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Cabinet - Tuesday 18 June 2024 10.00 am

June 18, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Wiltshire Council Cabinet meeting on 18 June 2024 focused on several key issues, including the decision to bring the Urgent Care at Home and Telecare Response services in-house, funded by the Better Care Fund. The meeting also addressed public participation and questions from councillors, particularly concerning graffiti on bus and train infrastructure and the council's bus services improvement plan.

Urgent Care at Home - Service Options

Councillor Richard Clewer presented a report recommending the in-house delivery of the Urgent Care and Telecare Response services starting 1 August 2024. This decision was made after it was determined that a 12-month extension to the existing contract with Medvivo could not be agreed upon. The services will be funded by the Better Care Fund at an annual cost of £1.665 million.

Councillor Ian Thorn supported the move to bring services in-house but sought details on why the current contract could not be extended, the funding process, and how users would be identified. It was explained that GPs, paramedics, and others would have routes into the service, and that the NHS at Home expansion would provide further support in the future.

Councillor Gordon King, Vice-Chairman of the Health Select Committee, confirmed that the committee had been briefed on the risks and benefits of the service transition. The committee was assured that resources were in place and that the service would operate with more limited hours.

The Cabinet resolved to approve the in-house delivery of the services and delegated operational matters to the Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, SEND, and Inclusion. This includes the TUPE transfer of eligible staff and the purchase of necessary resources.

For more details, you can refer to the Urgent Care at Home Master Report.

Public Participation and Questions from Councillors

David Redgewell raised concerns about graffiti on bus and train infrastructure and urged the council to work closely with the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway to ensure stations were not closed and were properly staffed. He welcomed the council’s bus services improvement plan and highlighted the importance of cross-boundary links.

Councillor Ian Thorn's supplementary questions and responses were noted, and it was agreed that a more detailed response provided outside the formal question process would be appended to the minutes. For more information, see the Supplementary Questions to Cabinet 18 June 2024 from Cllr Ian Thorn to Cllr Nick Botterill.

Other Business

There were no urgent items discussed during the meeting.

For the full minutes of the meeting, please refer to the Public minutes Tuesday 18-Jun-2024 10.00 Cabinet.