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Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was a remote session of the Lewisham Licensing Committee, chaired by Councillor Yamashiani. The primary focus was on a premises license application by McEosolots UK Limited for a bingo premises at 53 Sydenham High Street, SE26 5EY. The committee heard from the applicant, several objectors, and committee members asked questions before moving to deliberation.

Premises License Application for Bingo Premises at 53 Sydenham High Street:

  • Applicant's Presentation: Gerald Greay, representing McEosolots UK Limited, presented the application. He emphasized that the application was comprehensive and aimed to address all concerns raised. He highlighted that the premises would operate 24/7 and cater to a trickle of customers, including night shift workers. He argued that the measures proposed were reasonable and in line with the Gambling Act 2005. He also noted that there were no objections from responsible authorities and that the premises had a good track record with no reviews or issues in other locations.
  • Committee Questions: Councillor Howard questioned the need for a 24-hour license and how the applicant could ensure there were no issues in their 230 other locations. Gerald Greay responded that the 24-hour operation was based on demand and that the premises had a good track record with no reviews. Councillor Harding asked about the balance between bingo and other gambling activities, to which Greay explained that the only way to offer bingo was through a bingo license, even though the primary operation would be as an adult gaming center.

Objectors' Concerns:

  • Councillor Chris Best: Representing Sydenham Ward, Councillor Best raised concerns about antisocial behavior, noise, and the impact on vulnerable residents. She highlighted the presence of other gambling premises in the area and the potential negative impact on the high street's vitality. She also mentioned the proximity to facilities catering to vulnerable adults and children, such as Ignition Brewery and Sydenham Arts.
  • Annabelle McLaren: Representing the Sydenham Society, McLaren echoed concerns about the negative impact on the high street and the concentration of vulnerable individuals in the area. She emphasized the need to protect children and vulnerable adults from potential harm.
  • Ruth: Another objector, Ruth, highlighted the specific vulnerabilities of the local community, including high levels of social housing and the presence of addiction and recovery services. She questioned the applicant's claim of no issues in other locations and pointed out that the Gambling Commission was investigating McEosolots for exploitation of a vulnerable customer in Stockport.

Committee Deliberation:

  • The committee members confirmed their presence throughout the meeting and proceeded to deliberate in another room. The decision on the application would be sent out within five working days.

Overall, the meeting focused on the potential impact of the proposed bingo premises on the local community, particularly concerning antisocial behavior, noise, and the protection of vulnerable individuals. The applicant argued that the measures in place were sufficient, while the objectors raised significant concerns about the suitability of the location and the potential negative effects on the community.