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The Westbury Area Board meeting on 19 June 2024 covered a range of community updates, funding decisions, and strategic priorities for the coming year.
Partner and Community Updates
Wiltshire Police
Inspector Louise Oakley provided an update on the Neighbourhood Policing Team, highlighting local priorities such as shoplifting, youth anti-social behaviour, and drug-related issues. She noted that the team is hopeful to recruit a new Sergeant by 5 July. Inspector Oakley also clarified that recent knife crime statistics were outdated and that Westbury currently has the lowest knife crime rates in the county. Additionally, Wiltshire Police received two new mobile police stations funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, which will facilitate closer work with Parish Councils.
BSW Together (Integrated Care System)
The Area Board noted a written update from BSW Together.
Healthwatch Wiltshire
A written update from Healthwatch Wiltshire was noted.
Community First
The Area Board noted a written update from Community First.
Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives
Councillor Sheila Kimmins from Westbury Town Council reported ongoing discussions about delegated services and the success of the Soapbox Derby, which has now secured external sponsorship for five years. Councillor Jeff Ligo from Bratton Parish Council mentioned the signing off of accounts and plans to collaborate with the Town Council for next year’s Soapbox Derby. Councillor Helen O'Donoghue from Edington Parish Council provided an update on the ongoing Neighbourhood Plan.
Area Board End of Year Report and Outside Bodies
Part I – Looking Back
Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement Partnerships Manager, presented the Westbury Area Board - End of Year Report. The report detailed the composition of the Westbury Community Area, total Area Board investments, and the number of engagement activities and projects funded.
Part II – Looking Forward
Graeme Morrison also presented on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), identifying key issues such as physical health in young people, support for low-income families, mental health, support for young carers, and affordable housing. The Area Board resolved to focus on the following priorities for the coming year:
- Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Our Community – Councillor Gordon King
- Wellbeing for Young People and Positive Activities – Councillor Carole King
- Local Environmental Action – Councillor Matthew Dean
- Combatting Child Poverty – Councillor Suzanne Wickham
The Board also appointed Councillor Representatives to various Outside Bodies.
Area Board Funding
The Area Board considered several applications for funding and made the following decisions:
Area Board Initiatives
- Dementia Friendly Westbury: Awarded £500.
Community Area Grants
- West Wilts Ramblers Work Party: Awarded £678.80 for work party equipment.
- Westbury Shed: Awarded £1,030 for workshop facility repair and upgrade.
- Westbury Youth FC: Awarded £2,400 for equipment and facilities improvement.
- Bratton Recreation Ground Management Committee: Awarded £574 for recreation ground improvements.
- Westbury Heritage Society: Awarded £500 for a new scanner.
Older and Vulnerable Grants
- Crosspoint Westbury: Awarded £2,500 towards improving mental health and resilience, with the possibility of further funding later in the year.
Youth Grants
- Leigh Park Community Centre: Awarded £3,000 towards school holiday workshops.
- Westbury Youth Club: Awarded £4,132.20 towards core costs.
Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)
The Board approved the minutes and spending recommendations from the LHFIG meeting held on 9 May 2024.
The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board is scheduled for 2 October 2024.
- Westbury Area Board - End of Year Report
- Outside Bodies - Report
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 19-Jun-2024 19.15 Westbury Area Board agenda
- Extract from Part 3 of the Constitution - Guidance on election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
- Minutes Public Pack 15022024 Westbury Area Board minutes
- BSW Together - Update
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy Engagement Update
- Community First - Update
- Age UK - Briefing Note
- Wiltshire Police - Update
- Wiltshire Police - Road Safety Update
- Community First - Appendix to Briefing Note
- Healthwatch Wiltshire - Update
- Outside Bodies - Appendix A Apointments
- Outside Bodies - Appendix B LHFIG ToR
- Grant Report
- Westbury LHFIG - Minutes May 2024
- Public reports pack Wednesday 19-Jun-2024 19.15 Westbury Area Board reports pack
- Printed minutes Wednesday 19-Jun-2024 19.15 Westbury Area Board minutes