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Planning Committee A - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 7.30 pm

June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee A of Lewisham Council convened on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss several significant planning applications. The committee approved the construction of five two-storey, three-bedroom dwelling houses at 68 Ravensbourne Park Crescent and a first-floor rear extension at 1A Marla Road.

68 Ravensbourne Park Crescent

The committee reviewed an application for the construction of five two-storey, three-bedroom, six-person dwelling houses, along with cycle parking, refuse storage, and associated landscaping on land to the east side of 68 Ravensbourne Park Crescent. The site is a 920 square metre triangular-shaped grassed area at the corner of Ravensbourne Park and Ravensbourne Park Crescent.

The proposal received 14 individual objections, primarily concerning the loss of amenity space, potential crime hazards, and parking stress. The Planning Officer presented the application, highlighting the following key points:

  • Principle of Development: Officers determined that the amenity land is redundant or oversupplied in the area, based on a CCTV survey and analysis of local open space provisions.
  • Housing: The proposal would help meet the borough's housing targets and provide needed family-sized dwellings.
  • Urban Design and Impact on Heritage Assets: The development is considered high quality and would not detract from the historic setting of nearby Grade II listed buildings.
  • Impact on Adjoining Properties: Conditions for obscure glazed windows and privacy screening were secured to protect neighbours from overlooking and privacy impacts.
  • Transport: The proposal would not significantly harm the local highway network. Details of cycling and refuse facilities will be secured by condition.
  • Sustainable Development: The development is acceptable with regard to sustainable drainage and carbon emission mitigation measures.
  • Natural Environment: The development would deliver a net gain in soft landscaping, trees, and living roofs.

The applicant, Emma White of Ravensbourne Property Development Limited, emphasized the extensive engagement with officers and local residents, and the significant evolution of the scheme to address concerns. Objectors raised issues about potential crime hazards due to the creation of a narrow alleyway and the loss of amenity space. The committee decided to approve the application, subject to conditions, including a sensitive lighting strategy for the alleyway and details of the gate and security for number 68.

For more details, refer to the final committee report and site map.

1A Marla Road

The committee also considered an application for the construction of a first-floor rear extension at 1A Marla Road. The property has a complex planning history, with previous retrospective applications for a first-floor extension being refused due to their scale, design, and materiality.

The new proposal seeks to construct a first-floor extension with a dual-pitched roof, set down slightly from the ridge of the existing roof. The extension will have obscure glazed windows to prevent overlooking.

The applicant, Shupeng Lee, explained that he purchased the property unaware of the planning issues and is seeking to create additional space for his newborn child. The committee approved the application, subject to conditions ensuring the obscure glazing of windows.

For more details, refer to the final committee report and site map.

Additional Information

For further information on the meeting, including the agenda and minutes, please refer to the agenda frontsheet and minutes.