Mayor and Cabinet - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Mayor and Cabinet of Lewisham Council met on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the procurement of cycle parking and electric vehicle charging, the awarding of community integrated equipment service contracts, and the granting of leases and contract awards for adventure playgrounds. All recommendations were agreed upon.

Cycle Parking and Electric Vehicle Charging

The council approved the procurement for cycle parking and electric vehicle charging. Councillor Louise Krupski moved the report, which was seconded and agreed without further discussion. This initiative aligns with Lewisham Council's ongoing commitment to promoting sustainable transport options and reducing carbon emissions.

Community Integrated Equipment Service Contracts

The council granted permission to award contracts for the community integrated equipment service. Councillor Paul Bell moved the report, which was also seconded and agreed. This service aims to provide essential equipment to support residents with disabilities and long-term health conditions, enhancing their quality of life and independence.

Adventure Playgrounds: Grants of Leases and Contract Awards

Councillor Chris Barnham introduced the report on adventure playgrounds, highlighting the council's strategy to refresh and renew the five adventure playgrounds in the borough. The council agreed to a five-year contract with Youth First to run the playgrounds and a separate five-year contract with London Play to maintain and renew the equipment. Councillor Barnham noted the importance of making these playgrounds more sustainable and generating income, which is a long-term goal for the council.

Councillor Edison Huynh declared an interest as a board member of Youth First. The recommendations were seconded and agreed.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

In the absence of Councillor Will Cooper, Councillor James-J Walsh moved the Housing Delivery Test Action Plan report. The council agreed to the recommendations, which aim to address housing delivery challenges and ensure that the borough meets its housing targets.

Financial Outturn Report 2023/24

Councillor Amanda De Ryk moved the financial outturn report for 2023/24, expressing gratitude to the officers who worked on the figures. The report was seconded and agreed. This report provides an overview of the council's financial performance over the past year, ensuring transparency and accountability in the council's financial management.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Decisions document from the meeting.