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Cabinet - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet of Tunbridge Wells Council met on Thursday, 20 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the Capel Neighbourhood Development Plan, the High Weald AONB Management Plan, and the Council's performance and financial reports for the fourth quarter of the financial year 2023/2024. Decisions were made on various topics, and detailed discussions were held on the most significant matters.

Capel Neighbourhood Development Plan

Councillor Matt Lowe introduced the Capel Neighbourhood Development Plan, which has been in development for several years. The plan has undergone local consultation and independent examination. The examiner recommended the plan go to referendum, subject to modifications, which have been accepted by Capel Parish Council. The Cabinet agreed to:

  • Note and publish the examiner's recommendations.
  • Approve the modifications to the neighbourhood plan.
  • Approve the plan to go to referendum.
  • Make the plan official if the referendum result is positive.

For more details, refer to the examiner's final report, table of changes, referendum version, and decision statement.

High Weald AONB Management Plan

Councillor Matt Lowe also presented the High Weald AONB Management Plan for 2024-2029. This plan, developed in collaboration with 14 other councils and stakeholders, outlines the management of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) over the next five years. The Cabinet approved:

  • The updated management plan.
  • A revised service level agreement with East Sussex.
  • An increased financial contribution to the Joint Advisory Committee.
  • The adoption of the Dark Skies Planning Advice Note.

For further information, see the final version of the management plan, service level agreement, and Dark Skies Planning Advice Note.

Performance Summary for Quarter 4

Mark Ellis introduced the performance summary for Quarter 4, covering January to March 2024. The report highlighted the Council's progress on ongoing projects and key performance indicators (KPIs). Of the 15 KPIs with targets, 11 were performing well, two were underperforming, and two were unavailable. The underperforming indicators were related to sick days lost to illness and parking transactions paid by Ringo. Detailed reports and remedial plans are available in Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C, and Appendix D.

Complaints Summary for Quarters 3 and 4

Mark Ellis also presented the complaints summary for Quarters 3 and 4. The Council closed 91 complaints in the second half of the financial year, with the majority being resolved at Stage 1. The top three services attracting complaints were waste and street scene, revenues and benefits, and planning.

Strategic Risk Register

Councillor Chris Hall introduced the Strategic Risk Register, which outlines key risks to the Council and mitigation plans. The Cabinet noted and supported the register, which will proceed to the Audit and Governance Committee.

Financial Reports for Quarter 4

Councillor Chris Hall and Jane Fineman presented the financial reports for Quarter 4, including the Capital Management Report, Revenue Management Report, and Treasury and Prudential Indicator Management Report. The Council ended the financial year with a substantial surplus, attributed to higher-than-expected income from parking, rental, and investments, as well as controlled costs. The surplus has been transferred to reserves to fund the capital programme.

Appointments to Outside Bodies

The Cabinet approved the appointments to outside bodies, including the confirmation of Councillor Diane Hill as the borough's representative to Relate West and Mid Kent.

For a detailed account of the meeting, refer to the full decisions document.

