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Joint Public Protection Committee - Monday, 10 June 2024 7.00 pm

June 10, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Joint Public Protection Committee of Bracknell Forest Council discussed several key issues during their meeting on Monday 10 June 2024. The committee reviewed the Public Protection Partnership's service performance for Q4 of 2023-2024, addressed financial deficits, and highlighted staffing successes. They also discussed the strategic assessment for 2024-2027 and a draft nuisance policy.

Public Protection Partnership Service Update

Sean Murphy presented the Q4 service update, noting a significant deficit in income, with a shortfall of nearly £100,000 last year. This was managed by holding vacancies, including within the licensing service. Despite this, the year ended with an underspend of £61,600, primarily due to a late grant for enforcing provisions related to the sale of offensive weapons. The committee agreed to carry forward this underspend into the current financial year.

Murphy also highlighted a dip in customer satisfaction rates, attributed to a low sample size and staff vacancies in the community team. Efforts are being made to improve data collection methods. The service saw an increase in Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and member inquiries, which Murphy viewed positively as it indicates growing awareness of the service.

Staffing improvements were noted, with the licensing team now fully staffed and successful recruitment of experienced officers. Additionally, three of the four level four apprentices have completed their end-point assessments, with the fourth expected to do so soon.

Strategic Assessment 2024-2027

The committee reviewed the strategic assessment for 2024-2027, which outlines the known demands on the service and sets priorities. Key areas include climate change, safeguarding, protecting vulnerable people, and e-crime. The assessment aims to balance these demands with available resources and will be used as a basis for future prioritisation discussions.

Draft Nuisance Policy

Suzanne McClellan introduced the draft nuisance policy for 2024-2027, which aims to ensure a consistent and transparent approach to handling nuisance complaints. The policy will cover both reactive and proactive measures and will be open for public consultation for six weeks. The committee approved the draft policy for consultation, with findings to be discussed at the October meeting.

Questions and Discussions

Councillor Allen raised concerns about the timing of backfilling roles for staff on maternity leave. Murphy explained that resource allocation is continuously reviewed, and efforts are made to deploy trainees to cover gaps. Councillor Cartlidge suggested nominating the Public Protection Partnership for a Heroes Award from the Chartered Institute of Trading Standards, recognising their extensive consumer protection work.

Councillor Montgomery inquired about the details of petroleum inspections, to which George responded that all inspections went well with no non-compliances reported.

The meeting concluded with unanimous approval of the recommendations and plans for the next meeting to be held on 7 October 2024 at the West Berkshire County Council offices.

