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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The East Devon District Council Planning Committee meeting on 18 June 2024 addressed several significant planning applications, resulting in a mix of approvals, refusals, and deferrals. Key discussions included the approval of a major residential development in Axminster, the refusal of a solar array installation in Clyst St Mary, and the approval of a change of use for a property in Exmouth.

Axminster Residential Development

The committee approved a hybrid application from Hortons Estate Developments Ltd for a major residential development on land adjacent to Cloakham Lawn and Chard Road in Axminster. The proposal includes the erection of up to 140 dwellings, 0.8 hectares of Class E employment land, public open space, drainage, and ancillary works. The full application also covers works to a football training pitch, including drainage improvements, floodlighting, and ballstop netting. The decision was made to adopt the appropriate assessment, secure financial contributions through a Section 106 agreement, and approve the application with conditions as per the officer's recommendation.

Solar Array Installation in Clyst St Mary

The committee refused the application from Mr Peter Quincey for the installation of a solar array with associated infrastructure at Winslade Park, Clyst St Mary. The refusal was contrary to the officer's recommendation and was based on several reasons, including the harm to the distinctive landscape and environmental qualities, prevention of public open space delivery required by an extant planning permission, and the less than substantial harm to nearby heritage assets not being outweighed by public benefits. The decision cited multiple policies from the East Devon Local Plan 2013 to 2031 and the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.

Change of Use in Exmouth

The committee approved the application from Mr David Freer for the proposed change of use from a shop (Class E(a)) to a café (Class E(b)) at The Octagon, Esplanade, Exmouth. The proposal includes two side extensions and internal alterations. The approval was granted with conditions as per the officer's recommendation.

Public Toilet Building in Sidmouth

The committee refused the application from Mr Jorge Pineda-Langford for the erection of a new public toilet building at Sidmouth Swimming Pool, Ham Lane, Sidmouth. The refusal was contrary to the officer's recommendation and was based on the proposed building's incongruous appearance in the street scene, its failure to conserve or enhance the setting of nearby heritage assets, and its adverse impact on the visibility and access to adjacent public buildings. The decision referenced several policies from the East Devon Local Plan 2013 to 2031 and the National Planning Policy Framework, 2023.

Other Applications

  • Kains Park Farm, Awliscombe: The committee refused the application from Mr & Mrs M & J Summers for the change of use of land for the storage of caravans, motorhomes, and boats (Use Class B8) and associated works, as per the officer's recommendation.
  • Bond Lane Farm, Woodbury Salterton: The committee approved the application from Misters M & C Tanton for the change of use from a poultry farm to industrial (Use Class E(g)) and storage (B8), with conditions as per the officer's recommendation.

For more detailed information, please refer to the minutes of the meeting.