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Development Sub-Committee - Monday, 20 May 2024 7.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting covered several key topics, including the approval of a development delivery strategy, updates on residential consultations, and a presentation on the proposed waterfront scheme. The committee also discussed the termination of a contract related to Ashford Victory Place.

The most significant topic was the approval of the development delivery strategy. Corley Holman presented the report, explaining that the strategy aims to progress delivery via partnership initiatives since the council has decided to stop building sites themselves. The strategy sets out criteria for appraising various options, ensuring consistency in approach and decision-making. Councillor Gibson raised concerns about the list of sites and the criteria for prioritizing them. The committee agreed to approve the strategy and hold a further workshop to finalize the site prioritization list.

Next, the committee discussed updates on residential consultations for Benwell House Phase Two and White House sites. Richard Mortimer presented the feedback from residents, highlighting concerns about noise, lighting, and tree pruning. The committee approved a budget for engaging an architect to produce feasibility drawings that align with residents' feedback.

The proposed waterfront scheme was another significant topic. Richard Mortimer presented the scheme, which includes an upscale hotel with 250 rooms and an apart-hotel suite complex. The scheme aims to boost economic regeneration, local employment, and the town's profile. The committee discussed the importance of public consultation and flood risk mitigation. The presentation was noted, and further details will be developed in consultation with the public.

Lastly, the committee approved the termination of a conditional contract with Noel Green Estates Limited for Ashford Victory Place. This decision allows the council to market the site and sell it to a third-party developer. The committee also discussed the financial implications and the need to ensure that any future development meets planning consent and Section 106 agreement obligations. The meeting focused on the approval of a development delivery strategy, updates on residential consultations, a presentation on the waterfront scheme, and the termination of a conditional contract for Ashford Victory Place.

The most significant topic was the approval of the development delivery strategy. Corley Holman presented the report, explaining that the strategy aims to progress site development via partnership initiatives rather than direct council development. The strategy will set criteria for appraising different options, ensuring consistency and informed decision-making. A site prioritization list will be prepared and presented to the Business Infrastructure and Growth Committee in September. Councillor Gibson raised concerns about the need for a list of sites and how partnership arrangements would align with the Council's corporate objectives. The committee agreed to approve the strategy and form a working party to produce the site prioritization list.

The next topic was the update on residential consultations for Benwell House Phase Two and White House sites. Richard Mortimer reported on the feedback from residents and the need to engage an architect to produce feasibility drawings. The committee discussed the concerns raised by residents, such as noise, lighting, and parking issues. Councillor Gibson requested evidence of the consultations, and it was clarified that notes from the meetings would be shared. The committee approved the engagement of an architect and a budget of £1,000 for each project.

A presentation on the waterfront scheme was given, highlighting the proposed development of a four-star plus hotel with 250 rooms and 29 apart-hotel suites. The scheme aims to boost economic regeneration, local employment, and the profile of Staines. The height of the building was discussed, with a cap set at 30 meters to ensure it fits within the local context. Public consultation and flood risk mitigation were also addressed. Councillor Gibson and Councillor Clark raised concerns about the inclusion of public amenities and the need for the architects to engage with the design code. The committee noted the presentation.

The final topic was the termination of the conditional contract for Ashford Victory Place with Noel Green Estates Limited. Richard Mortimer explained that the contract, which was set up when the council was considering direct development, needed to be terminated as the council is no longer pursuing this approach. The termination would allow the council to market the site to a third-party developer. Councillor Gibson sought clarification on the implications of the termination, and it was confirmed that the Section 106 agreement would remain in place. The committee approved the termination of the contract.

The meeting concluded with the committee moving into a private session to discuss exempt business.