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Health and Safety Committee - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 5.00 pm

May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on health and safety issues within Lewisham Council, including the election of the chair and vice-chair, updates on defibrillator policies, emergency evacuations, and health and safety incidents. The committee also discussed the importance of maintaining public safety in council buildings and the need for better reporting and management of health and safety resources.

Defibrillator Policy

The committee discussed the defibrillator policy, which has been approved by the Executive Management Team. Councillor Chris Best emphasized the need for a comprehensive list of defibrillators across the council estate and suggested that public spaces like libraries and shopping centers should have defibrillators. Rich Clark, the council's head of assurance, mentioned that the policy focuses on supporting sites that have or want to acquire defibrillators and ensuring they are properly maintained. The committee expressed disappointment that the policy would be reviewed in a year's time due to resource constraints and urged for more immediate action.

Emergency Evacuations

Rich Clark reported on the ongoing efforts to improve emergency evacuation procedures, particularly in the Catford complex. The council is working on consolidating its approach into a written procedure to be applied across other sites. Compliance with evacuation drills has generally been good, and the council aims to continue monitoring and reporting on these exercises.

Health and Safety Inspections

The committee reviewed the results of health and safety inspections across various council buildings. Issues identified included wedged doors, moss formation in garden areas, and unrecorded monthly checks of water tap temperatures. Councillor Carol Webley-Brown raised concerns about the Crofton Park Library, which is managed by B22, and the need for better reporting of incidents in public areas. Rich Clark agreed to look into the matter.

Health and Safety Resources

Rich Clark announced that the council has received in-principle agreement to reorganize health and safety resources, which will increase the capacity to deliver health and safety improvements. This reorganization is expected to be detailed in future meetings.

Health and Safety Incidents

The committee reviewed health and safety incidents reported in the last six months. There was a notable decline in reported incidents from schools, which is being investigated. Councillor Chris Best inquired about housing incidents, specifically related to damp and mold, and how they are reported. Rich Clark clarified that such incidents are handled by the property compliance team within the housing directorate.

RIDDOR Incidents

The committee reviewed RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) incidents, which are more serious and require specific reporting to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The council has centralized its reporting to the HSE to ensure consistency and quality.

Meeting Time Adjustment

The committee agreed to change the meeting time to 6 PM to accommodate members with full-time jobs while being mindful of officers' work schedules.

Future Agenda Items

Members were invited to suggest additional topics for future meetings, with a plan to canvas for ideas a month before the next meeting on October 10th.


Dr Catherine Mbema
wayne Wilson
Mick Lear
Rich Clarke
Matthew Henaughan
Joan Hutton
Paul Boulton
Jasmine Kassim
Clare Weaser
David Austin
Sarah Assibey
Councillor Paul Bell
Profile image for Councillor Laura Cunningham
Councillor Laura Cunningham  Labour Party •  Ladywell
Councillor Dawn Atkinson
Councillor Chris Best