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Special Meeting, Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Friday, 10th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 10, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on whether to exclude the press and public from discussions due to the sensitive nature of the topics being addressed. The committee decided to move to a private session after a debate on the matter.

The meeting began with Teresa Colbrey, the chair, introducing herself and the officers present, including Gary Schotten, Sharon Thomas, and Stephen Goodrum. Apologies were noted from Councillor Christine Jones and Mrs. Wendy White, with Councillor Richard Jones and Councillor Malbukly substituting for Councillor David Richardson and Councillor Gladys Healy, respectively.

The main topic of discussion was whether to exclude the press and public from the meeting. Councillor Andy Parkhurst argued against the exclusion, citing Section 12A of the Local Government Act. He listed several reasons why the meeting should be public, including the public interest in understanding the case, the issue generating public debate, and the need for transparency and accountability in decisions involving public money. He emphasized that the services discussed affect nearly every resident of the county and involve substantial financial risks for the council.

In response, the chief executive explained that the monitoring officer had considered all points and concluded that the meeting should be private due to the commercial negotiations involved, which are sensitive and confidential. The committee then voted in favor of moving to a private session.

The chair reiterated the importance of openness and transparency but stressed that the confidentiality of commercially sensitive matters must be maintained until the appropriate time.