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AGM, followed by DPCC Confirmation Hearing, Surrey Police and Crime Panel - Thursday, 20 June 2024 10.30 am

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Surrey Police and Crime Panel of Mole Valley Council met on Thursday, 20 June 2024. The meeting included the election of Councillor John Roubini as Chair and Ms. Juliet Fryer as Vice Chair for the year 2024-2025. The panel also discussed several key topics, including the absence of Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend, the Surrey Police and Crime Panel Annual Report, the PCC's decisions and forward plan, and the confirmation hearing for the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.

Surrey Police and Crime Panel Annual Report

The panel reviewed the Surrey Police and Crime Panel Annual Report 2023-24, which provides a summary of the panel's activities over the past year. A minor amendment was noted to ensure the language accurately reflects the panel's role in supporting and scrutinising the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), rather than holding them to account.

PCC Decisions and Forward Plan

The panel discussed the PCC Decisions and Forward Plan, which outlines the formal decisions taken by the PCC from March 2023 to the present and details the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner's (OPCC) ongoing forward plan for 2024-2025. The panel inquired about the timeline for the consultation and draft plan, which is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Re-establishment of Sub-Committees

The panel reconstituted the Complaints Sub-Committee and the Finance Sub-Group for the year 2024-2025. The Complaints Sub-Committee will meet before 30 July 2024 to address a recently submitted complaint. The Finance Sub-Group will continue to oversee financial matters related to the OPCC.

Confirmation Hearing for Deputy PCC

The panel held a confirmation hearing for Ellie Vesey-Thompson, the proposed Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC). The panel questioned Ms. Vesey-Thompson on her understanding of the role, her experience, and her plans for the future. Key points of discussion included:

  • Role and Responsibilities: Ms. Vesey-Thompson outlined her understanding of the DPCC role, emphasizing the importance of supporting the PCC and leading on specific areas such as children and young people, rural crime, and military and veterans.
  • Partnership Work: She highlighted her work with various partner agencies, including the Surrey Female Strategy Group and the Civilian Military Partnership Board.
  • Operational Independence: Ms. Vesey-Thompson explained her understanding of the term operational independence and how it applies to the relationship between the OPCC and the Chief Constable.
  • Political Activities: The panel inquired about her political activities and how she would ensure her conduct remains impartial. Ms. Vesey-Thompson assured the panel that her political activities would not affect her ability to represent all residents equally.

The panel will make a recommendation to the PCC regarding Ms. Vesey-Thompson's appointment, which the PCC can accept or reject. The decision will be communicated within five working days.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack.