personal interest.
We all have a responsibility into the court of conduct to verbally declare any personal
interest that we may have in relation to any item appearing on the agenda today.
Please ensure that you clearly indicate which item you have a personal interest in and the
specific nature of the interest to be disclosed and whether or not you will be withdrawing
from the meeting during consideration of that item.
If an interest has not been declared at the start but becomes known during discussion,
it will need to be declared when that interest becomes apparent.
You will need to repeat your declaration of personal interest at the beginning of the relevant
item of the agenda as well as indicating whether or not you will be leaving the meeting during
consideration of that item.
You will also need to indicate whether you are being granted a dispensation by the standards
committee or the monitoring officer to speak or vote or both in respect of any item on
the agenda.
Will members now please make their declarations by raising your hand if there is any under
a no declarations.
So we move on to item two and that's the application to vary a premises license, sans
restaurant and chauffeur, Ebola club and duck in Penndine, sans holiday village Penndine,
S-A-33, 4-N-Z.
Now this report is regarding an application received from Park Dean Caravan Park, limited
to vary a premises license and but before we start, I will ask Ms. Sally Martin, the
council's solicitor, to outline the process for the hearing before we hear the application.
Before I outline the process for the hearing of the application, I understand there is
a request from a party for an adjournment so perhaps I can, perhaps that party could
indicate who is making the request and the reasons for it before we begin.
Good morning, I am Alan Morgan, senior EFO with the Pollution team, I received some information
from the applicant over the last 12 hours, I am still not 100% confident or clear with
the responses provided so I would appreciate if we could have some 30 minutes to consider
the information in more detail, please.
Could I ask Mr. Emir Jones, the applicant and the objectors who have made representations
today if they have any views on the request, just for the 30-minute adjournment?
Sorry, Bruce Goodwin, resident and Vice Chair, Penndine Community Council representing the
residents of Penndine today, would like to read a statement which I was not unable to
send in advance but I don't think anybody wants to leave before the adjournment?
You're happy with the 30-minute adjournment, yes.
Thank you.
Mr. Jones?
Yes, I'm also happy, I think it would be constructive, thank you.
Yes, that would be most beneficial, thank you, Council.
And members, it's now your decision as to whether or not to grant that 30-minute adjournment.
Do you agree, members, that we adjourned for 30 minutes, right?
That is agreed and therefore we will adjourn for 30 minutes for you to have a thorough discussion
with regards to the proposals put forward, dear.
Right, well, prior to the break that we were discussing the application to a very premises
license sounds restaurant and show about Ebola Club in Penndine and before we go any
further, I once again ask Mrs. Sally Martin, the Council's solicitor, to outline the process
of the hearing application and possibly enlarge on what the discussion has been during the
last hour.
Thank you, Chair, I think before I outline the process for today's hearing, can I initially
hand over to Mr. Emer Jones, just to outline the outcome of any discussions concerning
the application, just so everybody is aware of the current position before we proceed
any further, thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members, grateful for the opportunity to outline this to you
prior to receiving any representations.
If I can refer to the Executive Summary in your report, which sets out the original application.
The discussion that we've had between the applicant, environmental health and ourselves
then has led to an amendment to the original application.
If I outline it like this, first paragraph talks within the Executive Summary of an update
to the plan of the premises to include outdoor areas as marked on the documentation.
This part of the application has been removed, so the application as amended does not seek
to license any outdoor areas at the site at all.
So therefore, moving down to the fifth paragraph, where it says, Extend plays, films, live
music, recorded music and performances of dance outdoors and Monday to Sundays between
midday and 11pm,
that has been removed from the application.
So as it stands, the application relates only to the existing indoor areas at PennDine as
set out in the paragraph's centre of that Executive Summary.
I won't go through them in more detail, but that, Mr. Chairman, is the amendment to the
application, and I know Mr. Jonathan Smith for the applicant will be able to confirm
that or answer any questions about that before we start.
Do you have a reminder?
Thank you.
Mr. Smith, could you just confirm that all of that is the case before we proceed any further?
Thank you.
Yes, I confirm that's the case.
Thank you, Councillors.
In that case, I'll proceed to outline the hearing procedure for today.
So the responsible authorities who have made written representations in relation to the
matter will be invited to present their evidence to the subcommittee.
They'll each have 20 minutes to add to or clarify their written representations, and
they'll be heard in the following order, the licensing authority and then the pollution
At the conclusion of each responsible authorities' evidence, the chair will invite questions
to be put to the relevant responsible authority by those present in the following order.
So firstly, sub-committee members, then the pollution team, then the objectors, and then
the applicant.
If any objectors who have made written representations wish to speak, they will also each be allowed
up to 20 minutes to make relevant representations.
They will be heard in the order on the agenda, and again, at the conclusion of the evidence,
the chair will invite questions to be put to the relevant objector in the following order,
same as before sub-committee members, responsible authorities, other objectors, and finally,
the applicant.
Then finally, the applicant and/or their representatives may address the subcommittee for up to 20
At the conclusion of the applicant's evidence, the chair will again invite questions to be
put to the applicant.
In the following order, sub-committee members, then responsible authorities, then objectors.
The subcommittee may at any stage rule as inadmissible any evidence, submissions, or questions which
they consider to be irrelevant or a repetition of previous evidence, submissions, or questions.
A party may not make an additional statement or be re-questioned by his own representative
once the questioning by the committee members and other parties has been concluded.
All parties are reminded that the opportunity to ask questions does not be used to restate
previous comments.
The chair may meet the microphone of any party who does this or otherwise fails to follow
these procedures.
Before I move on, can I just ask if any party considers they'll need longer than 20 minutes
to speak?
No, thank you.
Thank you.
So, in terms of the determination of the application, once we've been through that,
that's the process.
The chair will then close the public meeting and the subcommittee will reconvene in private
to make its decision.
The parties will be notified of the member's decision in writing within five working days
of the hearing.
So, if I can now hand over to the first responsible authority.
Well, I now ask Emma Jones, the licensing lead for the licensing authority to provide the
subcommittee with the licensing authority's representations.
And this is on Appendix C of the report, page 53.
Thank you, Mr Chairman and members.
Yes, our representation or our original letter representation is at Appendix C.
I'll take you through it very briefly.
On page 1, we've set out details in relation as we normally do for any previous enforcement
action, prosecutions, complaints or responsible authority referrals.
As this has been licensed premises since 2005 under our responsibility as a licensing
authority, I can confirm that we've no referrals, complaints or previous enforcement action
in relation to the premises under the licensing act.
At the bottom of the page and then over relief, I've set out the relevant portions of both
the local licensing policy and of the statutory guidance issued under the licensing act.
Then moving on to paragraph F, where we look at the proposed operating schedule.
As I've mentioned, the premises have been licensed to provide license for activity since 2005
and also most recently, over the last few years, have used temporary event notices to
authorize activities in other locations, including outside areas to put on film shows, etc., over
the last two summers.
The environmental health team, as you will see in your bundle, submitted a letter of representation
in relation to the application and raised a number of queries in relation to the management,
particularly the additional external areas, which no longer form part of the application.
Again, I went on to expand that from our experience in the licensing section of dealing
with outdoor areas. They do tend to give rise to complaints and are quite difficult areas
to manage. So we supported the original representation from environmental health, asking for more
information in relation to the control and intended control measures and management for
these external areas. As we've said, they no longer form part of the application. However,
I think it's appropriate to mention that licensed premises have the ability and the
amendments to the licensing act to have live music and other forms of entertainment in
outdoor areas between 8 in the morning and 11 at night without it necessarily forming
part of the premises license in itself. These are deregulatory measures performed by the
government since the legislation was first approved. However, there are still controls
in terms of those outdoor areas. Starlet Morgan will explain the controls that environmental
health have in terms of noise nuisance. Should they give rise to that? And also from a licensing
point of view, I'm sure members would be aware that in the last two to three years that the
committee have, through the process of a license reveal, removed the automatic entitlement
that applied to at least two licensed premises within the county as a result of the abuse
of those automatic entitlements. So there are measures in place even though the use of
the outdoor areas may be deregulated. There are still control measures both to environmental
health and to licensing. Finally, I've noted there that a number of representations have
been received from persons, many here today, to make their representations in person. Under
subcommittee will have to be satisfied that granting the application will not undermine
the licensing objectives. In summary, then, those are our representations following the
amendment of the application, our initial concern and questions were in relation to the outdoor
areas which no longer form part of the application. Thank you very much. If there are any questions,
I'll do my best to assist. Thank you. Now, we'll go ask the members if they have any
questions from Mr. Bremer Jones and I'll start off with the applicants can still apply for
temporary event notices in the future for outdoor areas. Is that correct? I know it
isn't part of this application today. Yes, Mr. Chairman, members, the applicants,
does anybody else are perfectly free to submit temporary event notices as they have over
previous summers to authorize events in the outdoor areas or indeed indoor areas as well
at the premises? Any questions from the members? Yeah. When these temporary event notices are
applied for, are the local people allowed to object? The process for a temporary event notice
is essentially the applicant or the notice giver tells the authority what they propose
to do, providing it fits within the limits of a temporary event notice, then, and it's
properly served. There isn't a process to notify formerly local residents, but that notice
is considered by both environmental health and the police. If they have any concerns,
for example, should the notice be in relation to a location which has been subject to noise
problems in the past, the history of some noise problems and noise monitoring, then environmental
health as a body that's received that notice could submit an objection and that objection
would be heard by yourselves as a committee. I think there are also examples in the past
where locations that have been subject to noise problems and have had subsequent temporary
event notices, environmental health have brought along local residents as they witness to an
objection to a temporary event notice. So, there are procedures and working practices
that enable the authorities to work with local residents even though they're not a statutory
consultation, there are no notices given to them of temporary events.
If I may come back on that one, it is rather a long-winded process for the people to get
satisfaction and those who wish to object to the events taking place and these events have
been licensed, I appreciate that. The local people who wish to object, it is a long-winded
process that they have to persuade the police and the council that there is a legitimate
order, they have a legitimate fear about what is happening and with the increasing noise
and the hours and so forth.
I appreciate that there's a need to engage with the authorities. Part of that, I think
we issue up to almost 500 temporary event notices or process up to 500 temporary event
notices in the year. By far and away, the vast majority of those take place without any
complaint, without any issue and certainly without coming before you here. I think it's
important to recognise that the legislation allows a whole range of the public and groups
to hold events with a relatively light touch process to it. However, the safeguards are
there, I appreciate it's a two-step process in as much as the local residents would work
with the authorities or perhaps are already working with the authorities in terms of that.
But it also assists in focusing as to whether the objection is based on fact or is it based
on concern and I know there is case law under the licensing act that decisions would be
taken based on where possible evidence or professional opinion rather than fears or concerns.
But I appreciate the point you're making in that there is no direct consultation in
the process with the local residents. But with the local residents, shouldn't there
be a sense on the local press or something, some sort of notice put out so that they know
these are happening because at the end of the day they wouldn't know that these events
are going on unless there is some sort of notice or a notice put up on posts and windows
or shops or something. I mean at least they know that there is something happening and
otherwise they'll turn up one day and then all of a sudden there's something going on
there for 11 o'clock music in the night without them even knowing about it.
Yes, I appreciate the point obviously we're dealing with the statutory process here but
quite often events held in the community, there will be a lot of publicity locally for
them, the community would be aware of them and from time to time I know that applicants
engage in situations where there are concerns about noise, from time to time the operators
of premises will undertake to engage with the local community to make them aware of their
programme of events. It's not a statutory requirement but I appreciate the point.
And I just make one point after reading the letters from all the objectors the feeling
I get that the applicants do not communicate with the local people at all. So I appreciate
what you say that there is a path for them to communicate but from what I read the letters
there is no communication or very little if any.
Like Mr. Chair I'm just to come back obviously we haven't heard from the applicants yet they
may have something to clarify on that point and perhaps we will wait to hear from them
on the 20 course. Right well thank you I agree with the sentiments of my fellow members but
forward and their concerns as well. Now we ask Mr. Alleth Morgan do you have any questions
for Mr. Jones? No nothing at all thanks. Right now I ask the objectors have you any questions
to Mr. Jones and if so could you please give your name before stating that.
No questions. No questions at present thank you. Mr. Jones and Morgan Smith on behalf
of the applicant do you have any questions? No questions thank you sir. Right Sally Martin
do you have any questions? No thank you Chair. Right thank you. We will now ask Mr. Alleth
Morgan the environmental health practitioner for the authority to provide the subcommittee
with the pollution teams representations and this is an appendix D of the report.
For that I ask further to my letter of original representation
based on the most recent amendments agreed with the applicant in the last
hour or so. I would like to remove my objection from the application and on the basis of
the amendments I have no further representation to make. I would like to take the opportunity
to inform members that I have spoken with the residents present here today and offered and made
them aware of the services that the environmental health section offers public in that they are
more than happy and more than welcome to make contact with the authority if they are subjected
to any noise complaints then we do have a process to investigate those noise complaints as we do
the other 1200 noise complaints we investigate every year so that that offers me extended to
to those present today if they don't have my contact details to hand I'm more than happy to
check out again with with residents. Thank you Mr. Morgan well I'm sure that the residents would
appreciate having that information from you and I dare say possibly we'll hear from them in the
near future so I'll ask now have the members any questions to Mr. Morgan?
Morgan if they wanted then the monitoring or the the seven monitoring of events come on there
you know there's a certain decibels that allowed to go up to so the residents could request that
would it be possible that you could do that for them put a monitoring machine in somewhere?
So at an authority we've got a noise complaint procedure and as part of that procedure there is
a stage where we will monitor that can be either in person or whether you solve noise
monitoring equipment as you stated. Thank you and Mayor Jones do you have any questions
to start with Morgan? And the objectors any questions? I could have state your name before.
What I'd like to do is when you say to contact a load authority when it means manners and polite
for the gentleman to be able to contact somewhere to his not long-winded that they had enough manners
to contact us we contact you in the Google shape politely and sort of problem out
a source rather than prolonging it which we've always done in the past you've always accepted
we're not warm I guess we just need polite contact on both sides.
I'm interested around for that I'm sure the applicants have clearly heard that and possibly
they will respond but Mr. Morgan what do you have got nothing to respond to that?
We don't full-on members of the public of any events.
Are we relying on members of the public to make contact with us and we obviously would take
their concerns and board if they contact us. Any others of the objectors write your name?
Andrew Roberts can I ask environmental health how do we purchase the equipment from which you
would accept the decibel reading you said you can't supply us we object after the event
therefore you cannot monitor it we need to if we get to know this event coming up we need to have
a monitor there and the reading for which you will accept now I am aware one of our
residents says you can get an app on your phone you can record it and send that recording to you
for an analysis because it's no good complaining after the event we need to have a monitor so you
can know that we're not just being sour grapes that there was a definite decibel issue I mean
all places of entertainment since the Greek times have been in a bowl most of us live up on the
hill as well the biggest noise is up on the hill because the sound travels up we at the top of the
hill need some form of monitoring equipment if we're forced to buy it ourselves we will have to
but it has to be a piece of equipment for which you will accept the reading could you enlighten
please yes very yeah completely the question without something kind of to be rude or whatever
we wouldn't accept any readings taken from yourselves we would have to gather the evidence of ourselves
and we did when I responded to the previous query that we do have monitoring equipment
and if the complaint is justified and we feel it is necessary we would install noise monitoring
equipment at the property so you would come up before the event started so just to put it in
context on Saturday night I was working up until one o'clock where we were monitoring an event
that I've been in rural command nature and I was part of the listening kind of process so yes
that is an activity thank you very much that clarification okay any further questions from
the objectives no terms and mr. Jonathan Smith have you got any questions now to mr.
Alec Morgan no questions thank you sir and Sally Martin any questions at present
thank you chair right thank you we move on now to the objectives and you now have an opportunity
to provide your representation to the subcommittee you will be aware that we've got copies of your
letters that you submitted and we've read all those but you have an opportunity now to air your views
as well and well who wishes to start the ball rolling I'll start the ball rolling right in your
name sorry Bruce Goodwin thank you okay um I had prepared quite a lengthy script for the meeting
which I can read out but it was very much focused on the the outside entertainment
so I would say that we appreciate that the applicants have removed the external licensing
which would have been a very frequent or potentially frequent event so we appreciate that that has
been removed from the license application because when we look at the internal entertainment sound
today currently within the premises doesn't drive complaints as you've seen from
the colleague here you've not received complaints because the internal music net doesn't necessarily
drive complaints it was the external entertainment but there's really really driving major concerns
amongst residents there is still concerns around events but when events are of a one-off nature
and the community is aware on on board with them there is more willingness to tolerate a limited
sound and there are happy in occasions where you have on a bank holiday external entertainment
and it will go on all day and let's not be bold I think it would be far above the decibel readings
that probably are acceptable however on a one-off basis there is a tolerance within the village
it is a seaside village people are on holiday so on isolated events there is a willingness to work
with park team the fact that it's going to be on a temporary basis and you'd have to apply
it would be good if we have advanced advanced notification of that and I think there is an
opportunity to improve communication from park team to the community and you know I think there
has been an attempt in recent months to improve the communication with the community council
and we welcome and value that and the residents welcome and value that but I think there is an
opportunity for more proactive dialogue on those events that you may want to have on a one-off basis
it won't don't get me wrong I think there's still some concerns about outside noise
up to 11 o'clock even though I know you are able and willing to do that with
incurrence licensing terms but I think then it's a case of monitoring that activity to
understand that it's acceptable because the people live there 365 days of the year there's shift
workers etc etc within the village and it is like an auditorium at night where sound carries
up the hillside and you and the sound show bar and outside is right in the heart of that
auditorium and there is a sensitivity to that you know we want parking to be part of the community
and you know work with us but there is concerns in terms of the end in the two and
entertainment itself you know there it is pretty well contained within the sound show bar and the
duck in the additional concerns of the residents is not so much of that it's the when people
leave that venue at the end of the night so up to the current licensing time
you're probably going to get noise pollution anti-social behavior which we do see from time to time
not excessive and not not not very frequent more frequent obviously in the peak summer months
than other other times but it's pre-midnight and the concerns for the village now with the
new extension yes on internal entertainment is not the noise from the internal entertainment itself
but it's the people leaving the venue not just at 11 o'clock now at midnight and 1 a.m which means
you will have people drinking for longer periods of time and we might see more drunken behavior
on the streets at after 1 a.m. in the morning which is more of a disturbance than it is today
and those are the concerns that the villagers are concerned about in terms of the licensing extension
that's the mic.
Right thank you very much now then we come to you sir.
Pilipra resident appending right just to clarify in my own mind the applicant can out they can now
because of the existing licenses on the premises they can still have outdoor
music without applying for a separate license it's part of their license for the premises
is that correct right we'll come back to that right you've asked the question right any other
questions there no right we'll ask mr. Jones now do you have any questions to the residents or do
you want to answer what has been asked just on that point again it's not the license which permits
because they have removed from their application a request to license the outdoor areas
it's automatic entitlements that are in place for all license premises that allow them to hold
certain activities between eight and 11 without the need for a license in place so live music being
one example of that and I can certainly give you more information about that after the hearing
if you if you want to go into more detail in relation to that thank you for that it's just that
they can still have they can still have the music outside because so this could be still on a daily
basis then from 12 o'clock to 2300 hours on a daily basis from good Friday until the end of October
yeah provided they operate within the limits of the exemptions then just as any other license
premises they can do that however they must not undermine the licensing objectives one of those
being the prevention of public nuisance and hence as my colleague allied Morgan has mentioned
there's a process to investigate any noise problems that may come as a consequence of
activities even those that are exempt from our licensing controls thank you
right and started Morgan do you have any questions no not to be able to
Mr. Jonathan Smith absent points of clarification but I'll do with that in my
semester later and Sir Sally Martin no thank you
no right thank you so we'll now ask mr. Smith on behalf of the applicant to provide the subcommittee
with the application applicants representations regarding the application and this is on appendix
a of the report on page 11 and I dare say that you will adhere to what the objectives and the
officers have said and possibly respond to them when you address this thank you
thank you counsels can you hear me okay so if I could just before I go into the application just
to clarify four things and just to suggest two ways in which we can move forward in terms of the
hours that we're asking for the other forms of entertainment to take on the license
those are the hours that we can currently open there is no application here to go any later
in terms of the entertainment we provide the alcohol hours we sell or also the opening hours so
we can currently provide all sorts of entertainment other than those we're seeking until midnight
Sunday to Thursday 1 o'clock on a Friday and Saturday and the additional forms of entertainment we're
asking for just be clear as in it's up for the same hours we are not in any way looking to open
anything any later in terms of your question about the live music act it's something that's been
rounds at 2014 all premises can provide live music between 8 and 11 o'clock at night 18 in the
morning for 500 people please bear in mind we could have been doing this for um 10 years already
we don't make a great deal of use out of it but it's something that has been there for 10 years
already it's not it's not a new permission um it's funny um to your two two points what we're
going to suggest and this is obviously live and recorded I assume so you can quote it back to me
is first of all whenever we issue a temporary event notice we will make the community council
aware of that there's nothing in law and yes and it's quite right it's it's you tend to be left out
out in the dark often on these things but we will advise the community council when we're
issuing a temporary event notice it'll be part of the process my office will adopt and if we
could perhaps just make sure we've got your email address we'll tell you when those are going to
be the slight problem you might have is if it's raining for a movie night we don't hold the movie
night if it's raining so you might think you've got an event coming up but then it doesn't happen
and then the other thing that we will suggest and I'll also drop an email to you just confirming
this as well is we'll provide you with a contact number if you haven't surely got it for the security
office on site it's a mobile number I believe it's always available and yes we've got a new general
manager Barney who's new started recently and I believe communication may be better with Barney
and so we will provide you with that number as well so that's two ways in which we can be more
communicative to you and I do tell you point so about temporary event notices there's no statutory
right for residents to object if there are problems there were temporary event notices so if one
does cause a problem then the environmental health officer is very likely to object to the next one
we do because of previous temporary event notices cause problems and in terms of the live music and
if we do have any live music it does cause any disturbance there is the right and obviously
you as a committee have done this twice before to remove that legal right we have to provide live
music outdoors as every other premises does in the country England and Wales it is just England
and Wales council so the application that we've lodged is now limited to four aspects and I think
two at least two of these are not controversial so the first one is to change the name of the
premises on the license to Pendine Sands Holiday Park rather than chopping and changing and having
lots of individual license names the second aspect yes has been withdrawn and that's to change the
plans that are attached to the license to license and outdoor air we've withdrawn that so there is
no request for outdoor areas the third aspect of the application is to add indoor sports
so these are forms of regulated entertainment we already have permission for plays films performance
of dance live music and recorded music on the license and they can run until midnight some day to
Thursday and one o'clock on a Friday and Saturday and the old New Year's extension right the way
through the night so we're asking the committee to permit indoor sports as well to the same hours
boxing and wrestling now just for information that's boxing wrestling come as one you can't
just have boxing and you can't just have wrestling on your application form you have to ask for both
we don't want boxing so we invite you to attach a condition if you're reminded to grant this
that there'll be no boxing it'll just be wrestling I'm sure you're still an advisor we couldn't just
apply for wrestling or boxing we had to do both and the sort of wrestling we have is if you can
remember the days of giant haystacks and big daddy ice to watch it on ITV sport it is
it's comedy theatrical family wrestling it's that sort it's not some
Greco-Roman wrestling that's going on or any sort of cage fighting it is a commensurate with
what we are which is a holiday family entertainment resort so it is if you like it's theatre wrestling
where it's all fixed but but it's very popular apparently with families and then the third
application is for us to be permitted entertainment of a like kind indoors as well to exactly the
same hours midnight sunday to thursday one o'clock friday saturday um the third aspect is to add
late night refreshment to the license so that's the sale of hot food and drink um to the license
again that is till midnight sunday to thursday one o'clock friday saturday so it's adding additional
permissions but there will be no difference in the time that people are coming out residents
you're concerned there's no change to the hours we can sell alcohol we're not seeking to change
that in any way now the last bit of the application i don't know if you want me to go through this
counts as we did send these to the police before we issued the application is to amend conditions
to bring them up to date we've excluded a lot of old fashioned objections that are now covered
by fire risk assessments there's no objection i think from your licensing officer to those
this we did change any of the public nuisance ones added and um there's no objection from the
police or or trading standards so we we've introduced things like challenge 25 in there we've updated
the forms of id that can be asked for so we've changed the conditions nobody's mentioned those
do you wish me to actually go through each and every one of those counciles because i might be
pushing with 20 minutes if i do well we've read them yeah so would you like me to go through any
in particular as to why we're changing them councilors if you if you could go through them
briefly it's being wet custard and then it would be all on record okay if i if i'm getting close
to my 20 minutes please please wait so the the license conditions you'll see those on page
the current license conditions on page is nine ten and eleven of your um of the premises license
that's in your pack i'm not sure what appendices is i'm sorry because i haven't got the appendices
and then you will see the conditions that we're asking to go on to our license which are
actually in the application form itself and they appear after the hours
under in section 16 of the application do you need me to let you find those councilors or have
you got them in front of you yeah so to look at the conditions that we're looking to remove is
first of all is number four um is the register of door staff we're actually looking to replace that
by a different condition number one under crime and disorder the reason we're changing that is
because we keep electronic versions as opposed to written versions of door staff registers
we're seeking to take out the court banning order one since we we don't really know who's on a court
banning order so that's been removed no objection from the police to that door supervisors carrying
their proof of registration and wearing a name badge now i don't think any door staff i know
where name badges anymore because that's quite dangerous for a dormant to wear a name badge
so instead that we've replaced that with wearing their their sa badge and the appropriate clothing
we then change number 11 12 13 about training and sale of alcohol training and also about
what i do we accept we've changed those for conditions or more up-to-date conditions
in the protecting children from harm section so we've updated to refer to the use of a challenge
25 policy which i'm sure you're familiar with if you look under the age of 25
you're asked for identification to prove you're over 18 and then we've set out the forms of ID
and also say obviously everybody will be trained in that in challenge 25 and challenging for ID
we've also amended the resort security officer that we've just we've just again updated that one
there is a resort security officer actually on the site at all times between nine o'clock and
eight o'clock in the morning so that's an evening resort security officer then and then public
safety well there was something else i'm sure you're supposed to advise something called the fire
safety order whereby you must do a fire risk assessment now to determine your capacity and
what happens in the event of an emergency so by law conditions one to 17 under public safety
are now all covered by us needing to do by law a fire risk assessment we've kept hypnotism
in so we still need to approach you if we want to do any hypnotism we've removed the
requirement to provide a free supply of drinking water because you're probably aware
councils that is now a mandatory condition on every single license we don't have a choice on that
and then finally we've amended some of the conditions under protection of children from harm
by replacing that as i've said with a challenge 25 policy training and up-to-date forms of
identification that we accept so those changes have been set to all of the authorities councillors
we haven't had any representations about changing any of those conditions but
quite happy to take any questions on those so in summary i was expected in ads to
have been spending a long time on the outside areas which obviously were the concerns from
from local residences we we now have a fairly simple scenario where we're looking to add
additional activities just to be clear to the license indoors so they offer indoors
the perusion of those activities indoors hot food and drink
indoor sports and boxing or wrestling but without the boxing and entertainment of a similar kind
to recorded music live music and perform to dance no no changing hours to the same hours that we've
currently got on the license change the name of the park license and then change those
conditions councillors in terms of the entertainment that we are putting on i'm i'm
thank you very much i've missed you name i do apologize but i don't think there are
or there haven't been any complaints about noise coming from indoors from the internal areas
and the entertainment that we're looking to put on very mind it's not
banging music anyway it's wrestling it's indoor sports and entertainment of a similar kind and
hot food and drink we already have recorded music and live music so we don't have any complaints
and i'm grateful for our doors also confirmed that there's been no complaints about that either
and just to reiterate um the two offers to we will email the community council with the dates of
temporary event notices in the times and also the contact number to use um in terms of just
summing up very briefly council i would ask your solicitor just to refer you to paragraphs 9.12
and 9.15 of the guidance and that is to um be to take note of whether or not police
have objected they are your principal source of crime and disorder and if they haven't you
should be guided by whether there's an objection and the same goes for environmental health because
actually environmental health aren't now objecting to our request for the indoor aspects of this
application and that's referred to at 9.15 that you should be guided by your environmental health and
you've heard there's been no objections in the past there's no reason to believe there'll be any
objections in the future with the additional entertainment that we'd like to provide councillors so
if i come be of assistance and i'm here to answer some questions
right i just just want to point sorry my pleasure to remind me just on the temporary event notices
that we have had um we did have six in 2026 and 21 six in 22 for the outdoor cinema um none of
those um they all went ahead and we didn't have any complaints last year we actually had 13 temporary
event notices in 23 but it was too wet so we didn't do it any often last year so we have held these
um movie nights these movies under the stars without any complaints under the temporary
event notes council which i think council you're you're concerned obviously about the temporary
event notes but we have done them in the past without complaint right well thank you for outlining
all that for us um before i move on to any questions i'd like to say that um we as a committee and
officers would have appreciated if you had submitted all your information to us
well before this weekend rather than leave it and until today that we've been able to have
negotiations with regards to that and i feel that that really isn't acceptable that we move on from
there could i just like and i should have actually explained why um we commissioned a noise report
we asked for a noise report to be done back on the 26th of march but you can't um measure background
noise levels if it's too windy or wet so the first time that the acousticians the the company were
able to go out to do that was only last weekend i believe and yes i apologize it was like council
i've apologized to allied i've apologized to a mirror and to to to Andrew that we we were late and i'm
sorry about that councilors and um it's as a result of that being late that it was too rushed and we
weren't prepared to proceed with the outdoor area um in sort of a in what would have been a if you
like a half a half prepared way uh if we are ever to to come back with the outdoor area would need
allard to meet with our environmental health expert and and get a proper report prepared so
my apologies for that for the record all right thank you and secondly um it was well it's concerning
for me being that you're in the heart of the village there of the lack of communication that
has been over the years with the community with regards to the events that you're holding there
but um we accept now that you will be communicating with the residents and the community council
in the future with regards to these events that's vitally important and i'm sure that that would have
been a benefit to you to get their support over the years but anyway from now on that will be the
case that you will be communicating well with the community uh we'll move on to further questions
from members yes thank you all right it would report that i've got to be honest you've covered
more things the only issue I noticed you haven't noticed on there CCTV inside and outside the
building there is still there is a condition still on the license that there is CCTV in the
complex inside an outside is it on outside yes it is both inside and outside
thank you
the other entertainment um i'm doing this from a point of ignorance really so i i just wish to
ask why is it uh the hour's premises are open to the public um on monday it starts at 545
that ends at 1230 similarly for tuesday wednesday thursday and on friday it is 1 30
and so it one saturday it is 1 30 and on sunday it is half past 12 could you please explain why
it is later in closing then for example late night refreshment or entertainment
that the reason quite simply is if you look at the sale of alcohol what we traditionally
refer to is drinking uptime so the sale of alcohol can carry on till midnight on a sunday to thursday
and friday saturday it can run until one o'clock and uh we've asked what we have on the license
an extra half an hour there for drinking uptime i'm sure your solicitor will confirm to you in your
deliberations we're obviously not here considering the license i was we currently have but the ones
we're requesting councils i was going to add that you can still finish thank you
what concerns me really i know that the hours yeah are acceptable it's a noise after stopping
or for the ceasing to serve alcohol it's a noise that comes afterwards isn't it and i'm sure that
that is a problem for the residents of pendant you know you you stop serving alcohol at say
one o'clock it's about two o'clock before the noise starts to abate you you have this noise
following particularly when the participants have been overindulging shall we say and that does create
a problem i should think i don't live there but i've read all the letters and they're all complaining
of the same thing sorry and i am and i am concerned about that sorry to interject but just to clarify
we're only here today to deal with the application to vary the license so the opening hours and the
sale of alcohol are already on the current license so um the members rule today isn't to
look into that that's already on the license you can only deal with the application to vary
so it's just the changes to the existing license that you're able to to determine today i'm still
happy to answer um it's only for we answer the residents obviously we have a lot of caravans and
you've asked the question but yes the hours there already but we do have door staff um on the main
complex and we also do have result security and we are at conscious and the point has been raised
in a number of the letters about noise from um holiday makers who are going home and that's why
counsellor we we've said and i've said we will provide the results security telephone number
to uh to to the community council but yeah just to reiterate what you said we're not here for a
review of our premises license councils it's just what we're asking to add but yeah just to give
you some peace of mind so that we we will give that number two to local residents we do have
security on park mr johns do you have any questions no questions in relation to the
amended application thank you mr johns i'll let morgan do you have any questions no more questions
from me and the local objectors do you have any questions and we'll start at this end uh
barrio connor pendant resident i just want to have a point of clarification on appendix a
it does state that having an outside activity in a tent is class as indoors is there any
intention to have activities inside tents um no not at the moment
further questions from the objectors at the end
uh oh Jonathan right um acoustics should be under weather conditions
it's can't be calm weather it can't be rain they can't be wind they got to be all together
to give you accurate performance with acoustics why in your professional capacity when left it's
so late guys you've been obviously more professional than us we just fear as people at pendant
why was it so late that you're so professional that you never ever saw the data before you ever
come here it's a bad question i did explain earlier we'd ask the acousticians to start or do it
yeah on it but so can i connect all different conditions not just one right could you do
that's a poor answer sorry could you leave mr smith now answer you
right we did ask them to do it on the 26th of march i'm not an acoustician um alleys probably
i'm going to refer to well i know as a better person to answer this but my understanding i'm
a solicitor not a acoustician my understanding is that in order to do the background noise readings
you need to have it can't be windy if there's wind and rain the background noise levels are
higher which means it distorts it so that's in a way means that that the recommendations we could
play music higher than we really could because the background levels are too high so it's better
for it to be calm and that's why my understanding is we have to wait for it to be calm but i don't
live in uh in pendant um i believe the weather hasn't been great of recent but it was okay last
week that it was that it was calm enough to do but that was the reason and i've apologized
it was late it wasn't like we knew it was late sorry right we could come back with a further
question i have to address um correct Nigel Brown yeah press no right yeah have you pressed
i have pressed yeah right you've been through this process before other applicants you're acting
like you don't know what you're talking about but you've been through it with other people
i don't act like you've never done this before this time for me you should be more professional
in being intimate application i don't you're passing out this for me else and not yourself i
just do not understand it it don't wait sorry i don't quite know what the question was but
yes we're the answer is i can't give you any other explanations to why it was done late
it's the first time for me any time that you've been here in applications before it is a
criteria i've been here before no not here in applications oh i have yes yes many a time
have you know have you know that's it so this time we seem to be in late
i just don't whether we need sorry what you're trying to convey is that being a person
out so much experience in these fields that on this occasion you've left things so late and
having such experience in the past you should have ensured that this wasn't the case today correct
it was later i've given you reasons why it was cancelled and and i did actually email the report
to allen and i'm here and i did say sorry this is late and i tried to call you both on Friday
to apologize for it being late and it was late councils yes all right i don't know what more i
can say any further questions to mr i just have one point of clarification sorry Bruce given
just in relation to the license application for new year's eve is there any change is that
24 and i was licensed i wasn't aware it was that previously so hence why they had the question
that's already on the license it was the case before this license yet came in that by law you
could go right the way through the night and it was translated through onto this license so it's
already on the license now okay thank you thank you and now i last the sally matting if she has any
further questions to you mr smith so of clarification with regards to the application no thank you
no right well we've heard from both sides here there are no further questions and i now ask
the committee to confirm that they wish to resolve to retire into private session in order to receive
legal advice pursuant to paragraph 16 of schedule 12a of the local government act 1972 and if you
wish to go into private session will you please raise your hand right so that is the decision we
will now go into private session can i take this opportunity to thank the residents of pandying
for coming here to address us and thank you also for submitting the letters in advance so that we have
enough information about the background may i also thank the applicant and his assistance
for coming here and explaining everything to us and as i said the committee will now retire into
private session to discuss the application the applicant and those who have made written
representations will be notified of the outcome in writing within the next five working days
and now i ask the applicant their representatives objectors and representatives of the local authority
who made representations and the licensing officers now please leave the meeting
and that will now conclude the public part of the proceedings
For an attendance today, our Councillor Ken Hawell and Peter Cooper, and in attendance
as an observer is Councillor Tussle Evans.
There is no fire alarm today, but if the alarm should sound, it won't be a test, and members
attending physically should follow the appropriate fire exit signs.
Before proceeding today, I have to remind everybody that the proceedings of today's meeting
are being filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site, and also
in the archive record of the meeting.
Also the images and sound recording may also be used for training purposes within the Council.
Members of the public who are watching the meeting via the English language webcast will
receive Welsh to English simultaneous translation automatically.
Members and guests who have joined using the Zoom link can access the simultaneous translation
from Welsh to English by selecting English from the interpretation button on the screen.
Members who are in attendance in the chamber should use the translation device and microphones
that have been provided.
If any remote attendees lose connection during the live meeting, please make every effort
to reconnect.
However, the meeting will continue as long as we remain core it.
Finally, can I please ask the officers and members present in the meeting today to please
introduce yourselves before you speak.
We will now move on to the agenda before us today.
Item one.
Creation of personal interest.
We all have a responsibility into the court of conduct to verbally declare any personal
interest that we may have in relation to any item appearing on the agenda today.
Please ensure that you clearly indicate which item you have a personal interest in and the
specific nature of the interest to be disclosed and whether or not you will be withdrawing
from the meeting during consideration of that item.
If an interest has not been declared at the start but becomes known during discussion,
it will need to be declared when that interest becomes apparent.
You will need to repeat your declaration of personal interest at the beginning of the relevant
item of the agenda as well as indicating whether or not you will be leaving the meeting during
consideration of that item.
You will also need to indicate whether you have been granted a dispensation by the standards
committee or the monitoring officer to speak or vote or both in respect of any item on
the agenda.
Will members now please make their declarations by raising your hand if there is any under
a no declaration.
So we move on to item two and that's the application to vary a premises license, a
son's restaurant and chauffeur, a baller club and duck in Penndine, sons, holiday village
Penndine, S A 33, 4, and Z.
Now this report is regarding an application received from Park Dean Caravan Park limited
to vary a premises license.
But before we start I will ask Ms Sally Martin, the council solicitor, to outline the process
for the hearing before we hear the application.
Before I outline the process for the hearing of the application, I understand there is
a request from a party for an adjournment so perhaps I can perhaps that party could indicate
who is making the request and the reasons for it before we begin.
Good morning, I am Alette Morgan, senior EFO with the Pollution team, I have received
some information from the applicant over the last 12 hours, I am still not 100% confident
or clear with the responses provided so I would appreciate if we could have some 30
minutes to consider the information in more detail, please, yes?
Could I ask Mr Emir Jones, the applicant and the objectors who have made representations
today if they have any views on the request, just for the 30 minute adjournment?
Sara Bruce Goodwin, resident and Vice-Chair, Community Council, representing the residents
of Pendine today, would like to read a statement which I was not unable to send in advance
but I don't think anybody wants to leave before the adjournment, no, that's fine, thank
You're happy with the 30 minute adjournment, yes, thank you.
Mr Jones?
Yes, I'm also happy, I think it would be constructive, thank you.
Yes, that would be a nice beneficial, thank you Councillor.
Members, it's now your decision as to whether or not to grant that 30 minute adjournment.
Do you agree members that we adjourn for 30 minutes, right?
That is agreed and therefore we will adjourn for 30 minutes for you to have a thorough discussion
with regards to the proposals put forward, dear.
Right, well, prior to the break that we were discussing the application to a very premises
license, sounds restaurant and chauffeur, Ebola Club, and deck in Pendine.
And before we go any further, I once again ask Mrs. Sally Martin, the Council's solicitor
to outline the process of the hearing application and possibly enlarge on what the discussion
has been during the last half hour.
Thank you, Chair.
I think before I outline the process for today's hearing, can I initially hand over to Mr.
Mayor Jones just to outline the outcome of any discussions concerning the application
just so everybody is aware of the current position before we proceed any further.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members, grateful for the opportunity to outline this to you
prior to receiving any representations.
If I can refer to the executive summary in your report which sets out the original application,
the discussion that we've had between the applicant, environmental health, and ourselves
then has led to an amendment to the original application.
If I outline it like this, first paragraph talks within the executive summary of an update
to the plan of the premises to include outdoor areas as marked on the documentation.
This part of the application has been removed.
So the application, as amended, does not seek to license any outdoor areas at the site at
So therefore, moving down to the fifth paragraph where it says, Extend plays, films, live
music, recorded music, and performances of dance outdoors and Mondays to Sundays between
midday and 11 p.m.
That has been removed from the application.
So as it stands, the application relates only to the existing indoor areas at Penn Dine as
set out in the paragraph's center of that executive summary.
I won't go through them in more detail, but that, Mr. Chairman, is the amendment to the
And I know Mr. Jonathan Smith, for the applicant, will be able to confirm that or answer any
questions about that before we start.
Do you have to worry on, thank you.
Mr. Smith, could you just confirm that all of that is the case before we proceed any further?
Yes, I can confirm that's the case, thank you, Councillors.
Thank you.
In that case, I'll proceed to outline the hearing procedure for today.
So the responsible authorities who have made written representations in relation to the
matter will be invited to present their evidence to the subcommittee.
They'll each have 20 minutes to add to or clarify their written representations, and
they'll be heard in the following order, the licensing authority and then the pollution
At the conclusion of each responsible authority's evidence, the chair will invite questions
to be put to the relevant responsible authority by those present in the following order.
So firstly, sub-committee members, then the pollution team, then the objectors, and then
the applicant.
If any objectors who have made representation, written representations wish to speak, they
will also each be allowed up to 20 minutes to make relevant representations.
They will be heard in the order on the agenda, and again at the conclusion of the evidence,
the chair will invite questions to be put to the relevant objector in the following order,
same as before, sub-committee members, responsible authorities, other objectors, and finally,
the applicant.
And finally, the applicant and/or their representatives may address the subcommittee for up to 20
At the conclusion of the applicant's evidence, the chair will again invite questions to be
put to the applicant.
In the following order, sub-committee members, then responsible authorities, then objectors,
the subcommittee may at any stage rule as inadmissible of any evidence, submissions, or questions,
which they consider to be irrelevant, or a repetition of previous evidence, submissions
or questions.
A party may not make an additional statement or be re-questioned by his own representative
once the questioning by the committee members and other parties has been concluded.
All parties are reminded that the opportunity to ask questions does not be used to restate
previous comments.
The chair may meet the microphone of any party who does this or otherwise fails to follow
these procedures.
Before I move on, can I just ask if any party considers they will need longer than 20 minutes
to speak?
No, thank you.
Okay, thank you.
So in terms of the determination of the application, once we've been through that process, the
chair will then close the public meeting and the subcommittee will reconvene in private
to make its decision.
The parties will be notified of the member's decision in writing within five working days
of the hearing.
So, if I can now hand over to the first responsible authority.
Yes, well, I now ask Emma Jones, the licensing, I'll lead for the licensing authority to
provide the subcommittee with the licensing authority's representations, and this is on
Appendix C of the report, page 53.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members, yes, our representation or our original letter representation
is at Appendix C, I'll take you through it very briefly, on page one, we've set out details
in relation as we normally do for any previous enforcement action, prosecutions, complaints
or responsible authority referrals.
As this has been licensed premises, since 2005 under our responsibility as a licensing
authority, I can confirm that we've known referrals, complaints or previous enforcement
action in relation to the premises under the licensing act.
At the bottom of the page, and then over relief, I've set out the relevant portions of both
the local licensing policy and of the statutory guidance issued under the licensing act.
Then moving on to paragraph F, where we look at the proposed operating schedule.
As I mentioned, the premises have been licensed to provide license for activity since 2005,
and also most recently, over the last few years, have used temporary event notices to
authorize activities in other locations, including outside areas to put on film shows, etc, over
the last two summers.
The environmental health team, as you will see in your bundle, submitted a letter of
representation in relation to the application and raised a number of queries in relation
to the management, particularly the additional external areas, which no longer form part
of the application.
Again I went on to expand that from our experience in the licensing section of dealing with outdoor
areas, they do tend to give rise to complaints, and are quite difficult areas to manage.
So we supported the original representation from environmental health, asking for more
information in relation to the control and intended control measures and management for
these external areas.
As we've said, they are no longer form part of the application.
However, I think it's appropriate to mention that licensed premises have the ability and
the amendments to the licensing act to have live music and other forms of entertainment
in outdoor areas between eight in the morning and eleven at night without it necessarily
forming part of the premises license in itself.
These are the regulatory measures performed by the government since the legislation was
first approved.
However, there are still controls in terms of those outdoor areas.
Star-led Morgan will explain the controls that environmental health have in terms of
noise and existence should they give rise to that.
And also from a licensing point of view, I'm sure members would be aware that in the
last two to three years that the committee have, through the process of a license reveal,
removed the automatic entitlement that applied to at least two licensed premises within the
county as a result of the abuse of those automatic entitlements.
So there are measures in place, even though the use of the outdoor areas may be deregulated,
there are still control measures both to environmental health and to licensing.
Finally, I've noted there that a number of representations have been received from persons
many who are here today to make their representations in person.
Under subcommittee, we'll have to be satisfied that granting the application will not undermine
the licensing objectives.
From summary, then, those are our representations following the amendment of the application,
our initial concern, and questions were in relation to the outdoor areas which no longer
form part of the application.
Thank you very much.
If there are any questions, I'll do my best to assist.
Thank you.
Now, we'll go ask the members if they have any questions from Mr. Lemmer-Jones, and
I'll start off with the applicants can still apply for temporary event notices in the
future for outdoor areas.
Is that correct?
I know it doesn't part of this application today.
Yes, Mr. Chairman, members, the applicants, as anybody else, are perfectly free to submit
temporary event notices as they have over previous summers to authorize events in the
outdoor areas or indeed indoor areas as well as the premises.
Any questions from the members?
What is that?
When these temporary event notices are applied for, are the local people allowed to object?
The process for a temporary event notice is essentially the applicant or the notice giver
tells the authority what they propose to do, providing it fits within the limits of a temporary
event notice, then, and it's properly served.
There isn't a process to notify formerly local residents, but that notice is considered by
both environmental health and the police.
If they have any concerns, for example, should the notice be in relation to a location which
has been subject to noise problems in the past, the history of some noise problems and noise
An environmental health, as a body that's received that notice, could submit an objection, and
that objection would be heard by yourselves as a committee.
I think there are also examples in the past where locations that have been subject to
noise problems and have had subsequent temporary event notices, environmental health have brought
out a long local residence as they witness to an objection to a temporary event notice.
So there are procedures and working practices that enable the authorities to work with local
residents, even though they're not a statutory consultation, there are no notices given to
them of temporary events.
If I make a mark on that one, it is rather a long-winded process for the people to get
satisfaction, and those who wish to object to the events taking place, and these events
have been licensed, I appreciate that.
But the local people who wish to object, it is a long-winded process that they have to
persuade the police and the council that there is a legitimate, although they have a legitimate
fear about what is happening and with the increasing noise and the hours and so forth.
I appreciate that there's a need to engage with the authorities.
Part of that, I think we issue up to almost 500 temporary event notices or process up
to 500 temporary event notices in the year.
By far and away, the vast majority of those take place without any complaint, without
any issue, and certainly without coming before you here.
I think it's important to recognise that the legislation allows a whole range of the public
and groups to hold events with a relatively light touch process to it.
However, the safeguards are there, I appreciate it's a two-step process in as much as the
local residents would work with the authorities or perhaps are already working with the authorities
in terms of that.
But it also assists in focusing as to whether the objection is based on fact or is it based
on concern and I know there is case law under the licensing act that decisions would be
taken based on where possible evidence or professional opinion rather than fears or concerns.
But I appreciate the point you're making and that there is no direct consultation and
the process with the local residents.
Thank you.
With the local residents, it is like this, shouldn't there be a sense on the local press
or something some sort of notice put out so that they know these are happening because
at the end of the day they wouldn't know that these events would go on unless there
is some sort of notice or a notice put up on the posts or windows or shops or something.
I mean at least they know that there is something happening and otherwise they'll turn up one
day and then all of a sudden there's something going on there for 11 o'clock music in the
night without them even knowing about it.
Yes, I appreciate the point obviously we're dealing with a statutory process here but quite
often events held in the community, there will be a lot of publicity locally for them
the community would be aware of them and from time to time I know that applicants engage
in situations where there are concerns about noise.
From time to time the operators of premises will undertake to engage with the local community
to make them aware of their programme of events.
It's not a statutory requirement but I appreciate the point.
But I just make one point after reading the letters from all the objectors the feeling
I get that the applicants do not communicate with the local people at all.
So I appreciate what you say that there is a path for them to communicate but from what
I read to the letters there is no communication or very letter if any.
Like Mr. Chair I'm just to come back obviously we haven't heard from the applicants yet they
may have something to clarify on that point and perhaps we will wait to hear from them
until cost.
Thank you I agree with the sentiments of my fellow members but forward and their concerns
as well.
Now we asked Mr. Alleth Morgan do you have any questions for Mr. Jones?
No nothing at all thanks all right.
Now I ask the objectors have you any questions to Mr. Jones and if so could you please give
your name before stating that.
No questions.
No questions are present thank you Mr. Jonathan Morgan Smith on behalf of the applicant do
you have any questions.
No questions thank you sir.
Sally Martin do you have any questions?
No thank you Chair.
Right thank you.
We will now ask Mr. Alleth Morgan the environmental health practitioner for the authority to provide
the subcommittee with the pollution team's representations and this is an appendix D
of the report for today as further to my letter of original representation and based
on the most recent amendments agreed to the applicant in the last hour or so I would like
to remove my objection from the application and on the basis of the amendments I have
no further representation to make I would like to take the opportunity to inform members
that I have spoken with the residents present here today and offered and made them aware
of the services that environmental health section offers public in that they are more
than happy and more than welcome to make contact with the authority if they are subjected
to any noise complaints then we do have a process to investigate those noise complaints
as we do the other 1200 noise complaints to investigate every year so that that offers
been extended to to those present today if they don't have my contact details to hand
I'm more than happy to share that again with with residents.
Yeah, thank you Mr. Morgan well I'm sure that the residents would appreciate having that
information from you and I dare say possibly we'll hear from them in the near future so
I'll ask now have the members any questions to Mr. Morgan?
If they wanted then the monitoring or the some monitoring of events you know there's
a certain decibels that allow to go up to so the residents could request that would it
be possible that you could do that for them put a monitoring machine in somewhere?
So as an authority we have got a noise complaint procedure and as part of that procedure there
is a stage where we will monitor that can be either in person or whether you solve noise
monitoring equipment as you state that.
Thank you I'm Sam if Jones do you have any questions, who's now there Morgan?
All right and the objectors any questions I could you state your name before?
Right thank you.
What I'd like to do is when you say to contact a load authority when it be managed and polite
for the gentleman to be able to contact somewhere to his not long-winded that they had enough
manners to contact us we contact you in the Google shape politely and sort of problem
out a source rather than prolonging it which we've always done in the past you've always
accepted we're not warm and gets we just need polite contact on both sides.
But then do you want to proceed or not?
Now for that I'm sure the applicants have clearly heard that and possibly they will
respond but Mr. Morgan what do you have got nothing to respond to that.
We don't full-on members of the public of any event, we rely on members of the public
to make contact with us and we obviously would take their concerns and board if they contact
Any others of the objectors write in your name?
Andrew Roberts, can I ask environmental health how do we purchase the equipment from which
you would accept the decibel reading?
You said you can't supply us we object after the event therefore you cannot monitor it.
If we get to know this event coming up we need to have a monitor there and the reading
for which you will accept I am aware one of our residents says you can get an app on
your phone you can record it and send that recording to you for an analysis because it's
no good complaining after the event we need to have a monitor so you can know that we're
not just being sour grapes that there was a definite decibel issue.
I mean all places of entertainment since the Greek times have been in a bowl.
Most of us live up on the hill as well.
The biggest noise is up on the hill because the sound travels up.
We at the top of the hill need some form of monitoring equipment if we're forced to
buy it ourselves we will have to but it has to be a piece of equipment for which you will
accept the reading.
Could you enlighten please?
Yes, very complicated question.
Without something to be rude or whatever we wouldn't accept to any readings taken from
yourselves we would have to gather the evidence of ourselves and we did when I responded to
the previous query that we do have monitoring equipment and if the complaint is justified
and we feel that it's necessary we would install noise monitoring equipment at the property.
So you would come up before the event started.
So just to put it in context on Saturday night I was working up until one o'clock where we
were monitoring an event that had been in rural command and I was part of the licensing
kind of process yes that is an activity.
Thank you very much for that clarification.
Okay dear.
Any further questions from the objectives?
No terms.
And Mr. Jonathan Smith have you heard any questions now to Mr. Alleth Morgan?
No questions.
Thank you sir.
And Sally Martin.
Any questions at present?
No, thank you Chair.
Right, thank you.
We move on now to the objectives and you now have an opportunity to provide your representation
to the subcommittee.
You will be aware that we've got copies of your letters that you submitted and we've
read all those but you have an opportunity now to add your views as well.
And well who wishes to start the ball rolling?
I'll start the ball rolling.
Right and your name?
Sorry Bruce Goodwin.
Thank you.
I have prepared quite a lengthy script for the meeting which I can read out but it was
very much focused on the outside entertainment so I would say that we appreciate that the
applicants have removed the external licensing which would have been a very frequent or
potentially frequent event so we appreciate that that has been removed from the license
Because when we look at the internal entertainment sound today currently within the premises
doesn't drive complaints as you've seen from the colleague here you've not received complaints
because the internal music that doesn't necessarily drive complaints it was the external entertainment
that was really really driving major concerns amongst residents.
There is still concerns around events but when events are off of one off nature and the
community is aware on board with them there is more willingness to tolerate a limited
sound and there are happy occasions where you have on a bank holiday external entertainment
and it will go on all day and let's not be bold I think it would be far above the decibel
readings that probably are acceptable however on a one off basis there is a tolerance within
the village it is a seaside village people are on holiday so on isolated events there
is a willingness to work with park team.
The fact that it's going to be on a temporary basis and you'd have to apply it would be
good if we have advanced notification of that and I think there is an opportunity to improve
communication from park team to the community and you know I think there has been an attempt
in recent months to improve the communication with the community council and we welcome
and value that and the residents welcome and value that but I think there is an opportunity
for more proactive dialogue on those events that you may want to have on a one off basis.
It won't get me wrong I think there's still some concerns about outside noise up to 11
o'clock even though I know you are able and willing to do that with incurrence licensing
terms but I think then it's a case of monitoring that activity to understand that it's acceptable
because the people live there 365 days of the year there's shift workers etc etc within
the village and it is like an auditorium at night where sound carries up the hillside
and the sound show bar and outside is right in the heart of that auditorium and there
is a sensitivity to that you know we want park team to be part of the community and
you know work with us but there is concerns in terms of the end in the to an entertainment
itself you know there it is pretty well contained within the sounds show bar and the duck in
the additional concerns of the residents is not so much of that it's the when people
leave that venue at the end of the night so up to the current licensing time you're
probably going to get noise pollution anti-social behavior which we do see from time to time
not excessive and not not not very frequent more frequent obviously in the peak summer
months than other other times but it's pre-midnight and the concerns for the village now with
a new extension yes on internal entertainment is not the noise from the internal entertainment
itself but it's the people leaving the venue not just at eleven o'clock now at midnight
and one a.m. which means you will have people drinking for longer periods of time and we
might see more drunken behavior on the streets at after one a.m. in the morning which is
more of a disturbance than is today and those are the concerns that the villages are concerned
about in terms of the licensing extension that's right thank you very much now then we
come to you sir hilipberg resident depending right just to clarify in my own mind the applicant
can now they can now because of the existing licenses on the premises they can still have
outdoor music without the private separate license it's part of their license for the
premises is that correct we'll come back to that right you've asked the question right
any other questions there no right we'll ask mr. Jones now do you have any questions to
the residents or do you want to answer what has been asked just on that point again it's
not the license which permits because they have removed from their application a request
to license their lawyers it's automatic entitlements that are in place for all license premises
that allow them to hold certain activities between eight and eleven without the need
for a license in place of live music being one example of that and I can certainly give
you more information about that after the hearing if you if you want to go into more
detail in relation to that thank you for that it's just that they can still have they can
still have the music outside so this could be still on a daily basis then from 12 o'clock
to 2300 hours on a daily basis from Good Friday until the end of October yeah provided they
operate within the limits of the exemptions then just as any other license premises they
can do that however they must not undermine the licensing objectives one of those being
prevention of public nuisance and hence as my colleague allied Morgan has mentioned there's
a process to investigate any noise problems that may come as a consequence of activities
even those that are exempt from our licensing controls thank you right and started Morgan
do you have any questions no not the beautiful book Mr. Jonathan Smith I have some points
of clarification but I'll do with that in my semester later and so Sally Martin no thank
you no right thank you so we'll now ask Mr. Smith on behalf of the applicant to provide
the subcommittee with the application applicants representations regarding the application and
this is on appendix A of the report page 11 and I dare say that you will adhere to what
the objectives and the officers have said and possibly respond to them when you address
us thank you thank you can you hear me okay so if I could just before I go into the application
just to clarify four things and just to suggest two ways in which we can move forward in terms
of the hours that we're asking for the other forms of entertainment to take on the license
those are the hours that we can currently open there is no application here to go any
later in terms of the entertainment we provide the alcohol hours we sell or also the opening
hours so we can currently provide all sorts of entertainment other than those we're seeking
until midnight Sunday to Thursday one o'clock on a Friday and Saturday and the additional
forms of entertainment we're asking for just be clear as in it's up for the same hours
we are not in any way looking to open anything any later in terms of your question about
the live music act it's something that's been rounds 2014 all premises can provide live
music between eight and eleven o'clock at night eight o'clock in the morning for 500 people
please by the moment we could have been doing this for ten years already we don't make a
great deal of use out of it but it's something that has been there for ten years already
it's not it's not a new permission it's funny to your two two points what we're going to
suggest and this is obviously live and recorded I assume so you can quote it back to me is
first of all whenever we issue a temporary event notice we will make the community council
aware of that there's nothing in law and yes it is quite right it's it's you tend to be
left out in the dark often on these things but we will advise the community council when
we're issuing a temporary event notice it'll be part of the process my office will adopt
and if we could perhaps just make sure we've got your email address we'll tell you when
those are going to be the slight problem you might have is if it's raining for a movie
night we don't hold the movie night if it's raining so you might think you've got an event
coming up but then it doesn't happen and then the other thing that we will suggest
and I'll also drop an email to you just confirming this as well is we'll provide you with a
contact number if you haven't already got it for the security office on site it's a
mobile number I believe it's always available and yes we've got a new general manager Barney
who's new started recently and I believe communication may be better with Barney and so we will
provide you with that number as well so that's two ways in which we can be more communicative
to you and I do tell you point so about temporary event notices there's no statutory right for
residents to object if there are problems there with temporary event notices if one
does cause a problem then the environmental health officer is very likely to object to
the next one we do because of previous temporary event notices cause problems and in terms of
the live music and if we do have any live music it does cause any disturbance there is the
right and obviously you as a committee have done this twice before to remove that legal
right we have to provide live music outdoors as every other premises does in the country
England and Wales it's just England and Wales Council so the application that we've lodged
is now limited to four aspects and I think two at least two of these are not controversial
so the first one is to change the name of the premises on the license to Pendine Sands
Holiday Park rather than chopping and changing and having lots of individual license names
the second aspect yes has been withdrawn and that's to change the plans that are attached
to the license to license and outdoor area we've withdrawn that so there is no request
for outdoor areas the third aspect of the application is to add indoor sports so these are forms
of regulated entertainment we already have permission for plays, films, performance of
dance, live music and recorded music on the license and they can run until midnight Sunday
to Thursday and one o'clock on a Friday and Saturday and the old New Year's extension
right the way through the night so we're asking the committee to permit indoor sports as well
after the same hours boxing and wrestling now just for information about boxing wrestling
come as one you can't just have boxing and you can't just have wrestling on your application
form you have to ask for both we don't want boxing so we invite you to attach a condition
if you're reminded to grant this that there'll be no boxing it'll just be wrestling I'm
sure your selection advisor we couldn't just apply for wrestling or boxing we had to do
both and the sort of wrestling we have is if you can remember the days of giant haystacks
and Big Daddy I used to watch it on ITV sport it is it's comedy theatrical family wrestling
it's that sort it's not some Greco-Roman wrestling that's going on or any sort of cage fighting
it is a commensurate with what we are which is a holiday family entertainment resort so
it is if you like it's theatre wrestling where it's all fixed but but it's very popular
apparently with families and then the third application is for us to be permitted entertainment
of a like kind indoors as well it's two exactly the same hours midnight Sunday to Thursday
one o'clock Friday Saturday the third aspect is to add late night refreshment to the license
so that's the sale of hot food and drink and to the license again that is till midnight
Sunday to Thursday one o'clock Friday Saturday so it's adding additional permissions but there
will be no difference in the time that people are coming out residents of your concern there's
no change to the hours we can sell alcohol we're not seeking to change that in any way
now the last bit of the application I don't know if you want me to go through this council
we did send these to the police before we issued the application is to amend conditions
to bring them up to date we've excluded a lot of old action objections that are now covered
by fire risk assessments there's no objection I think from your licensing officer to those
we did change the public nuisance ones and there's no objection from the police or trading
standards so we we've introduced things like challenge 25 in there we've updated the forms
of ID that can be asked for so we've changed the conditions nobody's mentioned those do
you wish me to actually go through each and every one of those councils because I might
be pushing with 20 minutes if I do well we've read them yeah yeah would you like me to go
through any in particular as to why we're changing them councillors if you could go through them
briefly it's being wet custard and then it would be all on record okay if I if I'm getting
close to my 20 minutes please please wait so the yep the license conditions you'll see
those on page the current license conditions on page is 9 10 and 11 of your premises licenses
in your pack I'm not sure what appendices is I'm sorry because I haven't got the appendices
and then you will see the conditions that we're asking to go on to our license which
are actually in the application form itself and they appear after the hours under in section
16 of the application do you need me to let you find those councillors or have you got
them in front of you yeah so to look at the conditions that we're looking to remove is
first of all is number four is the register of door staff we're actually looking to replace
that by a different condition number one under crime and disorder the reason we're changing
that is because we keep electronic versions as opposed to written versions of door staff
registers we're seeking to take out the court banning order one since we we don't really
know who's on a court banning order so that's been removed no objection from the police
to that door supervisors carrying their proof of registration and wearing a name badge now
I don't think any door staff I know where name badges anymore because that's quite dangerous
for a dormant to wear a name badge so instead that we've replaced that with wearing their
their sa badge and the appropriate clothing we then change number 11 12 13 about training
and sale of alcohol training and also about what I do we accept we've changed those for
conditions more up to date conditions in the protecting children from harm section so we've
updated to refer to the use of a challenge 25 policy which I'm sure you're familiar with
if you look under the age of 25 you're asked for identification to prove you're over 18
and then we've set out the forms of ID and also say obviously everybody will be trained
in that in challenge 25 and challenging Friday we've also amended the resort security officer
that we've just we've just again updated that one there is a resort security officer actually
on site at all times between 9 o'clock and 8 o'clock in the morning so that's an evening
resort security officer then and then public safety well there was something else I'm sure
you're supposed to advise them it called the fire safety order whereby you must do a fire
risk assessment now to determine your capacity and what happens in the event of an emergency
so by law conditions one to 17 under public safety are now all covered by us needing to
do by law a fire risk assessment we've kept hypnotism in so we still need to approach
you if we want to do any hypnotism we've removed the requirement to provide a free supply of
drinking water because you're probably aware councils that is now a mandatory condition
on every single license we don't have a choice on that and then finally we've amended some
of the conditions under protection of children from harm by replacing that as I've said with
a challenge 25 policy training and up to date forms of identification that we accept so
those changes have been set to all of the authorities councillors and we haven't had
any representations about changing any of those conditions but quite happy to take any questions
on those so in summary I was expecting that to be spending a long time on the outside
areas which obviously were the concerns from from local residences we we now have a fairly
simple scenario where we're looking to add additional activities just to be clear to
the license indoors so they offer indoors the version of those activities indoors hot food
and drink indoor sports and boxing or wrestling but without the boxing and entertainment of
a similar kind to recorded music live music and perform to dance no no change in hours
to the same hours that we've currently got on the license change the name of the park
license and then change those conditions councillors in terms of the entertainment that we are
putting on thank you very much I've missed your name I do apologise but I don't think
there are or there haven't been any complaints about noise coming from indoors from the internal
areas and the entertainment that we're looking to put on bear in mind it's not banging music
anyway it's wrestling it's indoor sports and entertainment of a similar kind and hot
food and drink we already have recorded music and live music so we don't have any complaints
and I'm grateful for our doors also confirmed there's been no complaints about that either
and just to reiterate the two offers to we will email the community council with the dates
of temporary event notices in the times and also the contact number to use in terms of
just summing up very briefly council I would ask your solicitor just to refer you to paragraphs
9.12 and 9.15 of the guidance and that is to be to take note of whether or not police
have objected they are your principal source of crime and disorder and if they haven't
you should be guided by whether there's an objection and the same goes for environmental
health because actually environmental health aren't now objecting to our request for the
indoor aspects of this application and that's referred to at 9.15 that you should be guided
by your environmental health and you've heard there's been no objections in the past there's
no reason to believe there'll be any objections in the future with the additional entertainment
that we'd like to provide councilors so if I can be of assistance and I'm here to answer
some questions just just want to point sorry my pleasure to remind me just on the temporary
event notices that we have had we did have six in 2026 and 21 6 in 22 for the outdoor
cinema none of those they all went ahead and we didn't have any complaints last year
we actually had 13 temporary event notices in 23 but it was too wet so we didn't do
any of them last year so we have held these movie nights these movies under the stars
without any complaints under the temporary event notes council which I think council
you're you're concerned obviously about the temporary events but we have done them in
the past without complaint right well thank you for outlining all that for us before I
move on to any questions I'd like to say that we as a committee and officers would have
appreciated if you had submitted all your information to us well before this weekend
rather than leave it and until today that we've been able to have negotiations with
regards to that and I feel that that really isn't acceptable that we move on from there
could I complete and I should have actually explained why we commissioned a noise report
we asked for a noise report to be done back on the 26th of March but you can't measure
background noise levels if it's too windy or wet so the first time that the acousticians
the the company were able to go out to do that was only last weekend I believe and yes
I apologize it was late council I've apologized to Alid I apologize to Amir and to Andrew
that we were late and I'm sorry about that councilors and it's a result of that being
late that it was too rushed and we weren't prepared to proceed with the outdoor area
in sort of a in what would have been a if you like a half a half prepared way if we
are ever to come back with the outdoor area we'd need Alid to meet with our environmental
health experts and get a proper report prepared so my apologies for that for the record right
thank you and secondly it was well it's concerning for me being that you're in the heart of the
village there of the lack of communication that has been over the years with the community
with regards to the events that you're holding there but we accept now that you will be communicating
with the residents and the community council in the future with regards to these events
that's vitally important and I'm sure that that would have been of benefit to you to
get their support over the years but anyway from now on that will be the case that you
will be communicating well with the community will move on to further questions from members
yes thank you my good report I will be honest you covered most things the only issue I noticed
you haven't noticed on there CCTV inside and outside the building there is still there
is a condition still on the license that there is CCTV in the complex but inside and outside
is it is it on outside yes it is both inside and outside thank you the added entertainment
I'm doing this from a point of ignorance really so I just wish to ask why is it the
hours premises are open to the public on Monday it starts at 545 at ends at 1230 similarly
for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and on Friday it is 130 and so it on Saturday it is 130
and on Sunday it is half past 12 could you please explain why it is later in closing
than for example late night refreshment or entertainment the reason quite simply is if
you look at the sale of alcohol what we traditionally refer to as drinking uptime so the sale of
alcohol can carry on till midnight on a Sunday to Thursday and Friday Saturday it can run
until one o'clock and we have asked what we have on the license an extra half an hour
there for drinking uptime I'm sure your solicitor will confirm to you in your deliberations
we are obviously not here considering the license I was we currently have but the ones
we are requesting cancels I was going to add that we can still finish thank you
what concerns me really I know that the hours are acceptable it's a noise after stopping
or for the ceasing to serve alcohol it's a noise that comes afterwards isn't it and
I'm sure that that is a problem for the residents of pendant you know you you stop serving alcohol
at say one o'clock it's about two o'clock before the noise starts to abate you have
this knowledge following particularly when the participants have been over indulging shall
we say and that does create a problem I should think I don't live there but I read all the
letters and they're all complaining of the same thing sorry and I am and I am concerned
about that sorry to interject with just a clarify we're only here today to deal with
the application to vary the license so the opening hours and the sale of alcohol are
already on the current license so the members rule today isn't to look into that that's
already on the license you can only deal with the application to vary so it's just the
changes to the existing license that you're able to determine today I'm still happy to
answer sorry for we answer the residents obviously we have a lot of caravans and you've asked
the question but yes the hours there already but we do have door staff on the main complex
and we also do have results security and we are conscious and the point has been raised
in a number of the letters about noise from holiday makers who are going home and that's
why Councillor we've said and I've said we will provide the results security telephone
number to the community council but yeah just to reiterate what you said we're not here
for a review of our premises license councils it's just what we're asking to add but yeah
just to give you some peace of mind so that we will give that number to local residents
we do have security on park Mr. Jones do you have any questions no questions in relation
to the amendment application thank you Mr. Jones I'll let Morgan do have any questions
not more questions from me in fact and the local objectors do have any questions and
we've started this end Barry O'Connor, a Pandeyan resident I just want to have a point of clarification
on Appendix A it does state that having an outside activity in a tent is class as indoors
is there any intention to have activities inside tents no not at the moment further questions
from the objectives right acoustics should be under weather conditions it can be calm
weather it can't be rain it can't be when they got to be all together to give you accurate
performance with acoustics why in your professional capacity we left it so late you've been obviously
more professional than us we just hear as people of Pandeyan why were they so late that you
are so professional that you never ever saw the data before you ever come here it's a
fair question I did explain earlier we'd ask the acousticians to start or do it on the
corner so can I connect all different conditions not just one right could you do you could
you leave Mr. Smith now answer you we did ask them to do on the 26th of March I am not
an acoustician I am going to refer to well I know as a better person to answer this but
my understanding I am a solicitor not an acoustician my understanding is that in order
to do the background noise readings you need to have it can't be windy if there's wind
and rain the background noise levels are higher which means it distorts it so that's in a
way means that the recommendations we could play music higher than we really could because
the background levels are too high so it's better for it to be calm and that's why my
understanding is we have to wait for it to be calm but I don't live in in Pandeyan I believe
the weather hasn't been great of recent but it was okay last week that it was that it
was calm enough to do but that was the reason and I've apologized it was late it was late
we knew it was like sorry right you could come back to the other question I have to impress
you've been through this process before other applicants you're acting like you don't know
what you're talking about but you've been through it with other people I don't act like
you've never done this before this time for me you should be more professional in being
intimate application I don't you're passing out this for me else and not yourself I just
do not understand it it don't wait sorry I don't quite know what the question was but
yes I can't give you any other explanations to why it was done late but it's the first
time for me any time you've been here in applications before it is a criteria I've been
here before no not here in applications oh I have yes yes many a time how do you know
yeah that's it so this time isn't being late it just don't weather with me sorry what
he's trying to convey is that being a person of so much experience in these fields that
on this occasion you've left things so late and having such experience in the past you
should have ensured that this wasn't the case today correct it was later a given you
reasons why it was cancelled and I did actually email the report to I mean and I did say sorry
this is late and I tried to call you both on Friday to apologize for it being late and
it was late councils yes all right I don't know what more I can say any further questions
to Mr I just have one point of clarification sorry Bruce even just in relation to the license
application for New Year's Eve is there any change is that 24 allows license I wasn't
aware it was that previously so hence why it was I had the question that's already on
the license it was the case before this license yet came in that by law you could go right
the way through the night and it was translated through onto this license so it's already on
the license now okay thank you thank you and now I last the Sally Martin if she has any
further questions to you Mr Smith so of clarification with regards to the application no thank you
no right well we've heard from both sides here there are no further questions and I
now ask the committee to confirm that they wish to resolve to retire into private session
in order to receive legal advice pursuant to paragraph 16 of schedule 12 a of the local
government act 1972 and if you wish to go into private session will you please raise your
hand right so that is the decision we will now go into private session can I take this
opportunity to thank the residents of Penn Dine for coming here to address us and thank
you also for submitting the letters in advance so that we have enough information about the
background may I also thank the applicant and his assistance for coming here and explaining
everything to us and as I said the committee will now retire into private session to discuss
the application the applicant and those who have made written representations will be notified
of the outcome in writing within the next five working days and now I asked the applicant
their representatives objectors and representatives of the local authority who made representations
and the licensing officers now please leave the meeting and that will now conclude the
public part of the proceedings.
The council meeting focused on reviewing an application by Parkdean Caravan Park Limited to vary a premises license for Pendine Sands Holiday Village. The application initially included outdoor entertainment provisions, which were later withdrawn during the meeting after discussions and objections from local residents and environmental health concerns.
Withdrawal of Outdoor Entertainment License Application: The applicant withdrew the request to include outdoor areas in their premises license. This decision came after local residents expressed concerns about potential noise and disturbances, and the environmental health officer requested more time to review new information provided by the applicant. The withdrawal aims to maintain community peace and adhere to environmental standards.
Approval of Indoor Entertainment Extensions: The council approved the extension of indoor entertainment types and hours. The applicant clarified that the extension would not alter the existing hours for alcohol sales or overall operation but would include indoor sports and late-night refreshment. This decision was supported by the lack of police objections and historical compliance by the venue, suggesting a manageable impact on local order and safety.
Communication Improvements: Surprisingly, the applicant committed to improving communication with the local community regarding future events, especially concerning temporary event notices. This commitment was in response to feedback from residents about the lack of prior communication and aims to foster better relationships and transparency between the venue and the community.
These decisions reflect the council's balancing act between supporting local business interests and addressing community concerns, with a notable emphasis on increased communication and cooperation moving forward. The council meeting focused on reviewing an application by Parkdean Caravan Park Limited to vary a premises license for Pendine Sands Holiday Village. The application initially included requests for outdoor entertainment licensing, which was later withdrawn, and other changes to indoor entertainment and operational conditions.
Withdrawal of Outdoor Entertainment Licensing: The applicant withdrew the request to license outdoor areas for entertainment after late submission of a noise report and discussions with the council's environmental health officer. This decision followed concerns from local residents about potential noise and disturbances. The withdrawal aimed to prevent public nuisance and maintain community relations, reflecting the council's and residents' influence on licensing decisions.
Approval of Indoor Entertainment Extensions and Operational Changes: The council reviewed the application for extending indoor entertainment types and operational hours. The applicant clarified that the extension would align with existing operational hours and only diversify the types of indoor entertainment offered. There was no opposition from the police or environmental health, indicating compliance with safety and public nuisance regulations. This decision allows the venue to enhance its entertainment offerings without affecting the local community's nighttime peace.
Communication Improvements: Surprisingly, the applicant committed to improving communication with the local community regarding future events, especially concerning temporary event notices. This commitment came after residents expressed concerns about the lack of prior communication on events that could affect them. This proactive approach aims to build trust and reduce potential conflicts between the venue and Pendine residents.
Overall, the meeting underscored the importance of community input in council decisions and highlighted efforts to balance business interests with residents' quality of life.
- Cllr. Alex Evans
- Cllr. Mansel Charles
- Cllr. Peter Cooper
- Cllr. Suzy Curry
- Cllr. Tyssul Evans
- Cyng. Ken Howell
- Aled Morgan
- Dee Paffett
- Eira Evans
- Janine Owen
- Kelly Evans
- Martin Runeckles
- Michelle Evans Thomas
- Sally Martin
- Siwan Rees
- Vacancy
- Agenda frontsheet 30th-Apr-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee A agenda
- Summary
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
- Supplementary Information 30th-Apr-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee A
- Taylor v Manchester City Council TCG Bars Ltd
- Additional Supplementary Pack 30th-Apr-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee A
- Printed minutes 30th-Apr-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee A
- Public reports pack 30th-Apr-2024 10.00 Licensing Sub-Committee A reports pack