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Adur Planning Committee - Monday, 3rd June, 2024 6.30 pm

June 3, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on planning applications and public questions. The most significant discussion was about the flood defences at Mariners Point, followed by a planning application for a houseboat and another for a café.

Mariners Point Flood Defences

Steve Stefton from the Mariners Point Resident Association raised concerns about inadequate flood defences at Mariners Point. He requested a site meeting with councillors, residents, and the Environment Agency to inspect the flood defences and report back. He highlighted several issues:

  • The flood defence wall at Surrey Hard is too low and was overtopped in April.
  • There are physical and installation defects in the flood defences provided by the developer.
  • The flood evacuation plan is inadequate and not in plain English.
  • There was no scheme in place for the operation of on-site flood defence measures during a recent flood event.
  • Structural defects in the building allow water ingress into the underground car park.
  • Residents are being charged for a manned flood monitoring service due to inadequate flood defences.

Gary Peck, a council officer, responded that he would pass the concerns to the relevant officers and the Environment Agency for further action.

Houseboat Planning Application (AWDM/0284/24)

The committee discussed a retrospective planning application for a houseboat, which the applicant withdrew, claiming planning permission was not required. However, the committee still needed to consider enforcement action. Key points included:

  • The houseboat's proximity to residential properties in River Close.
  • Concerns about the houseboat's height and appearance not being in line with the council's houseboat guidance.
  • The Environment Agency had not yet responded to the flood risk assessment.

David Calderbank and Tony Reikens, residents of River Close, spoke against the houseboat, citing its overbearing nature, non-nautical appearance, and impact on their views and privacy. The committee decided to issue enforcement action to remove the unauthorised development with a compliance period of three months.

Café Planning Application (AWDM/0401/24)

The committee reviewed a planning application for external changes to a former bank in Southwick Square to convert it into a café. The application included changes to the windows and doors but did not cover the use of the pavement for tables and chairs, which requires a separate licence. The committee approved the application, noting that it would revitalize the area and make good use of the empty bank building.