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Planning Committee B - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee B of Lewisham Council met on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss two main items: the redevelopment of 5-9 Creekside and the retrospective planning application for 135 Minard Road. The committee approved the Creekside development with conditions and refused the Minard Road application based on design and height concerns.

5-9 Creekside

The committee considered the redevelopment of 5-9 Creekside in Deptford, which involves the demolition of existing buildings and the construction of a part five, part seven-storey building. This new development will include 3,101 square metres of employment floor space and 231 purpose-built student accommodation bedspaces.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Affordable Workspace: The applicant proposed a financial contribution of £130,556 to replace the original 10% on-site affordable workspace provision. This was deemed more beneficial as it would provide an equivalent of 600 square metres of affordable workspace elsewhere in the borough.
  • Community Art Fund: A contribution of £20,000 will be made to commission local artists for public art projects.
  • Environmental and Transport Concerns: Conditions were discussed to manage dust, noise, and parking during construction. The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be followed to mitigate these impacts.
  • Student Accommodation: Concerns were raised about the impact of housing 230 students on local amenities and noise pollution. The applicant assured that the accommodation would be professionally managed with 24-hour staffing and student wardens.
  • Impact on ArtHub: The development will displace existing artists, but the applicant has been in discussions with ArtHub and the Council’s Economy team to ensure appropriate relocation and affordable workspace provision.

The committee approved the application with conditions, including the addition of an informative to encourage the developer to engage with ArtHub and consider compensatory measures for any loss of light.

For more details, refer to the Item 3 - 5-9 Creekside Committee Report and the Addendum Report - Creekside.

135 Minard Road

The committee also reviewed a retrospective planning application for a single-storey rear extension at 135 Minard Road. The extension, built without prior planning permission, measures 3.175 metres in height and spans the full width of the property.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Design and Height: The extension was found to be 3.175 metres high, exceeding the 3-metre limit set by the Council’s Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The design was also criticized for being of poor quality and not in keeping with the character of the area.
  • Neighbour Amenity: Concerns were raised about the extension's impact on the privacy and light of neighbouring properties.
  • HMO License: There was confusion about whether the property had a valid HMO license. The Council's enforcement team confirmed that the property had been used as an HMO before the Article 4 direction came into effect, but residents disputed this.

The committee refused the application based on poor design and non-compliance with the height regulations set by the SPD.

For more details, refer to the Item 4 - 135 Minard Road Committee Report.

For the full agenda and reports, visit the Public reports pack 13th-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Committee B.