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The Bexley Schools Forum meeting on 17 June 2024 focused on key issues including the Schools Block Funding Formula, Early Years Funding Formula, and the overall schools budget for 2024-25. Decisions were made on the growth fund budget and the de-delegation for maintained schools. The forum also discussed updates on the Safety Valve programme and its impact on the high needs budget.
Schools Block Funding Formula
Officers provided an update on the proposed funding formula for mainstream schools and academies. They discussed annual funding, pupil data comparisons, proposed unit values, and the impact at individual school levels. Councillor Newton suggested a review of Bexley data to encourage parents to apply for Free School Meals (FSM) and Pupil Premium (PP) if their circumstances change. Officers agreed to gather data and report back at the next meeting.
Mrs Gower raised concerns about pupil variance patterns, particularly in the Thamesmead cluster. Officers noted that this area was a key pinch point and that learnings would be shared. Discussions also covered the rise in reception intake and the need to cap admission numbers officially. The forum agreed on the proposed unit values and the growth fund budget.
We need to understand where admission numbers would need to be capped officially,officers explained.
Early Years Funding Formula
Officers presented the report on the early years block and changes to free entitlement. They discussed estimated allocations for the dedicated schools grant (DSG), funding formula, central holdback, and the draft budget summary. Ms Wooster inquired about the speech and language supplement, and officers clarified that it was informed by census data.
Mrs Herbert sought clarification on the consultation with the Early Years Funding Group. Officers confirmed that members had been consulted via email and were happy with the new rates and extension of the formula. The forum agreed on the proposed funding formulae and draft budget.
Overall Schools Budget 2024-25 Including High Needs
Officers discussed the Safety Valve agreement and its impact on budget planning. They noted an updated adverse variance of £1.261m and acknowledged the volatility in the system and budget. There was a lengthy discussion about the ambitious targets of the Safety Valve profile and the potential for Department for Education (DfE) intervention.
If accumulated deficits are higher than agreed, it would trigger investigation by the DfE to understand mitigation measures,officers explained.
Mrs Herbert expressed concerns about the ambitious targets, and officers highlighted the need for risk management lessons from other local authorities. The forum requested expanded and more transparent information relating to the updated Safety Valve profile.
Safety Valve Update
Officers provided updates on the Safety Valve programme, including the procurement process for Shenstone School and updates on Parkway School, incredible years, outreach, and supported internships. Mrs Herbert queried the appropriateness of Talk Boost for students with English as an additional language (EAL), and officers explained that evidence showed children could benefit.
Although the programme was not designed for or targeted to EAL, evidence shows that children can benefit,officers noted.
The forum requested further analysis of the 'red' subgroup of children to better understand the impact of the programme. Officers agreed to present their findings at the next meeting.
Any Other Business
Mr Hannon raised concerns about the 10% vacancy rate in current commissioned places and pupils. Officers agreed to follow up with the Special Education Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Management Team and report back at the next meeting. Mr Wheatley inquired about the outcome of the SEND local area inspection, and officers advised that the partnership was awaiting the inspection outcome letter.
For more details, you can refer to the minutes of the meeting.
Meeting Documents
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