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Schools Forum - Thursday, 20 June 2024 4.30 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Schools Forum of Bracknell Forest Council convened on Thursday, 20 June 2024, to discuss various financial and policy matters affecting local schools. Key topics included funding arrangements for pupils not attending school due to exclusions or medical reasons, the provisional outturn of the 2023-24 schools budget, school balances, and funding allocations from the schools contingency. Decisions were made to note certain policies and to agree on revised policy texts for the upcoming financial year.

Funding Arrangements for Pupils Not Attending School

The forum discussed the funding arrangements for pupils not attending school due to permanent exclusions or medical reasons. Dwayne presented the paper, which proposed recouping funds from schools when a child is permanently excluded, ensuring that the funding follows the child to support their education elsewhere. The forum agreed to note this policy but raised concerns about the 100% recoupment rate for medical tuition, suggesting further discussions with headteachers to consider a more balanced approach.

Grant highlighted the overrepresentation of young people with autism in the tuition service and stressed the need for better mental health support in schools. He praised the tuition service but called for a holistic approach to address the underlying issues causing non-attendance.

Provisional Outturn of the 2023-24 Schools Budget

Paul presented the provisional outturn of the 2023-24 schools budget, revealing an overspend of £8.827 million, primarily due to the high needs block budget. Despite this, the overspend was lower than the worst projections made earlier in the year. The forum noted the financial challenges but acknowledged that the figures were broadly in line with commitments made under the safety valve agreement.

2023-24 School Balances

The forum reviewed the 2023-24 school balances, noting a significant reduction in aggregate balances by £712,000, indicating financial pressures on schools. The average surplus balance fell below the target level of 3%, raising concerns about the sustainability of school finances. The forum agreed to monitor the situation closely and ensure that schools with significant surplus balances are using funds appropriately.

Funding Allocations from the Schools Contingency

Paul also presented the funding allocations from the schools contingency, outlining the use of centrally held funds for the 2023-24 financial year. The forum agreed to revised policy texts for the growth fund, the removal of key stage one class size funding, and the SEN contingency. The updated SEN contingency policy aims to better target resources to schools with the highest number of children with educational health care plans (EHCPs), excluding those in special resource provisions (SRPs).

Grant raised concerns about the financial impact of in-year transfers, particularly for schools receiving a high number of pupils with special educational needs. Paul clarified that current funding regulations do not allow for the transfer of funds for in-year pupil movements, but the forum acknowledged the need to address this issue in future discussions.


Stuart Matthews Academy School Representative
Elizabeth Savage Academy School Representative
Jenny Baker Special School Representative
Sue Butler Early Years PVI Provider
Caroline Johnson
Juanita Dunlop Primary School Representative
Trudi Sammons Primary School Representative
Keith Grainger Secondary School Representative
Tim Griffith Academy School Representative
Grant Strudley Academy School Representative
Gareth Croxon
Katie Moore
Paul Tatum Trades Union Representative
One Vacancy Diocese Representative
One Vacancy 16-19 Partnership Representative
One Vacancy Secondary School Representative
Grainne Siggins
Jamie Beardsmore
Duane Chappell
Councillor Roy Bailey LAB