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Annual Meeting, Joint Waste Disposal Board - Thursday, 13 June 2024 9.30 am

June 13, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Joint Waste Disposal Board of Bracknell Forest Council met on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss various topics related to waste management and recycling. Key decisions included the approval of a trial for the reuse of large electrical items and the circulation of a draft response to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme consultation.

Progress Report

Sarah Innes, Monitoring and Performance Officer for re3, presented the latest Progress Report. Key points included:

  • Recycling Rates: Recycling rates in re3 authorities have broadly increased over the past five years, unlike other local authorities.
  • FlexCollect Trial: The trial expansion in Reading is on track for 24 June 2024. Initial data from Bracknell Forest suggests a high participation rate, though more data is needed for validation.
  • Reuse of Large WEEE Items: A 3-month trial for the reuse of large electrical items was proposed to understand the number of items suitable for reuse and their potential destinations.
  • Contamination Rates: There has been a slight increase in contamination rates, and understanding the reasons behind this is crucial.

Members raised concerns about the additional costs associated with an increase in hardcore and rubble and welcomed the opportunity for the reuse of large WEEE items. It was also noted that the Bracknell trial scheme had reached its maximum number of households, with no plans for expansion.

Communications Report

Monika Bulmer, re3 Marketing and Communications Officer, shared an update on the Communications Report. Highlights included:

  • Scrapp App: The app has over 3,000 active users and positive feedback. Work is ongoing to launch the notifications feature.
  • Foil Campaign: The campaign saw great engagement across Easter, particularly with schools.
  • ReGrow Compost: The compost continues to be distributed to community sites with positive feedback.
  • Reuse Pop-Up Shops: Successful events have been held, with plans for more, including in Wokingham.

Members reflected on 25 years of the re3 partnership, congratulating past and present board members. Information on the partnership’s anniversary will be published later in the year.

Legislation Report

Oliver Burt, Strategic Waste Manager and Project Director, presented the Legislation Report. Key points included:

  • WEEE Consultation: The outcome is likely to be delayed due to the General Election.
  • Simpler Recycling: The exemption allowing councils to collect glass alongside dry recyclables has been confirmed. Potential costs for amendments to the recycling plant are being assessed.
  • Residual Waste Collection: The requirement to collect residual waste no less than fortnightly will soon be statutory guidance, though it is not legally binding.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility: Councils will be put into performance cohorts to determine funding levels, expected to be confirmed in Spring 2025 with funding available from 2026.

Members were also informed that the consultation for the UK Emissions Trading Scheme concludes on 18 July 2024, and their input will be sought after the General Election.

Financial Report

Members received the Annual Financial Report and noted the partnership's financial position as of the end of 2023/2024. They also noted the FY24/25 budget and the re3 tonnage trends.

For more details, you can refer to the Printed minutes of the meeting.


Councillor Karen Rowland Reading Borough Council
Councillor Liz Terry Reading Borough Council
Councillor Ian Shenton Wokingham Borough Council
Councillor Lindsay Ferris
George Framalicco
Councillor Paul Fishwick
Councillor Jordan Montgomery