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Marlborough Area Board - Tuesday 18 June 2024 7.00 pm

June 18, 2024 View on council website
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The Marlborough Area Board of Wiltshire Council met on 18 June 2024 to discuss a range of community issues, including road safety, youth services, and funding for local projects. Key decisions included the approval of funding for various community initiatives and updates on ongoing projects.

Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership

Perry Payne from the Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership provided a detailed overview of their work. The partnership, which includes Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Council, and the South West Ambulance Service, focuses on both education and enforcement. Key points included:

  • The group addresses the fatal five causes of road traffic incidents, including mobile phone use.
  • Between July 2020 and February 2024, 542 letters were issued to drivers in the Marlborough area for speeding-related offences.
  • Across Wiltshire, 2,071 speeding tickets were issued between October and December 2023.
  • The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office funded three Community Road Safety Officers and three Community Speed Enforcement Officers.
  • Wiltshire Council trained over 1,300 children in bikability.

The Vice-Chairman noted that 20 people on average die each year on Wiltshire’s roads and emphasised the council's highway engineering-led approach to road safety education.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Andrew Jack, the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, updated the board on the Community Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The JSNA measures 140 indicators across 10 topics to inform local priorities. Key points included:

  • The last Community JSNA was completed in 2020 and is now being updated.
  • Marlborough has a lower proportion of children receiving free school meals compared to other areas in Wiltshire.
  • The area has a higher proportion of people aged 65 and over (25%) compared to the Wiltshire average (22%).

The public was invited to contribute ideas and complete a survey open until 6 May, with results to be reported in June 2024.

Marlborough Area Board Priorities

Children and Young People Update

The Vice-Chairman reported on Youth Network meetings held in January and February. Marlborough Town Council will employ an apprentice youth worker, and Youth for Christ has hired a new youth worker. A volunteer bank is being created to help local volunteers collaborate. The Vice-Chairman thanked Lisa Farrell from Marlborough Town Council for her support in youth activities.

Older and Vulnerable People Update and Health and Wellbeing Group (HWG)

Jill Turner, Chair of Marlborough Health and Wellbeing Group, advertised their summer event on 6 July at St Peter’s Church. The event will feature street artists and music, and Marlborough’s Mayor will open it at 10:00am.

Road Safety Update and Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

The Vice-Chairman highlighted the importance of bikability training and safe walking and scootability training for children. She also discussed the benefits of the Pass Plus qualification for newly qualified drivers and advanced driving courses for older people.

The board approved several road safety projects, including traffic calming measures on the A4 at Manton and the Marlborough Town Boundary Gateway project.

Support for the Community

Andrew Jack discussed themes developed from previous meetings, including social isolation in older people, poverty, the need for volunteers, and youth provision. Key points included:

  • The positive work being done by various groups.
  • The importance of communication and the Health and Wellbeing Day on 6 July as an opportunity to disseminate information.
  • The new 3G sports pitch at St John’s secondary school as a venue for health and wellbeing activities.

Area Board Funding

The board approved funding for several community projects:

  • Greatwood Charity: £3,338 towards a horsebox to support activities for older and vulnerable adults and people with special educational needs.
  • Aldbourne War Memorial Hall Trustees: £3,338 towards re-roofing the hall, which supports various community groups.
  • Rethink Mental Illness Wiltshire Mental Health Inclusion Service: £500 towards Marlborough Happy Café to make meetings more accessible.
  • Monday Club: £480 towards rent for a club supporting adults with learning difficulties.
  • Marlborough Town Council: £1,500 towards Marlborough Community Support Forum.
  • Manton Fest: £2,000 towards a family and community fundraising event.
  • Marlborough Area Youth Forum: £5,000 towards the Friday Night Youth Club.

For more details, you can refer to the Minutes of the Marlborough Area Board meeting on 19 March 2024.