Good morning. Thank you for attending this planned committee meeting on the 19th of June.
This meeting being held webcast with the exception of any business that the council results to
exclude the press and public because the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined
by the Local Government Act 1972. This meeting is being held in a hybrid meeting with members
attending in person in the council chamber, County Hall Liffin, or remotely by video conference.
Those attending remotely are kindly asked to mute their microphones unless they are called
upon to speak. Members are also asked of their video switch on throughout the meeting unless
I request that they turn the videos off to improve the quality of the audio. You will
be expected to restart the video once you finish speaking. Please refrain from using
the chat facility as messages sent to all are visible on the webcast. Those attending
the chamber are asked to make sure they speak directly into the microphone to improve the
quality of sound for those attending remotely and to help the transparency of today's meeting.
Please conduct all business through myself as chair, Joachim Baum. I am now going to
pass over to legal officer to go through the roll call.
We present in the chamber this morning, we have Councillor Edwards, Councillor Hilditch
Roberts, Councillor James, Councillor Jones, Councillor Mendez, Councillor Parry, Councillor
Roberts, Councillor Tomlin and Councillor Young. And on zoom we have Councillors Chard,
Councillor Elson, Councillor Chris Evans, Councillor Harland, Councillor Matthews and
Councillor Sanderland. Okay, Joachim Baum, thank you. And can I take any apologies for
today's meeting, please? Chair, we have apologies from Councillor Elved Williams.
Thank you. Okay, I will now move on to declare of any interest for today's meeting and again
I'll hand over to our legal officer. Members will be aware of the requirement under the
Council's Code of Conduct to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in respect of any
business to be considered at today's meeting. Such interests should be declared now or as
soon as the Councillor affected becomes aware that they have a personal or prejudicial interest
in today's business. All members declaring an interest are required to state clearly
what the interest is and to advise whether it is a personal interest or a personal and
prejudicial interest as defined in the Code of Conduct. Any member declaring a prejudicial
interest is required to leave the meeting for the duration of the business and can take
no part in the proceedings. Members with a personal interest only may take part in the
debate and any vote. If a personal or personal prejudicial interest is declared today that
has not previously been disclosed and recorded, the Councillor concerned will be required
to complete and sign a declaration of interest form which is either available from the committee
support staff in attendance here today or online. Dioc. Okay, Dioc. Do we have anyone
to declare any interest for today's meeting? Dioc. Thank you. Yeah, Chairs, I'd like to
declare a personal and prejudicial interest on item application number eight. I work directly
with Biogen. Okay, Dioc. Thank you. Okay. Councillor James. I'd like to declare a
personal interest, I think, on agenda item seven which is land adjacent to the churchyard
entrance fronting Church Street in Risland. The agent who has done this particular piece
of work just happened to walk past when we were having our site visit on Friday and he
had a brief chat with me and then he declared that he had done the work. I didn't realise
until that time so I think it would be in the best interest if I declared a personal
interest but I'll take my lead from our legal support to see whether you're happy with that
or should it be a prejudicial as well. Ultimately, the decision is with the member to determine
what their interest is. From what you told me, it would appear to me to be a personal
interest at most. Thank you. Okay. Thanks for that. Anyone else? Anyone online? No.
Okay, I'm going to now move to item three, urgent matters, agreed with the Chair. I have
none. I'll move on to the minutes. I'll go through for accuracy first pages nine to 16
and then I'll confirm them with yourselves or any points and then I'll go on to matters
arising. So the minutes are page 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Any matters which need
looking at please for accuracy? Yes, Chair, I did send in my apologies. Okay, jock them
out. You did and that's been noted. Okay. Anyone else? So that's been noted jock them
out. Thanks for that. So can I have someone to confirm they're happy with those minutes?
Councillor James and Councillor Tomlin. Okay. And any matters arising from those minutes
please? Okay, we all seem happy. Okay, I will move on to item five, application for permission
for development, items five to eight. I will start with item number six, page 51, code
15, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 8, P.R. The location is Land Arugoid, Clan Armin Unjal, mould,
the proposal of details of appearance, landscaping layout and scale of 12 dwellings submitted
in accordance with condition one of outline permission code number 15, 20, 13, 1, 0, 8,
and in brackets, reserve matters application. I believe we have a public speaker, Mr Richard
Jones, the agent, if you'd like to come up, please jock them out. Thank you. Okay. Can
any members attending online make sure the cameras are on please? Jock them out. Thank
you. Jock them out. Thank you. You get three minutes. We start counting when you start
speaking. Jock them out. Thank you. Good morning. The reserve matters application before you
has a recommendation for approval by your planning department. The proposed sustainable
housing scheme consists of six three bedroom, four four bedroom and two five bedroom family
homes. The site is located inside the Clan Armin Unjal settlement boundary, is allocated
in your adopted local development plan reference BSC one and has extant outline permission
with access for development of 0.6 hectares of land for residential purposes. The application
is supported by all statutory consultees, including direct consultation with National
Resources Wales and the AONB joint committee on sensitive design matters such as appearance
of the proposed access and selection of materials, new tree planting to the proposed entrance
and throughout the scheme, the scale of the properties and materials used to assist in
blending into its location, planting of new hedgerows at site boundaries and plot boundaries
and all external lighting is to conform with the dark skies initiative. We've also amended
the scheme by consultation responses from neighbouring properties as requested by the
planning officer. These changes include revised boundary fencing treatments and head heights,
new planting of specific trees and edges and also the ridge heights of the proposed properties
have been lowered. Our scheme is policy compliant and supplies a much needed affordable dwelling
as well as a commuted sum. We are pleased to confirm after 18 months of proactive liaison
and sampling with National Resources Wales and Duke Cymru Welsh Water have concluded with
a valid and extant ospates permit, which has been issued. We propose to construct the scheme
shortly after determination to assist with delivery of much needed general needs housing.
Our application has passed your ecology PPW 12 test via consultation with your ecology
officer. We look forward to you supporting your planning officers recommendation for
approval of this reserved matters application. Thank you for your time. Okay, just give the
audience a chance to sit down. There was some late reps, if you can make sure you've read
them. The local member for this application is Councillor Mendes. I will bring in officers
just to bring in a summary because it's a static application, just to clarify. So if
officers can do that, and then I'll bring in the local member and then members. Thank
Yeah, I just want to set the scene really for this application. I want to direct members
attention to the fact that it is a reserved matters application. And that basically means
that we're only considering the details as it says in the proposal description. We're
only considering details of the appearance, landscaping layout and scale of the 12 dwellings.
The principle of development has already been established through the outline planning permission.
So we can't go down that debate, it's established that 12 dwellings can go on this site, subject
to an assessment of its impacts relating to those for reserve matters. So I want to make
sure that our debate focuses on that we don't stray off into matters of access and principle
as they've already been established. As well, just because it's such a long running history
on this site, there is a section 106 required, but that's being controlled through the outline
planning permission and conditions on that. So again, we don't need to debate the terms
of that on this application. We are literally focusing on the appearance, landscaping layout
and scale. The only area that's slightly different to normal reserve matters is the fact that
we're in the phosphate sensitive zone here. And that this application has been held up
for a number of years now, owing to the fact that there was a lack of capacity at the sewage
work treatment plant, which is going to serve the site. Now, those discussions have been
ongoing with NRW and Welsh Water. And at this point, NRW have issued a permit to Welsh Water
to say you've got capacity for 10 more houses in that system. Your permit also says you
have to make the improvements to that site within the next couple of years. As you'll
see from our condition, I think it's condition number two, we're basically saying you can
build and live in 10 houses on this site, but the last two cannot be occupied until
Welsh Water have done their works. That's all been agreed with the applicant. They're happy
with that. Welsh Water understand the terms of their permit, and they do have to implement
those changes and those improvements to the private treatment plant, the sewage treatment
plant. Thank you.
Jock about, thanks for that. The local member likes to say a few words, Jock about.
Thank you, Mr Chairman. As it's already been established, this is a historical application
way before my time and it seems that all the necessary criteria have been met. There is
local concern about the phosphates, but that's been explained very, very clearly. Having
spoken to NRW and Welsh Water, they do plan to upgrade that facility, but that's not going
to come in four to five years time. As long as it's built within the permit, I can't really
see any objection from the local community.
Okay, Jock about, thank you for that. Anyone like to raise any other issues, please? Okay,
so do we have a proposal or a seconder for anything, please? Okay, okay. Jock around,
Councillor James. And we have a seconder for that, please. Councillor Edwards, please.
Jock about, thank you. Okay, do you want to just confirm the voting before I do the wrong
talk? Jock around.
I can share, yeah. Thank you very much. Jock around. Borodar everybody. As ever, the recommendation
in this case is to grant. So if you are in favour of the recommendation, which has been
proposed and seconded, you will say four. If you're against, you'll say against. Thank
you, Chair. Okay, Jock about, thank you. Councillor Chard, please.
Four. Councillor Edwards, please.
Grant. Councillor Elson, please.
Grant. Councillor Justine Evans, please.
And, yeah, and Councillor Chris Evans, please. Grant.
Councillor Harlan, please. I'll bide.
Four. Councillor Hilary Roberts, please.
Four. Councillor James, please.
I'll bide. Four.
Councillor Dallas Jones, please. I'll bide.
Four. Councillor Julie Matthews, please.
Four. Councillor Mendy, please.
Four. Councillor Paddy, please.
Four. Councillor Roberts, please.
I'll bide. Four.
Councillor Sandilands, please. I'll bide.
Four. Councillor Tomlin, please.
Two grants. Councillor Cheryl Williams, please.
Four. I myself, I'm four.
Okay, so that's been approved along with officer recommendation at 16 for non-against and non-abstentions.
Jock and Vail, thank you. Okay, I'll just let the room clear and then
I'll move on to Jock and Vail. Members, officers, item number 7, page 139,
code 4420230783EF. Location is land adjacent to the churchyard
entrance fronting Church Street in Hrudlun. And program is recommended, one number, detached
dwelling and associated works is a resubmission. The local members are Councillor Davies and
Councillor Roberts. Officer recommendation is to grant and we
do have a public speaker who is the agent who's attending online, I believe.
So, Mr Lloyd, if you can just start when you're ready, please, and we start the three minutes
soon as you speak and we are strict on the time with Jock and Vail and thank you for
attending. Thank you, Chair. I will be mercifully brief
for you all. A considerable part of the officer's report
covers the planning history from which it's evident that previous applications haven't
been capable of overcoming concerns raised by officers meant through the appeals system.
Sites such as this do present considerable challenges when trying to plan even modest
development, especially when the setting of assets such as the Lich Gate and the conservation
area are considerations. From the outset of my involvement, it was
apparent to me that the overarching issue was not the principle of accommodating a dwelling
on here, and that's something officers have consistently accepted, but that it was necessary
to look really carefully at the character and pattern of development in the town, and
especially around the land itself, and work with that.
One of the really pleasant features of this part of the conservation area is the way buildings
sit close to streets and each other. They're of intimate scale, if you like. In such places,
the report recognises that sometimes you have to apply a little bit of planning judgement
and perhaps some imagination, and not stick rigidly to SPG guidance figures. To be honest,
the conservation area wouldn't have the value it has today had it been designed by SPG.
Considerable thought and care has been given to the scale, position, size, plan, roof shape
and materials of the dwelling to ensure that views across the site of the Lich Gate and
into the churchyard would be retained. The reduced scale and roof form open up the space
across the church gates. During the course of the application, the proposals have been
further refined, and I do thank officers for their assistance in helping us do that. After
you saw the site last week, further revisions also to the materials have been made, adding
more stone and reducing the sleeper height to the boundaries. These have been issued
to officers. As your report confirms, there's always some balance needed in planning cases.
It tells you there are no significant material planning considerations to reasonably resist
this scheme. I think I would actually flip that around and say this is a sustainable
form of development that resolves in full previous concerns and benefits from significant
material considerations that favour the application balance, sorry, favour the planning balance
being to grant permission for the application. It's a subtle but important distinction, I
think. So I just ask you to accept the officer's recommendation this morning, and then my client
can indeed move forward on the matters it raises. Thank you, Chair.
Okay, Jochimael, thank you for that. And we did have a site meeting on the previous Friday
at 10 a.m. Myself, Councillor James, Councillor, local members, Councillor Davis, who's online
and Councillor Roberts, along with Councillor Hogg, Tomlin, and Councillor Jones. And it
was good to see the Community Councillor there also, Councillor Gareth Rowlands. It's a good
meeting, good conversation. Would anyone who attended that on Friday like to say a few
words on what they viewed of the site visit before I go to the local members?
Yeah, Mr Chair, I'd like to speak. Thank you.
Okay, Councillor Davis, Jochimael. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Yes, we had a very
good site meeting. A lot of my concerns were listened to and addressed, particularly materials
used in keeping with the area, but I see there is a revised plan, so that is now addressed.
I'm very pleased to see that there will now be the old stone work around the frontage
of the property. I was particularly keen that the walls surrounding the property is maintained.
The archaeological watch does get carried out. Sometimes they do look at mists, so this is
a particularly interesting area close to the church, so we could have some very interesting
findings there. Thank you, Mr Chairman.
Okay, Jochimael. I'm proud you attended on Friday.
Okay. Mr Roberts, did you want to come in?
Yeah, thank you very much, Mr Chairman. I'll turn from Welsh to English as I wish. I think
that this is going to be passed, but it's better than what's there currently in my view,
and it's important that we protect the literature gates at the entrance and that that isn't
affected at all. The fact that there are sleepers was raised between the walls, the wall and
the wooden sleepers. Hopefully that will be improved in the future. I hope also that this
won't be a house that's used as a second home or as an Airbnb, that it won't be a holiday
let as it were. So I do hope that there is an archaeological survey going to be conducted
as well and on the site as soon as possible. I'd like to have two conditions included if
possible. The work only commences at nine o'clock in the morning, and that it finishes
at five because it is going to affect people who live along the church street, and they
would possibly feel that there's too much noise early morning. They're of quite an age,
a lot of them. Also if there are funerals or weddings that happen at the church, then
they would cooperate with church offices and that the work will pause for a period of time.
So two conditions there, and I would be quite happy then that the work that the offices
have done that is approved, that I would be happy for it to be carried forward. Thank
you. Okay, just before bringing officers in, obviously on our site visit, officers Paul
Mead, development manager and Chris Evans on conservation with their apologies, I missed
that out. Any feedback on the point ladies, Jock and Bill, thank you. Yes, certainly thank
you very much chair and thank you to the local members for their input, both at the site
visit and today. In relation to the late representation sheets, you'll notice that there are a couple
of amended and additional conditions that we put on there just in relation to the point
around the property use in the future to make sure that it's a dwelling. There is also a
planning condition on there in relation to the stone boundary wall, and to make sure
that that is retained, and also a condition there on a construction method statement effectively.
The agent who spoke very eloquently this morning in relation to the application would hear
the local members concerns there around the funeral services and the proximity of the
church and the hours of operation that workers should be on site. So they will submit to
us details of their proposals for construction and hopefully they will take that, those points
into account. So we don't need any additional conditions because the conditions are there,
but thank the local member for the points that have been raised. Thank you, chair. Okay,
Councillor Tomlin please. Thank you, chair. Yes, I did attend the site visit and it gave
me good perspective of the actual location of the building. It is quite a small footprint
building, but it gave me good perspective to be there to see that it was as far away
as it could be from the Lynch gate. And it also gave me the perspective that I needed
regarding its height in relation to the surrounding boundary walls to the rear and the side. So
with everything else that's gone before us today, I would have no problem with supporting
this application. Thank you. Okay, Jacopo, Councillor Hildreth-Roberts please. Just a
quick query about what Councillor Roberts said about work. I fully accept if there's
a funeral or a service that the work should stop. However, I do have a little issue with
nine o'clock start because I don't know many contractors in in Denver should start at nine
o'clock. I mean, we've just had a recent down by Glasteer there where, you know, they were
on site half a seven, eight o'clock. So I just think that we would be handcuffing contractors
in their work and adding to the cost of the build. So I think we just need to be practical
and very careful of what we're implementing on the on the start time, please. Good point.
So what is the time confirmed? And is there any flexibility needed in that debate? Yeah,
I think the planning condition in itself is actually requiring details of construction
method statement to be submitted to us. So once that is submitted to us, obviously we'll
liaise with the local members on that. Part of that nowadays what we try and do with developments
is ensure that the developer is a considerate developer. So he sort of leaves the contact
detail of the site manager and those types of things for locals to contact should there
be any issues. I think what we obviously sounds like what we're hoping for here is a bit of
consideration on both sides, because I guess the quicker the development can take place,
so maybe the earlier it starts, the quicker it finishes. So we'll try and get the balance
right on that, and we'll work with the agent to get that sorted. Thank you, chair. Okay.
I think all the points raised are valid. Obviously, we're dealing with a church, so that extra
communication is going to be needed, but it sounds like that commitment's there. Okay.
Anyone else, please? Okay. Do I have a proposal, please? Okay. Councillor Roberts, seconded
by Councillor Tomlin. Thank you. I just get officers to confirm again what we're voting
on, then I will do the roll call. Thank you, chair. Again, in this instance, the officer
recommendation is to grant. So if members are in favour of that recommendation, they
will say four. If they're not, they will say against. Thank you. Okay. Councillor Chad,
please. Councillor Edwards, please. Councillor Elson, please. Councillor Chris Evans, please.
Councillor Harlan, please. Councillor Hildred Roberts, please. Councillor James, please.
- Councillor Jones, please. 4. Councillor Matthews, please. 4. Councillor Mendez, please.
Councillor Paddy, please. 4. Councillor Roberts, please. 5. 4. Councillor Sandilands, please.
- Councillor Tomlin, please. 4. Councillor Williams, please. 4. Sorry, 4. And myself,
Councillor Young, I'm 4. Okay, Jock and McVale, that's been approved along with officer recommendation.
That's 16 for non-against and non-absentient Jock and Vale. Thank you.
Okay, members, item number five, page 17, code number 0320240102PF. Location is Keir
Jog, Birch Hill, Flancofflin. The proposal subdivision of existing dwelling to form one
ground floor flat and one flat on the second and third floors including retrospective extension
and parking area. Local members of Councillor Edwards and Councillor Keddie, officer recommendation
is to grant the some late information you can make sure you've read, please. And I will
go to the local member before going to members of Jock and Vale. Councillor Edwards, would
you like to say anything? Thank you, chair. I must admit that when I first came across
this application, alarm bells did ring because mainly because there are issues with parking
on Birch Hill. And I've had numerous emails over the over the last couple of years expressing
concern. However, with this particular property, obviously, we are talking about one additional
bedroom, but now we have parking spaces, an extra two additional parking spaces plus cycle
storage on the application. So in terms of I've had a discussion with officers, obviously,
and I've requested that additional conditions be placed on the property, because my concern
was that maybe it might be used for holiday lights. And then with that comes excess vehicles.
And that would be a real problem on that on that road. So I'm quite happy with the things
that the additional conditions on on that basis, I would like to propose that the obligations
are brief. Thank you for the second account of the party. Okay, would any members like
to raise any other issues on this application? Okay. Got a proposal. Got a second. We're
all happy. Again, I'll just get officers confirmed the voting and I'll do the roll call joke
about. Thank you, chair. Again, the officer recommendation is to grant in this case with
members are in support of that they will say for or if they're not, please say against
that. Thank you. Okay, jockerel. Councillor chart, please. Oh, that's the Edwards please.
Councillor Elson, please. Oh, kind of like Evan Chris Evans, please. Oh, that's the Harlan
place applied. Oh, that's the Hildy Roberts, please. Oh, that's the James, please. Oh,
sorry, comes from Matthews, you know, mute still sorry. I didn't hear you call me. It's
a voucher for thank you. Councillor Mendez, please. Councillor Perry, please. Oh, that's
the Roberts, please. Oh, blade. Oh, that's the Sandilands, please. Oh, blade. Oh, that's
the Williams, please. Oh, I'm yourself Councillor young and for bail. Okay, so that's been approved
along with officer recommendation that 16 for non against no abstentions jockerel. Thank
you. Okay, I'll move swiftly on to item number eight. Oh, and I'll just wait for the member
who's declared an interest to leave comes the patties left the chamber if you can note
that please. And that is code number 4720230796 PS. Location is bio Jane biogen even the way
in Hollywood Road react, say passive the variation of condition free of planning permission for
seven to one to 1120 to include the digestion of food and or non waste crops. I believe
we have no speaker on there. But we've got an officer who's coming to say a few words
on that local member is Council Chris Evans, who's with us online today. So I'll bring
in the officer who's dealt with this Robin first, please, then I'll bring in a local
member and then members themselves. So jock about Robin, if you're there, can you just
do an intro, please talk about Thank you. Yes, no problem. I'm just gonna give a very
brief overview of the current operations that are ongoing on site. And how this planning
application will will vary upon the operations that are currently currently happening. Yeah,
by your genuine outside canal with has been operational since 2014. Its main purpose is
to deal with residual food waste collected by Conway, then Fisher and flincher local authorities.
This application is to consider the merits and allowing a greater variance in feedstock
of non waste crops such as maize, rye, and grasses to be mixed with food waste in the
production of a more consistent fuel for the anaerobic digestion plant. I'm going to give
a brief description what operations on site entails. Firstly, waste food as it is at present
is imported to site. It is then shredded and fed into large tanks and broken down anaerobically
by macro and micro organisms. The gas is extracted and utilized to power a generator that in
turn feeds electricity to the grid. The material which is left over, which is called digested,
which still contains the nutrients, for instance, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is then
made available as an alternative source of manure or fertilizer to be utilized and spread
on land by local farmers. The site and operations are regulated and controlled by way of planning
conditions of which would be reintroduced should this planning application be granted
and by way of an environmental permit as governed by Natural Resources Wales. As part of the
planning process, objections were received as to the negative effects the utilization
of crops at this AD plant may have on the farming industry, on land prices, and upon
the Welsh language and culture locally. There was also objections raised as to the lack
of landscaping on site, the effects by way of odour and noise on local amenity, and the
effect on the local highway network. These concerns have been addressed within the reports
presented to this planning committee. The Highway Authority, the Public Protection Department,
Natural Resources Wales, and Tzemirxiong Community Council were consulted as part of the application
together with a public consultation process. And it is considered that the application
accords with national planning policy and policies adopted within the Denbisher local
development plan. The recommendations for approval, which would vary condition three
of the existing planning permission to allow the anaerobic digestion of food waste and
non-waste crops at this facility. Okay, thanks for that. Councillor Chris Evans, would you
like to come in on this item please, Jochovale, thank you. Hi, morning Chair. It's just what
the officer has said then from Denbisher that there is concerns about the farming land being
agricultural being used. But my concern is that they haven't adhered to the first planning
application that was granted in 2012-2013 about the actual landscaping of the area.
How can we have the trust and the commitment of the company that this will be adhered to
going forward? Would this be looked at before it's granted, please? Thanks for that. I'll
just bring in officers on that point. Thank you very much. Yeah, I think we were aware
that there has been some concern around the original consent and the compliance with the
planning conditions. That unfortunately goes into the realms of the planning compliance
process then really where we'd have to look at that. I have to admit I'm not aware of
any significant complaints that have been put in recently about landscaping. I think
that the site is relatively well screened, but officers have been passed on to our planning
compliance team to look at. Unfortunately, that can't prevent the determination of this
planning application today because this is looking at varying a different condition in
relation to what goes into this particular plan. Obviously, there are planning conditions
that limit the use of this plan in terms of what goes into it, but also environmental
permitting regulations as well that deal with that. So again, I think we have to sort of
trust the process if you like in relation to this particular application and if there
are any issues that are raised further down the line, then there are sort of regulatory
processes that we can follow to look into that. Thank you, Chair. Can you just touch
on very briefly then the capacity of the site as it sits today and if this does get approved,
I believe it stays the same. If we can confirm that and there's been no recent, there's been
no recent complaints regarding odours and noise, I believe, but it's been raised by
the public. If you can confirm that, that'd be great. Thank you, Chair. Yeah, we're not
aware of any recent complaints in that instance regarding odours, etc. We're aware of the
historic ones and they've actually been investigated and shown in many of the cases to be unrelated
to this use. In terms of capacity, I think it's important to point out that the capacity
of the plant is still remaining the same as it was when initially granted. It's not being
enlarged in any way whatsoever, so the amount that it can deal with is the same amount that
it could deal with in 2012 when we first granted. So from that side of things, it can only deal
with its maximum capacity and at the moment we understand that it's operating at about
80% of its capacity. So this proposal allows them to use up that remaining 20%. I hope
that helps, Chair. Thank you. OK, Jock and Val. Councillor Elson, please. Paul Griffin
has just really quoted what I was, I was under the impression that basically the capacity
of the anaerobic digester was not fully fed by the three counties' food waste and there
was spare capacity, which obviously everything that's built like that, if it's running at
100% capacity, it's getting its maximum efficiency and maximum energy generation. So yeah, I
think that was where my point was that I was understanding that this was purely to top
up the fact that we don't generate in the three counties enough food waste to make it
run at full capacity. Thank you. OK, Jock and Val, thank you. OK, Members. OK, Councillor
Tomlin, please. Jock and Val. Thank you. This to me has been a very interesting application
and it's opened my eyes to quite a few things regarding our food waste. But one thing that
did interest me that I'd heard along the way when this item has been discussed is that
the bringing in of the cereals in the maize will only be from a very small local radius
area. And to my mind, that again, helps this application support the carbon footprint side
of things as well. It's not a big operation. It's adding a little bit more to it and it's
all from the locality. So I think that's important as well. Thank you. OK, Jock and Val. As I
held in Roberts. Thank you, Chair. I was actually what Andrew has taken some of what I was going
to say, because I think that's a positive in this application. And James Elson says
there that the it's not actually processing all the food waste. Well, maybe it's not being
picked up is the issue right now. I have to put that in. But I think we I think for me,
the question fundamental question on the amount of on the amount of conditions that are on
this application and. It's really to turn it round to ask you as officers is what reason
could you would you refuse this application? Because I think that's the fundamental question
for me. OK, I'll ask that it's supported by officers, but I get the point. Yeah, I think
it brings us back to the planning committee in relation to an evidence base for any sort
of decision that we make here. So you'd look for an evidence base for why to refuse the
these additional non crop waste to go into the plant. And I think if it's not a capacity,
obviously, if there was wider impacts from this proposal and increased impacts and there
was an evidence that there was going to be harm to the local community in that we haven't
got any of that evidence to suggest that. So in this case, that's why we've grant a
recommended grant. OK. So, James, please. And then. Thanks. Thanks, chair. I agree with
everybody that's been said, and I think we should. I'd like to propose that we approve
this. Thanks very much. Do we have a seconder? Councillor Jones. Well, I'll bring the local
member back in. Do you want to go, Chris? Just one of the issues that I think we've
overlooked where it is, is farmland all around it, and it's very as cattle as sheep and what
the farming community are worried that some farmers that that cattle would be moved off
that land and we will be using them fields to grow crops to throw in the digester. And
that's one thing that, yes, it's good that we need to get these working at 100 percent,
but we can't have it as a detriment to the farming community. And that's just something
I'd like the committee to take on. Thank you. Thanks for the comment. I don't think that
touches on the planning control. Can I just clarify on that, then, so that effectively,
if I'm right, there's no change of use in that land, is there? Because the land is still
grade one quality agricultural land, so that wouldn't have an effect. Yeah. The point well
made. OK, we all happy if I go to the vote. OK. That's OK. I don't think it often says
again, just to clarify that there's no issues. Officers, you know, Chair, thank you very
much. So, again, the officer recommendation here is to grant. So if you are in favour
of that recommendation, please say for if you are against, say against. Thank you. OK.
The charge, please. Oh, Edward, please. Oh, the Elson, please. Oh, was it Evan, please?
Oh, that's a Holland, please. Oh, that's a Hilton Roberts, please. Oh, that's a James,
please. Oh, the Matthews, please. Oh, that's the Mendes, please. Come to the left room,
Councillor Roberts, please. Oh, right. Oh, that's the Sandilands, please. Oh, Blyde. Oh,
Councillor Tomlin, please. Oh, Councillor Williams, please. Oh, and myself, Councillor
Young, I'm for. So that should be 15. Right. OK. OK. OK. Thanks for that. So that's been
approved along with officer recommendation. That's 15 for none against and no abstentions.
And I believe that's it. Thank you for all attending. Thanks, officers and members. Jock
about and I'll close the meeting.