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Mansfield and District Crematorium Joint Committee - Monday, 20th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting began with routine administrative tasks, including recording consent, apologies for absence, and the appointment of a new chair and vice-chair. The main discussions focused on the operations report and the annual statement of accounts.

The most significant topic was the operations report presented by Nada. The report covered several key issues:

  1. Staffing Restructure: The council is consulting with staff to reinstate weekend working, which had been previously stopped, causing issues. The restructure aims to save around £12,000 annually in staffing costs.

  2. Cremator Maintenance: The council is facing challenges with ageing cremators. There was a recent breakdown, but it was quickly resolved. Cremator number three is scheduled for re-lining, which will take it out of action for 3-4 weeks. Cremator number four has software issues but is still operational.

  3. Community Services: The council held a successful Mother's Day service in March and plans to replicate it for Father's Day in June. They are also planning additional services, including one for bereaved children, in collaboration with local charities.

  4. Cremation Numbers: There has been a 15% reduction in cremation numbers compared to the previous year, attributed to limited capacity due to cremator issues and a general dip in excess death rates. The council is working with families to find alternative dates when necessary.

Councillor Smith inquired about cremation statistics from other crematoriums, but the data for 2023 is not yet available. Councillor Whitby suggested the dip in excess deaths might be due to a previous increase during the pandemic.

The council voted to note the operations report.

The next significant topic was the annual statement of accounts, presented by the financial officer. Key points included:

  1. Financial Position: The surplus at the end of the financial year was £104,233 better than budgeted, allocated to the general reserve.

  2. Income and Expenditure: Although income was lower due to reduced cremation numbers, total expenditure was also lower, resulting in a better-than-expected financial outcome.

  3. Capital Programme: There was a significant underspend due to delays in decisions regarding the crematorium's redevelopment.

  4. Debt Management: Efforts to reduce aged debt have been successful, with a reduction in older debt and a decrease in provisions for bad debt payments.

The council approved the statement of accounts and related recommendations.

The meeting concluded with noting the dates of the next meetings, the work program, and a resolution to exclude the press and public for the final agenda item.


Councillor Tom Hollis
Councillor Chris Huskinson
Councillor Mrs Helen-Ann Smith
Councillor Andy Burgin
Councillor Stuart Richardson
Councillor Craig Whitby
Profile image for Councillor Lee Brazier
Councillor Lee Brazier  Portfolio Holder- Housing •  Labour •  Ollerton
Profile image for Councillor Paul Peacock
Councillor Paul Peacock  Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance •  Labour •  Edwinstowe & Clipstone
Profile image for Councillor Paul Taylor
Councillor Paul Taylor  Portfolio Holder - Public Protection and Community Relations •  Labour •  Devon
Sue Bearman
Karen Langford