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Berkshire Prosperity Board - Monday, 17 June 2024 12.00 pm

June 17, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Berkshire Prosperity Board of Bracknell Forest Council met on Monday 17 June 2024 to discuss the terms of reference, the background and priority themes of the Board, and the Berkshire Economic Strategy (BES). The Board endorsed the terms of reference and received presentations on the Board's establishment and the BES.

Terms of Reference

The Board endorsed the terms of reference which had been approved by each of the six councils. It was noted that the chief executives would keep the terms under review to ensure they remained fit for purpose. An issue was identified regarding the quorum if a member declared an interest and withdrew from the meeting, which would be addressed by the chief executives.

Background to the Berkshire Prosperity Board and Priority Themes

A presentation was given on the background to the Board's establishment and its role in driving growth and prosperity across Berkshire. The Board aims to provide more flexibility and influence than a single council could achieve on its own. The six priority workstreams were highlighted:

  • Education and skills
  • Social, accessible and affordable housing
  • Health and inequalities
  • Strategic infrastructure
  • Net zero
  • Sector development

Plans to establish a business board in the autumn were also outlined. Councillor Stephen Conway emphasized the advantages of working together, while Councillor Dexter Smith suggested seeking further funding to support asylum seekers from Afghanistan in Reading and Slough. Councillor Liz Terry highlighted the need to reshape economic strategies due to changes to the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Berkshire Economic Strategy

The Board was briefed on the Berkshire Economic Strategy (BES), which the LEP had been commissioned to develop within six months. The strategy focuses on growth for the functional economic area, recognizing the diversity of the different unitary areas. The BES aims to drive productivity, prosperity, and economic growth across Berkshire by:

  • Setting out Berkshire’s vision for a sustainable and inclusive economy
  • Identifying competitive advantages, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Pinpointing investment opportunities
  • Highlighting actions to stimulate enterprise and innovation
  • Informing local decision-making
  • Providing evidence for future funding bids

The BES will be a high-level 10-year strategy accompanied by a five-year action plan. Consultation on the draft BES will take place in September.

Programme of Meetings

The Board noted that its next meeting would be held at 12 noon on 16 September 2024, with further meetings scheduled for 16 December 2024 and 17 March 2025.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the printed minutes and the public reports pack.


Councillor Jeff Brooks
Councillor Stephen Conway
Councillor Dexter Smith
Councillor Liz Terry
Councillor Simon Werner
Stephen Evans
Susan Halliwell
Nigel Lynn
Will Tuckley
Susan Parsonage
Jackie Yates
George Framalicco
Rhian Hayes
Shasta Parveen
Derek Morgan
Councillor Denise Gaines
Stuart McKellar
Charlie Stewart
Neil Allen