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Executive - Tuesday, 21 May 2024 5.30 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting primarily focused on the approval of the Youth Strategy for 2024-2027 and the closure of College Hall Pupil Referral Unit (PRU). Both topics were discussed in detail, with decisions made on each.

Youth Strategy 2024-2027:

  • Audrey Johnson presented the Youth Strategy, which aims to provide a clear vision for youth provision in Bracknell Forest over the next three years. The strategy includes revising the operating model of the Targeted Youth Support Service and coordinating youth work activities across the borough.
  • The strategy has been extensively consulted with young people, families, and professionals, including schools, community groups, and external partners like the Parent Carer Forum.
  • Key points of the strategy include leveraging external funding, including £117,000 of time-limited grant funding, to create a cohesive youth work offer.
  • Councillor Penneal raised concerns about future budgets and the celebration day for young people. Audrey Johnson assured that the strategy would leverage a range of funding sources and that the celebration day would be planned in consultation with young people.
  • Councillor Jeffreys asked about resources for preventing exploitation, to which Audrey Johnson responded that a whole-system approach involving multiple partners would be employed.
  • Councillor Wright inquired about reaching out to the traveller community, and Audrey Johnson confirmed that efforts would be made to engage all vulnerable groups.
  • The strategy aligns with the 2023 government statutory guidance, ensuring compliance and a thorough needs assessment.
  • The strategy was unanimously approved, with Councillor Bailie and the leader expressing strong support for the comprehensive and collaborative approach.

Closure of College Hall Pupil Referral Unit:

  • Duane Chappell presented the recommendation to close College Hall PRU, which is part of the Council's safety valve proposals. The closure is planned for 31st August 2024.
  • A public consultation received 57 responses, with 35 opposing the closure. The main concern was the need for more specialist provision, which is already in the plan.
  • Councillor Penneal asked about the future of current pupils. Duane Chappell explained that Year 11 students would complete their education without disruption, and personalized plans would be in place for other students.
  • Councillor Gilbee inquired about lessons learned from the inadequate Ofsted rating. Duane Chappell mentioned ongoing support and reflective work to improve future provisions.
  • Councillor Jeffreys raised concerns about staff well-being, and Duane Chappell assured that HR and regular meetings were in place to support staff.
  • The closure was approved, with plans to redirect finances to new local SEND provisions, including a new SEMH school and special resource provisions for pupils with autism and communication needs.

The meeting concluded with the approval of both the Youth Strategy and the closure of College Hall PRU, aiming to improve youth services and educational provisions in Bracknell Forest.