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Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee - Tuesday, 11 June 2024 7.00 pm
June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee of Spelthorne Council met on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including amendments to the Housing Allocations Policy, the Spelthorne Annual Grants for 2025/26, and the continuation of the Community Centre Saturday Opening provision. Decisions were made on these topics, and various recommendations were put forward to the Council.
Housing Allocations Policy Amendments
The Committee approved amendments to the Housing Allocations Policy following the identification of a contradiction in the policy wording. The discrepancy was impacting a small number of applications, and the amendments were necessary to prevent further issues. The Assistant Strategic Housing Lead explained that the contradiction had not unduly disadvantaged applicants so far, but it was important to address it to avoid future complications.
Spelthorne Annual Grants 2025/26
The Committee considered a report from the Community Development Manager regarding the Spelthorne Annual Grants for 2025/26. Three key recommendations were approved:
- Providing indicative grant funding for five core-funded voluntary organisations for the financial year 2026/2027 to assist with forward planning, staff recruitment, and retention.
- Ring-fencing a minimum of £3,000 of the grants budget for sport and active lifestyle projects and £3,000 for arts projects to ensure continued funding for these important community services.
- Amending the grant eligibility criteria to exclude schools and Parent Teacher Associations from applying, as there are more suitable funding sources available for them.
The Committee also requested that the grant application process be clearly communicated to all Councillors in advance of the application window opening in September 2024.
Community Centre Saturday Opening (a continuation)
The Committee discussed the continuation of the Community Centre Saturday Opening provision. Currently, two of the three community centres open on alternate Saturdays, offering a six-day week service to support vulnerable residents. The Committee endorsed continuing this approach and agreed to review it again in December 2024. The Deputy Chief Executive noted that making this provision permanent would require a growth bid to cover the additional budget implications.
The Committee resolved to continue endorsing the Council’s approach to expanding the Community Centres provision to address the impact of the current cost of living, energy, and social isolation crises on the community. They also agreed to continue with the provision of opening at least one community centre within the borough of Spelthorne for six days a week.
Forward Plan
The Committee reviewed and noted the Forward Plan for the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee. They requested that the Community Centre Saturday Opening report be added to the Forward Plan for the meeting on 2 December 2024. Additionally, they sought clarification on whether the Borough Commander or Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner would attend the upcoming Crime and Disorder meeting on 24 September 2024.
Late Item - Service Plan 2024/2025
The Group Head of Community Wellbeing introduced the Housing Benefits Service Plan 2024/25 and provided an overview of the team. Key projects for 2024/25 were detailed, along with current issues and risks, including staff retention challenges due to uncertainties related to the Department for Work and Pensions' role in Universal Credit. The Committee resolved to note the Service Plan.
For more details, you can refer to the printed minutes of the meeting.

- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 11-Jun-2024 19.00 Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 11-Jun-2024 19.00 Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee reports pack
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Terms of Reference
- Housing Allocations Policy Amendments Committee Report
- Appendix A List of amendments to be made
- Appendix B Housing Allocation Policy 2022
- Grant Report June 2024
- Appendix A Grant_Application_Form_2024-25
- 6 days a week Service at Community Centres
- Forward Plan
- Late Item- Service Plan 20242025 Tuesday 11-Jun-2024 19.00 Community Wellbeing and Housing Commi
- Decisions Tuesday 11-Jun-2024 19.00 Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee
- Housing Benefits Service Plan 24.25 FINAL
- housingbenefitserviceplanfrontsheet
- Printed minutes Tuesday 11-Jun-2024 19.00 Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee minutes