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Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 7.00 pm
May 8, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
very much. Good evening and welcome to this remote meeting of the licensing committee. My name is Councillor Eamese and I am the chair of this committee. Could you please switch your microphones to mute unless I call upon you to speak? We don't want to be disturbed by any background noise. When you have finished speaking, please remember to mute your microphone again. If a member of this committee wishes to ask a question, I ask that they do so by using the chat panel. If a member of this committee loses internet connection or power, can they please inform myself or the clerk immediately so that we can suspend the meeting until connection has been restored? Before the business starts, can everybody please mute themselves? I can hear a bit of background noise. Before the business starts, I would like to make clear the procedure for this evening. This is a formal virtual hearing which is open to the press and public, the purpose of which is to make a decision on the application, having considered all evidence presented before us, including written reports, verbal representations and any questions asked and answered. I can hear a bit of background noise. Again, can I ask that everybody please mute themselves? So the applicant will be invited to speak first, and members will then be invited to ask questions. The objectors will then be invited to speak, and again, members will be able to ask questions. I will allow up to five minutes for each presentation. When members have heard all evidence, the meeting will close, and deliberation will be made elsewhere. I've received apologies from absence from Councillor Atkinson, Burgess, Harding and Kessner. I will now read out the names and on a cosy. I will now read out the names of members of the licensing committee. Please, could you confirm that you're present at this meeting? Councillor Brown? Oh, he sent apologies. Councillor Jackson?
- Good evening. - Good evening. Councillor Howard.
- Present, Chair.
- Good evening. I will now read out the names of the officers present at this hearing. Again, could you please confirm that you're present? Rachel Lynn, lawyer?
- Present, Chair.
- Can we do you a bazzy?
- Safe for committees, Officer?
- Present, Chair.
- And Claire Wieser, Clerk.
- Present, Chair.
- Thank you. So, move on to the minutes. Community members, do you agree the minutes of the licensing committees held on the 13th and 14th of March and the 4th of April, 2024?
- Very concerned and signed. Thank you.
- Very good.
- Thank you. Moving on to the declarations of interest. Are there any declarations that you've made? No? Okay. Moving on to item three. So, Zulian Hidden Village, second floor, 100 to 104 Leisham High Street, London SC-35JH. I will now ask Kennedy Obazzy to introduce the report.
- Thank you, Chair. This hearing is to determine a premises license application made by Paul Simpson for the premises known as Zulian Hidden Village located on the second floor of number 100 to 104 Leisham High Street, London SC-35JH. The applications seek the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises from 8 a.m. to 4 a.m. Friday to Sunday. And also the provision of live music, recorded music, and late night refreshment from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. Friday to Sunday. The license is to be operational for one day per week on either the Friday, Saturday, or a Sunday. The premises license application on pages 14 to 46 of the committee agenda and the APAC set out the proposed licenseable activities and the operations scheduled applied for. The application was received and served on all responsible authorities on the 13th of March 2024. These are the only responsible authorities with the right to object to the application and must do so within a 28-day consultation period following receipt of the application. Suppose they are any interested member of the public object the application and the objection is not withdrawn within the 28-day consultation period. In that case, we must set up a committee hearing to consider the objection and determine the application, which is why we are here today. The application for the premises license has been advertised in accordance with regulations with an advert in a local newspaper and in notice permanently displayed at the premises for a period of 28 consecutive days. The last day for making a representation was originally on the 10th of April 2024. However, this was extended to 15th April 2024 due to modification made by the applicant to the application. During the consultation period, enabled residents' objection were received alongside objection from both metropolitan police and the licensing authority. Produced for the 8-70 of the committee's agenda part contains the objections from the licensing authority, the metropolitan police, and the enabled residents providing comprehensive reasons for their objections. The representations were received within the specified period and are not considered facetious or frivolous. On the 7th May 2024, the licensing authority would do their objection following the applicant acceptance of an updated list of conditions. The updated list of conditions was also considered and accepted by the metropolitan police who also would draw their objection today, the 8th of May 2024. The accepted updated list of conditions was sent to the licensing committee, which you may have had the opportunity to read. After considering the representation and evidence head during the hearing, members must take steps they consider appropriate to promote the licensing authority. The licensing committee may, one, grant the application as applied for, two, grant the application subject to conditions modified to such extent as the authority considered appropriate for the permission of the licensing objectives. Three, exclude from the scope of the license any of the licenseable activity to wish the application relates. Four, refuse to specify a person in the license as the designated premises supervisor. Five, refuse to grant the application of the license. Thank you, Chair. Thank you very much, Kennedy. I will now introduce, Stephen Gibson, who is our clerk. Thank you, Chair. I've just seen that the same person wants to come into the lobby. There's only one and it can only be for one of the objectors. And I know they didn't reply last time, but they're not two of them. Would you like me to admit them? Yeah, that's why I'm. Okay. Are they in the room with us now? Yes, they are. Okay, thank you. So now I will introduce the applicant. So I believe Stuart Gibson is representing. Good evening, Chair, can you hear me? Yes, I can. I will give you five minutes to make your representations. Sorry, sorry to interrupt. Mr Simpson, who's also here, would like to have, I believe, his five minutes as well. Five minutes, five minutes. Can I get some still in this? Only it's five minutes altogether. Okay. Lynn. Could you provide? Oh, I'm Lynn. Sorry, Rachel. Could you provide a step, please? Yeah, it is normally the committee's positions at the applicant to get five minutes. So that's combined. So Mr Gibson, you're going to have to share that time with Mr Simpson. But thank you for the clarity of occasion. It just, I was involved in the hearing early on in the month and both. Myself and my applicant were afforded five minutes to speak to the committee. On the, the latest minutes that you've considered. I will proceed. As you've heard, there has been extensive consultation with the licensing authority here. With this application. And as a result, you've had an updated fresh set of conditions that has been agreed by both parties. Before you regarding this application. It is worth pointing out the main points of this and one or two other areas I want to, to cover. The application has now been amended in terms of the hours sought and the licenseable activity will see set three AM. And everybody left the premises and the premises locked up by three 30 Sunday. If there is any activity to take place in a Sunday, it will see set one AM and everyone out by one 30. You have had that in the conditions that have come before you in the last day or so. It is true. The premises is only seeking to open maximum of one night per week. And that will be either on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. No other day has been applied for us and no other day can be considered. Speaking to the applicant, it's more likely depending on on on market forces. That the premises will trade this way twice a month, but it's the, the activity is for one night maximum per week. Very much clear to point out this application is not for a nightclub. There is no way on it and that we were quite happy for that to be conditioned. If that was so amended by the committee, this is not a nightclub. It is an event space that has been used for various events, which I'll come on to very shortly. It's also put worth pointing out by the earlier closing time or three AM, the premises will have closed and locked up. Before the alpha lounge, which is below them, has actually finished licensing authority will still be continuing at the alpha lounge after Zulun has closed. All events that will be run at these premises will be ticketed only or by invite only. Ticketed events will be pre purchased or potentially patrons can buy a ticket on the door during the first hour only of the activity. Invite is by invitation only, and that would be for as I'll come on to the type of events we have. Looking at the ticketed events, an example I would give you is for a northern soul evening. For people would buy tickets in advance and come along to northern soul evening at the premises invites would be for things like wedding receptions, anniversaries, family birthdays, may share is that type of. That's not exclusive, but that's that type of event that would go on, and you'd only gain access by being invited to attend such an event. It's also been agreed that any event running beyond midnight. We have at least two security staff working at the premises, unless the applicant or the licensee has gained written approval or agreement by either the licensing authority or the police, not to have such. Such good control, for example, you may have somebody like myself who's approaching their 40th wedding anniversary, who may want to utilize the premises. It would be somewhat inappropriate to say, well, if you're going to go until one, two o'clock in the morning, you need to staff for people of my age to be entering the premise. It may be something therefore that the police and the lighting authority could agree to say, okay, it's not appropriate for that type of event. So on an event by event basis, these will be assessed. There will also be a written dispersal policy in place as to how people are encouraged to leave the premises quickly and quietly and beyond their way. It's also worth pointing out, and this is quite rare as I'm sure you will be, you will recognize the applicant is agreed that a personal license holder will be on the premises at all times, when license bill activity takes place. This is one day a week and so it's easier to achieve, but it's very rare that that is the case, but the applicant is said, yes, we'll go ahead, we'll have a personal license over there in the main it will be himself, but he will have somebody else as a backup should he not be able to attend an event for whatever reason, but another personal license order working for the business will be there. And the final point on the actual operation of the business, that we know admittance or re-admittance after 2am in the morning for an event closing at three apart from people who are nipping out to have a quick cigarette or a vape or whatever people do these days to get that 30 seconds. The representations you have before you you hear yourself, but there's very little that can be leveled at these premises, these premises have only run temporary events or of maybe 10 in the last year, if that most of the objections talk about problems with the offer lounge, which is below. Maybe the problems lie with the offer lounge and not my client, my client is trying to operate a business that is totally different to an nightclub, as I've tried to explain to you today. And a lot of the objections are either not relevant to the application in terms of parking traffic taxis, or they deal with public nuisance anti social behavior that happens all the time that cannot be leveled at my, my clients adore. These are the sentence, please. These are the points I wish to make today. I would ask that having read the additional conditions that been issued by the licensed authority and my submissions today and the application. I would ask that you grant the application as submitted. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you very much. Mr Gibson committee members, do you have any questions to ask that. Councillor Jackson. Thank you very much. Thank you for the presentation. I'm aware that you got slightly stunned by the procedure there. So just as a question, I suppose I would ask Mr Simpson if there's anything he wished to add to Mr Gibson's presentation. Yes, thank you. Not very obviously I trust you, it's me and everything exactly as we've spoken about. I'd like to put just as an example of some of the events that we've done in the last couple of years we've held parties for the NHS and Lewis some staff and sort of local communities like that so that's the kind of thing. So I want to really make it a community and fill thing, you know, rather than like a nice club. Everything's been coming. Thank you very much. Any other questions from committee members. No, in that case, I'll move on to the objectives or call your mute. Sorry, I'm not sure the hand was raising. Just just to say, if you have something like Norman, sorry, northern soul nights, there will be sort of dancing and drinking and so on at those times. Are those occasions really very much different from, you know, a reasonably well run nightclub. I mean, it seems to be making a big thing out of there being a difference. Or is it just the infrequency of the events. Obviously, the infrequency is a big factor, but it's not the main difference. Northern soul. It was kind of a new thing to me as well, but it's a, it's a close knit community within themselves. So the people that come to it, come, they fly in from other countries, and they come from up and down the country and people, you know, it's become very well known now apparently around Europe. People were talking about this thing that's happening in Lewisham, which is strange, but all over the place, they don't come that far to drink and party. They come for the music. They come up signs everywhere, no drinking on a dance floor. It's really not a drinking culture. It is. It's a cult dancing, you know, it's a dance thing that they, the same crowd go from club to club around the country around Europe, and they just follow this trend. It's really not a drinking, drinking thing obviously drink is consumed, but it's by far the focal point of the evening. All right, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If there are other questions from community members, I will move on to the objector. So I believe we have two objectors object to one. Can you please identify yourself. Hello. Do you need my name as well. Can you hear me? I'll give you five minutes, and then meeting members can ask you questions. Okay, thank you. I'm objecting because I live on an area very, very close to this proposed licensing premises. I'm talking about the area of I'll be awake, more road, count and rise, which is quite close to a car park. In the past, when there have been extended licensing hours, residents have suffered greatly from antisocial behavior. And then there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And there's a lot of people who are in the area of the city. And it just, I, even though you're stressing, it's going to be a rare occurrence. I would just like to see something put in place to keep people from doing that. So that there is supervision in the car parks or whatever. Perhaps the other thing that of course is the pollution with cars. I have seen this cars will start up. And then they'll carry on running their engines while they're waiting for people to turn turn up. And carry on conversations loudly. And all of this carries even a quiet voice carries at that time of night. We can hear the market on a Saturday when they're playing music. We can hear that here during the day. So you can imagine what it's like at night. I'm concerned as well about the extended application for Christmas night, the New Year's night and Easter. It looks as if it's being applied for 24 hours. And I haven't heard that mentioned that it runs on until the following day. I haven't heard that mention hit today. And what's happening about that. And yes, so that's basically it's my concerns for what happens afterwards. My other thought was concern is that how loud is the room where the news is going to be played. Soundproof. Because otherwise that will emanate out at that hour than the morning as well. Thank you very much. Can you see members do you or Kennedy have to see what your hand up. Yes, just to quickly comment on the. The comments relating to the conditions that. The last of just your spoke about regarding the variation at times. That is now included in the condition that will be agreed upon. The recent condition that have been agreed upon. It is agreed that. Every other day the premises will close. On Sunday, it will close 1 a.m. Unless it's a day, a Monday that is a proceeding or less. It's a Sunday that is, you know, proceeding a bank holiday. So what does it mean is. The previous application that was put in of stating Christmas day. New Year's Eve. This new condition that they've agreed upon as of our right. That very work. So this is what it's going to be. The new one is going to be. Open up to 3. Any Sunday preceding a bank holiday. That's what it means now. Thank you for clarifying Kennedy. Community members, do you have any questions for objects? One. Do you have any questions? Have a question. I'm sorry. It's only for members to ask questions. Sorry. I thought you said Paul. Okay, in that case only. Sorry. It takes me a while to really think about what it is I want to ask. Sorry about that. Object to one. Have you actually found that these events are. Quite infrequent and it's only a very occasionally. A problem because I think the intention is that it would only be. Either one night a week or perhaps twice a month. What is your experience of that? My experience was this was when the when there were extended licenses. And operating and it was there was every night of a weekend. But it is reassuring to know that it is going to be one. One night a week. Yes, it would be helpful to know which night, but I don't suppose that will be possible. Yes. We live in an area where we're adjacent to a shopping center. So of course we're going to get some disruption, but just. This seems to be an onslaught three nights a week, right up until four o'clock in the morning. There's no chance to get back to sleep if you work enough at four o'clock in the morning to a clock in the morning. You might be able to get back to sleep. But the request is to go to three o'clock. I mean, I don't know what local people feel about that. I think that's too late for myself as well. But I understand that we're trying to make tuition more lively. I'm not sure it's the right way to do it. But what I would like is to see it being allowed for a trial period to see how it goes. And then, you know, and then be able to assess how well it's working as far as the objections that I've made are concerned. I mean, it's not just me. There's lots of residents who are concerned about it. Yes, I'm not sure about that. But I think if there's a lot of disruption, you can bring an objection at a later point. But we'd have to take advice on that. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks very much. Mark, you've got your hand up. Yeah, thanks. I just want a point of clarification because I mean, there is asking the residents view on how she's experienced stuff kind of in the recent past. My understanding is, apart from a few 10s, the premises that we're talking about here hasn't had a license for license for activity up to this point. So, you know, there may have been a few 10s, but I'm not sure how, how, when, when call asking about the frequency of events, I'm just, you just, you can tell that that may be relating to, to other nearby processes, because there's one just below. So I think it's just, it's just worth being, being clear that, that, you know, while the, the alpha lounge, I think it is maybe, maybe running stuff. Pretty frequently that, you know, apart from some, some temporary event notices, my understanding and that's why I'm just seeking some clarification on is that, is that the premise is here. Hasn't had an ongoing license up to this point. I'm being preempted in my objections is just based on experience of previous times that's all. Okay. Can you comment please. Yeah, that's in fact, thanks for picking that up, Chancellor Jackson. Object to one, I appreciate the comments that you're making, but clearly the committee can only take into account evidence of actual issues that have arisen from the operation of these premises, not to be they with the exception. I think Mr Gibson said, you know, a maximum of maybe 10, 10 prevent notices that allows them to operate license of all activities. You just have to be very careful to only take into account evidence of issues that have arisen from the operation of these premises as opposed to object to what your, your concerns. I'm not invalidating those at all, but, but they're not something that the committee can take into consideration when they're making a decision about whether to, to go out this application or not. Okay, thank you for that clarification. Thank you very much. I ask a question, and if, if we're being asked to raise objections about applications, how can we make the objections about an application if the, if the application is still being applied for. The way that that would work object to one is, as this applicant has made applications for temporary event notices to test out how the, how the events operate and how they can operate those, both. In compliance with the legislation, but also from a commercial perspective is it viable for them to operate the premises in, in that way, and often applicants will use that as a testing ground. It also gives you as local residents the opportunity that if they aren't run well and effectively that you could then obviously come to the committee and say actually the 10 temporary event notices on seven occasions we experienced all of these issues that don't promote the licensing. So it's on that basis really that you would come before the committee doesn't mean that what you're saying is not taken into consideration we balance the, the, you know, the committee when they're deliberating will balance all of the evidence and submissions that have been made. Both your risk and submission and what you say to the committee tonight, but it's just to be very clear to you what we can and cannot, what the committee can and cannot weigh in the balance with, with what you say to them this evening and what you said in your, your written submissions. Well, thank you for clarifying Rachel. If there are other questions I'm going to move on to object to to make their representation. Good evening. Yep. I'm here. Good evening. I'll give you five minutes. And again, when you have the seconds left, I'll give you a heads up. Thanks counselor chess. I do feel bad objecting to this and I do sympathize with the applicant but based on the an echoing what object to one has said really based on the current levels of antisocial behavior that residents are subjected to. I've really got no objection but to strongly objectives application. I would like to draw the committee's attention to the fact that the mayor and the cabinet were earlier today presented with data that shows that Lewis from town center has the highest rates of antisocial behavior from an alcohol perspective and rowdy and inconsiderate behavior perspective. And adding an additional venue to this mix is going to do nothing but, you know, make the situation worse. The application itself does not particularly address why an out of policy guidance licenses required. I think physicians agreed by the licensing team do don't really do anything to alleviate residents concerns. As an example, a very generic a dispersal policy must be in place is given no direction of what an acceptable dispersal policy looks like in the context of what we just heard from object to one and of the other sort of nine objections that have been raised. And the current levels of antisocial behavior faced in and around the town center. It's obvious from the from the large number of objections that local residents have been significantly. And over a prolonged period of time subject and social behavior from venues in and around the town center alpha lounge and others. And the prospect of another late night venue in operating in the cell same building leads a lot of residents to feel very disheartened and very disappointed with what the future might, you know, what future might look like. We have to build up with a lot, a lot of stuff from from the consequences of those, those venues and historic licensing decisions as an example, often see public urination, defecation street parties until sort of four, five, six o'clock in the morning post venue closure. Provasive illegal parking and drink driving, and I think, while our residents are keen to ensure that the same mistakes aren't made made again. And that's all I've got to say, like I say, I do regret having to do this, but the current levels of antisocial behavior, which are drink fueled and rowdy and inconsiderate as previously presented to the to the mayor just today. Lucian's in number one spot, Lucian town center is a number one spot, which is not not somewhere we want to remain. And, you know, adding another out of policy guidance late night venue to that is not going to do anything to tell that situation I don't think. So, thank you. Thank you very much. Committee members, do you have any questions for object to. Councillor Jackson. Thank you very much, Chair. Thanks very much for your presentation. So, with with respect to the points you've raised around going on social behavior things obviously, as we've heard from, from the applicant this evening, what we're looking at. Here is a premises, which is going to be running kind of one one day over the weekend sort of once or twice, you know, a couple of times a month, basically, which is likely to be kind of at the same time. The other venues in the vicinity, the alpha lounge among others are also going to be going to be running. Is it your view that that even just, you know, sort of one one day a week, maybe one or maybe one or two weeks a month, that's going to be a significant additional kind of burden on residents in terms of the issues that you've outlined there just as well, just trying to sort of weigh that the, you know, the weight of that, you know, given the kind of reduced level of operating hours that have been agreed to. Yes, it's a good question and I guess slightly hypothetical. I guess my concern is that if we do have a good day or good night with one of the local venues and we have an additional venue that is open late. In and around that mix, then that quiet night could turn into a, you know, one respite could turn into another noisy night. And, you know, the, whilst whilst I appreciate the, you know, the license, the applicant wants to run a, you know, community venue and all the positives around that. I'm guessing this is going to be a commercial enterprise so if a, if a non community event wants to take place, which might have some less savory people commercial I guess commercial elements will, you know, take a priority in that. And it takes a couple of people to spoil spoil whatsoever was a, you know, a reasonable late night venue. So yeah, that's, I guess that's, I guess that's concerns it will, it'll exacerbate the current situation and or when we do have a quiet night, it will make it, not quite night. Thank you. Any other questions for committee members. And sorry, could I just make just make one point, one extra point, I do, you know, similar to object to one, I do feel that. If the license was not as late as 3am, i.e. if it's stuck to the guidelines that the council has put in place for reasons, then it would not be as much of a issue. You know, those, those, you guys put your policy in place for a reason, you know, you've stated I think it's 2 o'clock for town centers in Lewishman camp for does a closing time. You guys, if that was stuck to, I think that would be more reasonable and would alleviate a lot of concerns but. Just seems to be that these, these applications come in the Roy's out of policy and then we, you know, don't stick to the policy. That's my last point of guess. Thank you very much, object to three, can you please identify yourself. My name is ovens like I'm. Sorry, can you say your name again. Yeah, my name is Evans. Yes, yes. Okay. I'll give you five minutes to make a representation and in the last 30 seconds, I'll give you the heads up to sum up. Okay, I did, um, after coming from a large premises. Um, I have a few concerns with the proposed rises of the premises. Uh, concerning fact, we've had previous venues. Um, close vibes with, I believe some of the castle. Members are one of the issues we had previous venue wise, the way that. Um, the, the structure of the building has just one entrance. First of all, I have concern of the safety. Two, um, the going of the stairs are coming down the stairs. So I don't know what measures have been put in place to mitigate that. Secondly, we also have issue of stuff as I'm searching of our customers coming at the final customers coming to the premises. Um, I'm not sure if I'm asking the customers on order on the license. And I've seen that you said is allowed to have two security. S I a security without put more burden on my security to be able to search customers coming because my condition part of my life as a condition is people coming into the premises needs to be sized. So how do we mitigate that? Also, looking at the, the, uh, the proposed venue. Um, there is not some proven. There's not been some proven. And it's on the top. It's, it's, it's on the second, uh, floor on the premises, which means we enough. I will spend a lot of money to put a lot of, um, uh, some proven around the building to make sure that the music plays doesn't travel out. So we don't want to switch on whereby the music, definitely the movie deals playing there when they have the event, no matter if it's, even if it was a week or that, even they have the digital. So what are the measures in place to control that. So these are my, these are the cause all the concise that we have. And the such in the security, because the dynamic of the premises is that is a stack. You have to go through the stack is to go off the premises. Now, how do we manage it? How do you know, because I know he's had some few times. Um, in the past, but you see that my security in our family end up doing the job. Such in customers and dealing with some of his clients coming upstairs. So how do we mitigate that? How do we, where's the balance? So these are my concerns so far. Thank you very much. Um, I think for Kennedy, have you come out as have you visited the premises by any chance. Yes. Yeah. The premises, not just only for this application, but. Several times. Why we do have other premises there and I've also been to our knowledge. So I have the study building. Um, of the fact, yes, it is one staircase going up. And I'm also why other premises were also using the same vicinity. That staircase was still what was being used. So, um, I will not see that. Um, from my point of view, probably beating or stopping, you know, people going to the floor, the one who got to. Even in up alone, as Mr. Eblons has rightly said, at the same time that I've been to your premises, you have people coming out and people going in. They use this as a case. Meaning you sometimes you have two way flu at the same time. It does not cause any advances to your clients. So now talking about the, um, the security and the session. I, from what I can understand from this very meeting tonight. I believe Zulan is saying they want to have a ticket at the event. And if the event is going to be together and they have the adult staff on the door. It would be simple and easy for them to do to do a search on their staff. We also believe that they will have an SI on the door. And at the same time have an SIA. By the door of stairs, or after the search, I also confirmed the ticket before the entrance. That will automatically stop people from your premises of our launch. Figuring into your upper floor. So that's my, um, opinion about that. Thank you. Thank you very much, Kennedy. Uh, Council Jackson, I see you put your hand down, uh, have your questions being answered. Yeah, these largely picked up, uh, some of what I was going to ask you. I think that satisfies me. Thanks. Yeah. Thank you very much. Uh, Councillor HOWARD, any questions? No, not now. No. No. Um, if there are no questions, uh, there are no other objectives. Can I check, are there any other objectives that want to make representations? No, okay. Um, I'm now satisfied that members of this, this committee have both read and heard all information required to make a decision before we leave this hearing and proceed to the vote. I need to ensure that every member who will be voting on these items will be present throughout and has been present throughout and has had no internet disruptions. Uh, please can each member now confirm that they have been present throughout this item and have heard all evidence. So I can see their hands. Um, Mr Evans. Yes. Um, there's one of my concerns has not been addressed. Can I repeat that please? If you don't mind. Um, no, um, it's your reputation is for committee members to ask questions about the you to ask us questions. Um, so to that point, no, I'll move on to Councillor Jackson. Thank you very much. Um, so we finished the question. I was just wondering if if we're skipping the summing up portion and I skipped a section. I think we may have skipped the part with the applicant and the objectives. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Sorry, I saw some and I wanted to go for a walk. Sorry. Uh, right. Applicants, Mr Gibson, can you please make a representation just when we'll sum up for a minute, please. Couple minutes. Thank you. Um, you can hear me here. Yes. Thank you. I've got these damn things off. It's clear that the objections that you've heard today really relate to the existing premises in the building, which is indeed the alpha lounge. And it's maybe the end result here should be a review of the alpha lounge if they're causing all these problems. Um, you've heard about car pollution and so forth. It's not a licensing issue for you this evening. Um, and there are no evidence put forward that any of the problems you've heard tonight have come from the temporary event notices that my client has operated over the last year, none at all. One of the key things you've heard today is, oh, the closing time of three AM is too late. Well, our phone stays open till four o'clock. So what's the benefit? Are you having by making a ticketed event or an invite only event so nobody off the street can just walk in willy nilly closing earlier. It's not serving any purpose whatsoever. Um, there was mention of the dispersal policy. Um, that dispersal policy will be agreed with the licensing authority before it is issued. It's not a random generic off the shelf, something that's put forward. It is a specific dispersal policy that will be agreed with the licensing authority. Um, you've heard today the business model for my client is totally different to that of the alpha lounge alpha lounges and I club. Um, this is clearly not a nightclub and the operation of the business is completely different to the current businesses operating. Um, you've heard from the objectors, they're guessing what will happen. Business forces will determine they'll let anybody in after a while, although they'll take in some unsavory people. That's a bit insulting to my, my, my client. He's come forward to you today with an actual business model says, this is how he wants to operate. He's explained in some detail what Northern Seoul evenings mean and where people come from and why they come. But that doesn't fit with the generic of, of there'll be problems so the invent problems that will happen, which I think is, is perform chair and should be disregarded totally. Um, the alpha lounge objection is clearly business related. It stands out like a sore thumb. This has got no reason for actual objections to any of the licensing objectives. It's purely down to business reasons. They don't want another premises operating. It's the licensing authority of your council who wrote the policy. It's the licensing authority of your council that has agreed additional conditions, extensive conditions, and part of those conditions are for the extended hours to 3 a.m. I would ask you take all that into consideration, and you grant the application as applied for by my client. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Welcome to the object also object to one. Can you briefly sum up. Yes, sorry. Yes, I'm afraid I disagree with the person who's applying for the, for the license that this isn't conjecture. We have real experience of suffering from the dispersal. So, so called of people leaving these premises. It may not, it may. It might be difficult to know which premises of which, but my understanding is that the alpha club actually pleases before 3 o'clock. So it would your, the premises and village premises will be extended afterwards. We are not in trying to insult you. We are not trying to stop, Lewis, I'm having a nightlife. What we are concerned about is that do care is taken for people who have come out of these premises and do. All sorts of disruptive behavior. Thank you very much object to one object to two. Can you briefly sum up. Yeah, yeah, I will no problem. First of all, apologies to Mr Gibson for my poor form. That's not what I intended. You know, if you have late night licenses and a lot of people drinking and the birthday party there, you're always going to get one person who's bit of an idiot and cause you. That's just as a factor life, I'm not trying to cast dispersions on people. Although I do share with him the fact that I find the irony of alpha lounge coming here and complaining about noise complaints absolutely brilliant, considering what they've put residents through over the last five years. My, I guess my last point would be that I just urged the committee to stick to their licensing policy. You guys have obviously considered it and put it in place for a reason. And, you know, as object to one said at the beginning of her, of her speech. The if we're woken up at three o'clock, no one goes back to bed. If you stick to the license licensing policy and it closed that to then we've got an opportunity to get back to sleep. And I just urge you to stick to that policy which you've written for a reason. Thank you very much rejected to object to three Mr Evans, can you sum up in a minute, please. Yeah. Yes, I totally disagree with the point Mr Gibson and the last object or I've just raised my concern is many from points of health and safety reasons. And if everybody's familiar with the premises, they will understand that the dynamic of the, the venue. So having to premises at the same time, if there is an issue of a question, how do you manage it. So my objection is from health and safety reasons, and I like to look into this, if there are measures put in place, you understand if there's a major place for the premises to to mitigate such events. Okay, we thank you. Thank you very much. Moving on. I'm satisfied that members of this committee have read and heard your information required to make a decision before we leave this hearing and proceed to the vote. I need to mention that every member who will be voting on these items has been present throughout and has had no internet internet disruptions. So please can each member now confirm that they have been present throughout this item and has heard all evidence. Councillor Jackson. So confirmed. Thank you, Chair. Thank you, Councillor Howard. Present throughout no interruptions. Thank you very much. Thank you for attending this hearing. This meeting is now closed. Thank you, Chair. Good evening. Thank you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
The licensing committee convened to deliberate on a premises license application for Zulian Hidden Village. The application sought permission for the supply of alcohol and provision of live music and late-night refreshment. The meeting featured presentations from the applicant, objections from local residents and a nearby business, and discussions on the implications of the proposed license.
Decision: Granting of Premises License The committee considered granting a license to Zulian Hidden Village for alcohol supply and live entertainment until 3 AM on selected days. The applicant argued that the venue would host community-focused events and not operate as a nightclub, emphasizing controlled entry through ticket sales and invites. Objectors raised concerns about potential noise, public nuisance, and safety issues, citing existing problems in the area with similar establishments. The decision to grant the license, with conditions agreed upon with the police and licensing authority, hinges on promoting community benefits while attempting to mitigate residents' concerns about noise and disorder.
Additional Information: An interesting aspect of the meeting was the objection from Alpha Lounge, a business operating in the same building, which focused on potential safety risks due to shared entryways and the burden on their security. This objection highlighted competitive tensions and safety considerations in shared commercial spaces. The committee's decision process was thorough, balancing the applicant's business interests with community welfare and existing area conditions.
- Agenda frontsheet 08th-May-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee agenda
- Zhulin Hidden Village 2nd Floor 100-104 Lewisham High Street London SE13 5JH
- Public reports pack 08th-May-2024 19.00 Licensing Committee reports pack
- Minutes
- Declarations of interest
- Licensing Authority Objection
- Licensing Authority Suggested Conditions
- Police - Objection
- Police suggested conditions
- Redacted Residents Objection
- ApplicationR